The rise of greenhouse gasses has led to some regions receiving financial compensation for their efforts to reduce this environmental poison. Africa is a major player working with polluters but is not paid as equally as others. Demand fair compensation for African nations who are helping to save the planet.
Chemical companies want to classify toxic facilities as “recycling” plants, evading health and environmental regulations. Don’t let polluters get away with greenwashing hazardous waste.
The meat and dairy industry’s huge contribution to the global climate crisis is once again being overlooked by policymakers. Call for action to reduce carbon emissions from animal agriculture.
3M produces toxic chemicals that reportedly leech into nature and eventually our drinking water. This powerful company has seemingly admitted the adverse effects its products can have on people but has done little to address it. Demand 3M work to reverse potential harm done and prevent anyone else from getting sick.
Yellow dragon disease, a deadly bacterium carried in insects, is targeting orange trees around the world. Demand global leaders utilize a natural predator to fight this deadly foe.
A wave of youth-led activism has upended the politics of climate change and given us a shot at a livable future. Learn more about this mass grassroots uprising and support young people fighting the climate crisis.
Clear alerts for natural disasters save lives, yet a large part of the world lacks these vital aids. Demand more investment in early warnings and disaster preparedness as climate change worsens.
The aftermath of Halloween comes in the form of tons of discarded pumpkins and candy wrappers, almost all of which end up in landfills. Fortunately, there is a chance at a new life for these items through compost and recycling. Demand easy access to viable recycling programs in all communities.
Pumpkins and other crops are in short supply due to soil degradation. No-till farming could provide the lifeline they need to experience a resurgence. Demand agriculture experts invest in this potential solution.
Litter pollutes the environment and negatively impacts quality of life in cities. This problem disproportionately affects low-income communities, who have fewer waste disposal options. Call for a more equitable distribution of urban trashcans.
A coastal town may have been rescued from falling into the sea, and one of its saviors was Mother Nature herself. Urge stronger investments in natural techniques to prevent beach erosion.
The country’s waterways are under threat from manure created by the hundreds of thousands of chickens at Tyson Foods’ partnering farms. This pollution disrupts the food chain and can cause both humans and animals to become sick or even die. Tell Tyson to act now and hold all farms it works with accountable.
A fixture of the Alaskan seas is in danger due to climate change and overfishing. We must save the snow crab before it’s too late.
The natural world is in crisis, and so are the talks that could help save it. An international biodiversity conference could provide a global solution to an extinction-level problem, and yet China’s president may not attend. Demand global leaders start getting serious about protecting Mother Nature.
Electric vehicles are much better for the climate than conventional cars, but to be truly sustainable they must be powered by renewables. Call for a network of solar charging stations.
The U.S. needs to invest more into public transportation. With traffic clogging our highways and emissions from cars adding to climate change, accessible transit can address two problems at once. Help make public transit a focus for the U. S. Department of Transportation.
Fish are finally being recognized as sentient beings who feel pain and fear. This means that dragging them from the water to asphyxiate or cutting them apart can equate to torture. Demand fisheries recognize this reality by adopting more humane practices.
Life in our oceans is dying out. We must stop the greedy over-fishing now.
Bees are at a risk of endangerment and extinction worldwide. Overdevelopment of land in New Jersey, where they once thrived, has eliminated resources bees rely on to live and reproduce. Demand the state act now to prevent wild bee populations from becoming extinct.
A total of 230 pilot whales washed up on the shores of an Australian island; the majority dehydrated to death under the hot sun. Scientists cite climate change, habitat loss, and overfishing as the likely causes of this event and warn against future catastrophes of similar scale. Demand we do more to protect our oceans and their animals.
Dragging alligators behind cars and shooting them with a device that causes a slow and painful death are acceptable practices in Florida. Demand an end to this cruelty.
Over 500 environmental protections, including safeguards for bees, could be struck down within months. Demand a key European region stop gambling with its future and the fate of the planet.
Climate change, caused by greenhouse gas emissions, has killed more than 600 penguins in Brazil. Unfortunately, while this country’s total emissions account for only 1% of the world’s total, its people and wildlife are forced to live with the damage caused by other nations. Demand climate action is taken immediately.
Emissions from fossil fuels are one of the leading contributors to the global climate crisis. While solar panels exist as a renewable alternative, they are not commonly used. Demand solar panels be incentivized to reduce the environmental footprint.
The welfare of wild animals has long since taken a back seat in the research world. New York University has become one of the first institutions to launch a program that will study the impact of human activity and associated environmental changes on animals. Demand other research universities and institutes implement similar initiatives and dedicate resources to the biodiversity crisis.