Use the ‘Science of the Stars’ to Save our Planet

Target: Jennifer Granholm, U.S. Secretary of Energy

Goal: Advocate for nuclear fusion technology and invest in its application.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory made headlines when it announced a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion. While most people are more familiar with the nuclear fission process (splitting apart nuclei) used to create atomic weapons and nuclear power, fusion (the combination of nuclei) is lesser known because until now it has not produced an energy surplus. But after decades, scientists have taken a big step forward in recreating the process that powers the sun and stars and could one day offer limitless energy potential.

Best of all, this energy source could supplant the fossils fuels so detrimental to the environment. Nuclear fusion could not only offer a bountiful supply of energy, but a safer and cleaner energy that could be a major boost in the fight against climate change. But right now, the potential is theoretical because it is not forecast to be available for widespread use for decades. A serious and committed investment could alter this timeline, though.

Sign the petition below to urge American leaders to put full financial and logistical support behind this technology that could truly change the world.


Dear Secretary Granholm,

The nuclear fusion breakthrough is the best example of American innovation and promise. This country has the same fuel that has sustained the universe within its grasp, and the opportunity cannot slip through our fingers. If its full potential is realized, the technology could provide limitless clean and safe energy that leaves little waste (unlike its nuclear fission counterpart). Most importantly, it could help every nation reach critical climate goals.

But the planet does not have limitless time, which is why prolonged and deep investment must happen now. Help reestablish this nation as an environmental and a trusted world leader. Support the science of nuclear fusion.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: NASA


  1. Lucille Serody says:

    Advanced technology may be the way to save our planet. Please continue to do the necessary research and develop applications to provide energy sources other than fossil fuels before we burn ourselves up.

  2. Maria Lavorato says:

    One would hope and expect that all would be researched in order to save our planet and that is mostly in the hands of world leaders…

  3. Joyce Stoffers says:

    Time is crucial! Investment now.

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3820 Signatures

  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Gregory Brooks
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Michelle Blackley
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Dana Kaplan
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