Animal Welfare

Success: Charges Dropped Against Rescuer Who Saved Animals From Hurricane

Charges have been dropped against an animal rescuer who opened up a temporary shelter for dozens of animals during Hurricane Florence. Applaud this action that acknowledges that this woman acted out of compassion and therefore should not be punished.

Success: Cruel Cosmetic Animal Testing Banned in California

Cosmetic products developed using the inhumane practice of testing on animals will now be banned in California, thanks to the unanimous support of lawmakers. Sign this petition to praise this decision that makes it illegal for non-cruelty free cosmetics to be sold statewide.

Success: Wild Horses Likely Spared From Experimental Surgeries

Wild mares living in the western United States will no longer be subjected to dangerous sterilization procedures following a university’s decision to withdraw its participation from this government proposal. Sign this petition and applaud this institution for not agreeing to carry out these inhumane and experimental surgeries.

Success: Indonesia to Ban Cruel Cat and Dog Meat Trade

The inhumane dog and cat meat trade that has brutally slaughtered thousands of innocent animals will soon be banned in Indonesia. Thanks to the newly proposed ban, these animals will no longer have to endure lives spent in captive abuse only to be killed to satisfy consumer demand. Sign this petition to thank Indonesian officials for calling for this important and life-saving ban.

Success: Brussels Bans Animal Testing, Saves Thousands

From kittens slaughtered by a government agency to baboons tortured with exploitative surgeries, cruel testing procedures bring terror to scores of animals every day. Applaud a progressive Belgian region for saying ‘no more’ to these atrocities.

Success: Animals Rescued from Roadside Zoo and Brought to Sanctuaries

Several exotic and endangered animals were rescued from a roadside zoo and transferred to sanctuaries. Support this victory for animal welfare and demand that efforts are continued to ensure that all of the animals from Deer Haven Mini Zoo are saved.

Support Major Food Companies in Banning Animal Testing

The lives of countless innocent mice and rats will be saved as four high-profile companies commit to banning cruel animal experiments. Support these new policies and PETA’s continued efforts to ban corporations’ cruel animal testing.

Thousands of Dogs Found Starving and Beaten Deserve Justice

Dogs living within an indigenous community in Australia have been found starving and suffering with signs of obvious neglect and abuse. Volunteers report finding thousands of dogs who have been beaten or who are malnourished, some have had their paws cut-off. Sign this petition to demand justice for these innocent dogs.

Success: Efforts to Protect Pets From Abusers Moves Forward

Abusers are often master manipulators, and a favorite weapon of choice for these perpetrators is a victim’s much-loved pet. Every year, animals by the thousands are collateral damage in violent domestic disputes. Applaud legislation that will better shield all victims from controlling criminals.

Praise Fashion Brand ASOS for No Longer Using Mohair, Cashmere, Silk, or Feathers

Starting January 2019, the fashion brand ASOS will no longer sell clothing made from mohair, cashmere, silk or feathers. Applaud ASOS for no longer contributing to the suffering of animals in these industries.

Success: Teacher Who Fed Puppy to Snapping Turtle Charged With Animal Cruelty

The teacher who fed a dog to a snapping turtle was charged with animal cruelty. Sign this petition to praise the attorney general’s office for charging him with a crime in the cruel death of this innocent dog.

Success: Volkswagen to End Cruel Exhaust Tests on Monkeys

Horrific experiments that forced monkeys to breathe diesel exhaust will no longer be conducted by Volkswagen, nor will any other animal testing unless required by law, according to an announcement by the company. Support this victory for compassion and animal welfare.

Success: Charges Filed Against Mink Farm Accused of Animal Cruelty

A mink farm in southwestern Ontario faces 14 counts of animal abuse after an undercover investigation revealed ¨filthy¨ living conditions. Footage appeared to show distressed minks with neglected open wounds in maggot-ridden environments. Sign the petition to congratulate the animal welfare organization for initiating the formal charges and bringing justice to the victims of the global fur industry.

Success: Indiana Will Not Force Slaughter of Wild Animals

Thousands of animals will be spared a needless death as Indiana withdraws proposals for new rules, including one that would have forced animal control workers to kill wildlife. Support this move toward humanity and compassion.

Success: Breeder Accused of Abusing Over 80 Pets Banned From Owning Animals

More than 80 cats and dogs were removed from a breeding facility where they reportedly suffered from neglect and infection. The owner was recently banned from owning pets for the next seven years. Sign the petition below to thank Canadian authorities for protecting more animals from becoming victims of this alleged abuser.

Success: TripAdvisor Increases Animal Welfare Requirements

TripAdvisor has updated its policies and tightened its standards of animal welfare so that it will no longer promote exploitative attractions that force animals to perform for human entertainment. Support this important stand for the well-being of animals around the world.

Success: America’s Pets to be Protected with Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition

Dogs and cats will finally be nationally protected from cruel slaughter for their meat by the U.S. House Agriculture Committee. Support this important step for animal welfare and combatting the inhumane dog and cat meat trade.

Success: Award Recognition Removed for Destinations that Allegedly Abuse Animals

TripAdvisor has removed its Certificate of Excellence award from three allegedly abusive wildlife attractions. Sign this petition to thank the travel site for no longer rewarding these destinations for their reportedly cruel treatment of animals.

Success: United Airlines to Stop Subjecting Animals to Cruel Deaths in Cargo Compartments

Motivated by public outrage over the death of a dog forced to spend a flight in an overhead bin and other senseless animal killings, United Airlines announced it will suspend reservations for transporting animals via cargo until it can review its processes. Sign this petition to express support for this much needed change.

Success: Luxury Brand Stops Using Fur

A popular handbag and accessory brand has decided to no longer use fur in its products. This will save countless animals from unnecessary pain and premature death. Sign this petition to show your support of the brand’s recent decision.

Applaud Rent the Runway for Eliminating Fur Products from Inventory

Rent the Runway, a fashion brand that allows customers to rent designer pieces, recently made the decision to stop carrying products with fur. Sign this petition to applaud the company’s compassionate decision.

Success: Abusive Greyhound Track is Closed

Abuse, imprisonment, and death are the legacy of Asia’s only greyhound racetrack. In July this tragic legacy will be part of history. Applaud the soon-to-be-abolition of an insidiously cruel practice on the world’s largest continent.

Success: Teen Charged with Torturing Puppy Found Guilty

Eight months after being charged with animal cruelty, a teen who tortured and tried to kill a six-week-old puppy has been found guilty. In the wake of so many animal cruelty cases, it is heartening to see an abuser get what they deserve. Sign this petition to thank the Illinois courts for handing down the verdict an animal abuser deserves.

Success: Man Who Brutally Stomped Puppy to Death Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

A boxer puppy was beaten and stomped in a senseless act of violence. While this dog’s life could not be spared, Texas officials have ensured that the man responsible will be severely punished for this barbaric act. Sign this petition to express support for this sentencing.

Success: State Leaders Back Ban on Import and Sale of Animal-Tested Products

Skin and eye irritation, force-feeding to induce illness, and forceful chemical ingestion to determine ‘lethal dose’: these are a few of the common ‘testing’ methods performed on animals. For decades, cosmetics and personal care product manufacturers have implemented these brutal practices with impunity. Praise and support the efforts of one state to fight inhumane animal testing.

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