Human Rights

End Reported Racial Discrimination of Job Seekers

Racial bias has cost some job seekers to lose opportunities when hiring teams seemingly used racial identity to alienate certain candidates. Demand racial identification questions be removed from job applications to end this apparent discrimination.

Stop Stealing What Is Left of Native Land

Native American land is being taken over by the federal government. Additionally, land still owned by tribes often comes with heavy restrictions for use of natural resources, something quintessential to native cultures. Demand the Bureau of Land Management lift restrictions, return property to its rightful owners, and stop stealing from those who were there first.

Success: Potentially Innocent Man Granted Stay of Execution

A doomed inmate whom evidence suggests may have been wrongfully convicted now has another chance to fight for his freedom and his life. Applaud the reprieve given to Richard Glossip.

Stop Reported Extortion of Detainees’ Families

The soon-to-be-host of a major global sporting event stands accused of imprisoning foreigners for payoffs. Call on Qatar to end its alleged wrongful detentions and blackmail attempts.

Stop Thousands of Children From Starving to Death Due to Civil War

Tens of thousands of children and other innocent people are dying from a lack of food due to Ethiopia’s civil war. We must take action to save these innocent people from death and suffering.

Success: Marriage Equality Reigns Supreme

Another nation has affirmed the right of matrimony to same-sex couples. Applaud the formal legalization of gay marriage throughout Mexico.

Grant Financial Support to a Country Recovering From Tyranny and Famine

Venezuela has been hit hard by poor leadership and the effects of sanctions against corrupt leaders. Their recent changes towards a more stable government and the need to regrow the economy is an opportunity to mend a broken partnership. Demand America take action now to reestablish a working relationship with Venezuela that includes increased humanitarian aid.

Save Struggling Nations From Devastating Floods

Catastrophic flooding claimed thousands of lives and upended the entire economy in Pakistan. For other vulnerable nations, the climate crisis could take an even more punishing toll. Call for meaningful aid to combat the next environmental turned humanitarian disaster.

Don’t Endanger Black Women’s Health With Allegedly Toxic Hair Products

Discrimination based on natural hair and ethnic hairstyles may be costing minority Americans opportunities and even their lives. Demand an end to these prejudicial practices.

Plant More Shade Trees in Low Income Neighborhoods

Low income neighborhoods in cities are often overlooked when municipalities plant shade trees. Larger trees improve quality of life by cooling the air with their shade and creating more scenic streets. Ensure residents of low income areas have access to the benefits of trees.

Success: Cannabis Possession No Longer Punished With Prison Time

Cannabis users will no longer be branded federal criminals because of their personal and health choices. Support the reevaluation of marijuana possession as a crime worthy of incarceration.

Stop Unstable Mass Murderers From Victimizing Children

Over twenty children have died and more have suffered in a horrendous mass shooting and stabbing event allegedly perpetrated by an ex-police officer. Unstable adults wielding weapons is a serious world-wide problem that must be addressed. Urge more investment in life-saving mental health support for individuals on the brink.

Prioritize Room for People, Not Cars

There is a severe housing shortage in cities like Philadelphia and cars are part of the problem. Urge leaders to prioritize residential housing over more parking spaces.

Don’t Prioritize Cheap Cocoa Over Human Rights

The Mars Cocoa company seemingly continues to support underpaid and child labor in overseas production of their cocoa. Demand the organization act now to use support human rights as well as encourage other national brands to do the same.

Stop Endangering and Exploiting Workers at Lululemon Factories

Workers at Lululemon factories reportedly face physical harassment, verbal abuse, and grueling long hours. Urge this company to use its role as a leader in the fashion industry to set a better example.

Don’t Let Women Die at Hands of Morality Police

Massive protests have erupted in the wake of an Iranian woman’s death in the custody of the morality police. This woman was reportedly deprived of her freedom, and her life, because of a headscarf. Demand real change to prevent the next tragedy.

Success: Rights of Unionizing Workers Supported and Upheld

In the battle between megacorporation Starbucks and its employees, the underdog workers are scoring needed victories with unionization and employee benefits. Applaud these wins for workers’ rights.

Stop Restricting Use of Public Beaches

Maine’s coastline is a beautiful resource that should be accessible to all residents. However, the state has closed off many of its public areas, negatively affecting both tourism and local morale. Support access to public beaches.

Provide Basic Income That Supports America’s Artists

Artists make the world beautiful and many of them live in poverty due to unemployment and low wages. Universal basic income would provide them much-needed relief and time to focus on their creative passions. Demand the president establish a basic income for struggling artists throughout the United States, as the worth of their work is inestimable.

Stop Allowing School Cafeterias to Throw Away Fresh Food

Hundreds of thousands of tons of usable food are thrown away each year in the United States, while millions of people go hungry. Support reducing food waste at schools to help people and the planet.

Stop Exploiting Innocent Refugees for Political Gain

The bussing of refugees by two governors is creating a burden on taxpayers and compounding a humanitarian crisis. Cynical politics is once again taking a devastating real-world toll. Demand a more humane and less exploitative approach to the plight of these people.

Demand Reparations for Victims of British Slave Trade

The Caribbean is struggling to remain financially afloat while weathering the effects of climate change. The British Commonwealth can help by paying reparations to a community they wronged during the slave trade. Demand the new king take moral and financial responsibility for his nation’s troubling history.

Don’t Punish Royal Protesters for Speaking Out Against Colonial Legacy

Protesters in the United Kingdom are reportedly being deprived of their right to free speech in the wake of the queen’s death. Urge authorities to uphold democratic ideals during this grieving period.

Don’t Push Vulnerable People Back Onto the Streets

Essential funds that keep people at risk of COVID housed will soon dry up. Call for a renewal of this funding to save our neighbors in need.

Success: Draconian Abortion Bans Blocked

Pro-choice advocates have secured important recent wins in the fight for reproductive rights. Applaud these victories and what they convey about American beliefs regarding privacy and freedom.

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