Fly Rainbow Pride Flags in Classrooms to Support Bullied Youth

Target: Reid Newey, Superintendent of Davis School District

Goal: Do not ban flags intended to show support for marginalized LGBTQ+ students.

October marks National Bullying Prevention Month. This initiative tackles one of the most prevalent problems in today’s schools. Children who feel ostracized and intimidated are at higher risk of depression and, tragically, suicide. The numbers of LGBTQ+ youth who report being bullied are nearly twice as high as incidents reported by straight or gender-conforming kids. These statistics represent the untold stories of countless young people on the precipice. Schools can and should be a place to give shelter, comfort, and help to these youth. Yet one school district in Utah has seemingly gone out of its way to make these children feel even more isolated.

The Davis School District recently banned rainbow pride flags under the guise of being “politically neutral.” At its very core, this maneuver appears all about politics, exploiting a cultural wedge issue to appease certain adults and gain their favor. Pride flags help assure struggling kids they are not alone and they will not be judged or harassed because of who they are. They provide LGBTQ+ youth a sense of peace and security. They are about the mental well-being of children, not politics.

This district initially claimed it would ban all flags save for the American flag, yet plenty of sports flags and flags from other countries have flown since the ban without interference. Sign the petition below to demand this school district rescind its harmful ban and put the well-being of kids over a few loud-mouthed adults.


Dear Superintendent Newey,

All flags are symbols. They represent values and ideals. When you ban a particular flag, you are shunning what that piece of fabric really reflects. For LGBTQ+ youth, the rainbow pride flag represents inclusivity, non-judgment, and an outstretched hand. With one callous dictate, you took this small measure of security away from children already at higher risk for bullying, depression, and suicide.

You claim you are trying to be politically neutral, yet you are catering to the most politically charged who want to weaponize issues that fundamentally impact the lives of young people for their own ends. The pride flag is no more political than the team sports flags still being displayed in your district. The difference: the “team” represented by this flag always seems to come out on the losing end because of selfish adults. They do not just lose games, however; many of them lose their lives.

Children are tearing down, shredding, and degrading these flags and bullying their peers because they are following the heinous example of so-called adults. Make a real statement for National Bullying Prevention Month. Stop your political divisiveness in the guise of “political neutrality” at the expense of the children under your care. Lift this hateful ban and show your support for all youth.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Monstera

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758 Signatures

  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • eric hennuy
  • Laura A Parker
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