
Success: Elementary School Installs Latest Metal Detectors

After a 6-year-old’s shooting of a teacher at school, the community demanded better safety measures. Appreciate this timely step taken to ensure teacher and student safety from gun violence.

Don’t Sacrifice African American Studies for Political Grandstanding

Florida’s leadership is again trying to weaponize the education of children as artillery in its never-ending culture wars. This time a class on African American history is in its crosshairs. Call for an end to the politicization of history itself.

Improve Safety Measures in Schools Following Reported Shooting of Teacher

A teacher was reportedly shot by an elementary school student, calling attention to school safety concerns in the USA. Several teachers, parents, and students recently met the school board to present their views. Demand Newport News Public Schools pay urgent attention to implementing safe learning conditions.

Don’t Rewrite American History to Feed a Political Agenda

A prominent governor could be depriving students of learning about the full scope of American history. His proposal includes factual mistakes and a serious downplaying of historical discrimination. Call on the governor to stop playing politics with education and history itself.

Don’t Drive College Grads Into Further Debt

Forgiven student debt may come with a major price tag attached if some states follow through on a new tax. Demand amendment of murky laws that could cancel out key financial and educational benefits.

Make Healthy, Humane, Plant-Based Foods Available to Students

Students will now have better access to healthy, sustainable, humane plant-based foods at school in California. Encourage New York to make similar investments towards the future health of our young people and the planet.

Delay School Start Times to Set Students Up for Success

The majority of all US adolescents start school too early to get enough sleep, causing chronic health issues and lower academic performances. Call on officials to prioritize students and institute later start times for middle and high schools.

Stop Treating Student Interns as Free Labor

Unpaid student interns often face exploitation from supervisors who use them as a free source of labor. Demand the State of New York enforce tighter regulation surrounding these types of internships and help students get the financial support they need while also advancing their careers.

Stop Derision of Public School Teachers

Tennessee’s governor is uplifting a man who has ridiculed teachers and sought to eradicate the public school system. Urge this leader to rethink his educational allegiances.

Stop Politicians From Dictating School Curriculums

Censorship and politics are keeping students from experiencing a full and complete education. Urge honest, critical engagement about racism and other difficult subjects in America’s classrooms.

Don’t Cancel Program That Financially Helps Young Artists

A summer program that helps New York State youth explore and learn more about the arts without financial burden has been cancelled. The governor has not come out with any details about why it was suspended, and it is not clear if the program will resume. Call on Governor Hochul to resume this essential program for the arts.

Stop Banning Books in Texas

Censorship is alive and well in Texas schools, leaving students ill-prepared to think about and deal with the real world. Urge leaders to stop banning books for their political agendas.

Help Children Succeed With Publicly Funded Preschool

Children with access to early education are far more likely to succeed in school. Publicly funded preschool can ensure that all kids have access to this vital opportunity. Demand that every U.S. child be given access to free schooling.

Provide More Funding for K-12 School Counselors

America’s school system is grossly neglecting the mental health of the youth. It’s time we listened to the students’ cries for help and increase the counseling budget for K-12 schools nationwide.

Don’t Allow College Loan Debt to Cripple Students

Student debt affects over 43 million Americans, predominantly People of Color. As tuition costs continue to skyrocket, forgiveness is increasingly urgent. Act now to grant relief to those suffering.

Fly Rainbow Pride Flags in Classrooms to Support Bullied Youth

The rainbow pride flag, a symbol of safety for some of the nation’s most marginalized youth, is being attacked and banned in classrooms. This is the latest toxic behavior coming from self-centered adults in America’s school systems. Demand one school district lift its destructive ban on this LGBTQ+ symbol.

Success: Student Loan Borrowers Protected From Ruin

Hard-working students scored another win after the Department of Education reinstated an additional vital protection. The new move will help ensure millions of student loan borrowers enjoy a hassle-free and honest process. Applaud the department’s new leadership for making the right moves for students.

Success: Rights of All American Students Affirmed

Predators who manipulate and exploit America’s education system could finally face a day of reckoning. Applaud essential progress made in the fight against education fraud, harassment, and discrimination.

Empty classroom - Coyot

Success: University Ordered to Suspend In-Person Classes During Pandemic

Liberty University’s president refused to suspend in-person classes during the pandemic, claiming that the coronavirus was being exaggerated by the media. Virginia governor Ralph Northam has issued a statewide mandate to end in-person classes, which will force Liberty University to close its campus and stop forcing its students to risk exposure to the virus. Commend Governor Northam for protecting students’ and faculty’s health when their own university would not.

Success: Pregnant Girls No Longer Banned From Schools

Sierra Leone has lifted a years-long ban on pregnant girls coming to school. This law was just one of many harsh cruelties faced by young girls in African countries, a reminder that society and the law see them as lesser people than boys and men and denying them even basic human rights. Once the COVID-19 crisis is over, however, this will no longer be the case. Thank the Sierra Leone school system for lifting this unfair ban.

Success: Early Childhood Punishments Limited

Young children will be less likely to receive suspensions and expulsions from the Colorado school system, thanks to child welfare advocates. These punishments have only been shown to worsen behavioral problems in young students and their abolishment will make room for healthier behavioral conditioning. Sign this petition to thank those who advocated alternative ways to help these students.

Success: Frat Members Indefinitely Suspended for Racist Behavior

Syracuse University has made a clear demonstration that discrimination will not be tolerated on campus. Praise officials for taking substantial action against students engaging in hate speech and intolerance.

Success: ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Put Back on School Shelves

A school district in Mississippi has un-banned Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Thank the school for making this move, but ask that administrators continue to ensure that the book reaches the hands of all students.

Success: Coach Accused of Forcing Cheerleaders into Splits Fired

The cheer coach who has been accused of emotionally and physically abusing his young team of cheerleaders has been fired. Thank the school district’s superintendent for protecting his students.

Success: Trump’s Requested Education Cuts Rejected

Massive cuts to the education and medical research budgets in favor of the construction of a border wall that Trump requested will not be included in the 2017 spending bill. Support this Congressional action, which is in the best interest of the country.

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