Siberian Husky Apparently Found With Chain Embedded in Neck Deserves Justice

Target: Waterbury, Connecticut Judicial District State’s Attorney Maureen Platt

Goal: Give man appropriate prison sentence for allegedly chaining up his dog and making him live inside shed.

A Siberian Husky named Justice was allegedly found roaming the streets with a metal chain stuck inside his neck. The injury was reportedly so severe, the chain had to be surgically removed. Emanuel Pizarro-Boria was finally arrested after a four-month search and has been charged with animal cruelty, allowing the dog to freely roam, and not getting Justice a rabies shot. Officers suspect that the animal not only remained chained up while in Pizzaro-Boria’s care, but also that the dog was kept by himself inside a shed.

Luckily, Justice survived and is currently in a much better state. However, it is important that the suspect be given the harshest prison sentence possible and that he further no longer be allowed to have pets if he is found guilty of this horrific neglect and abuse. Sign this petition to demand Justice get the justice he deserves if it is found these allegations are true.


Dear State’s Attorney Platt,

Police arrested Emanuel Pizarro-Boria after his dog was allegedly found running around the area with a chain sticking out of his neck. It was further reported that the chain had to be surgically removed. The person suspected of this crime needs to be held accountable to the highest extent of the law if he is found guilty.

Authorities named the dog Justice in the hopes that they could locate whoever harmed the animal. After a four-month search, they finally found and arrested Pizarro-Boria. According to officers, the poor dog had been living permanently chained up inside a shed for an indefinite amount of time. Fortunately, Justice is now recovering and will be able to be adopted once the case is over. However, if Pizarro-Boria is found guilty and receives a light sentence, he will likely continue to abuse and neglect innocent animals. I therefore demand you seek the maximum prison sentence allowed and that you further insist he not be legally able to keep animals in his possession if it is found he is responsible for Justice’s fate to hopefully make sure he will not be able to harm more animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Naugatuck Police Department


  1. This freaking pos deserves the same treatment! What a filthy monster. I’m so glad Justice was saved. May he heal and go to a good loving home.

  2. This poor excuse of a human being does not deserve a jail sentence or tap on the fingers, he deserves exactly what the dog had to endure, and most likely much more than what this article brought to light.

  3. rebecca sanderson says:


  4. Lynne Hardeman says:

    Just not enough severe penalties for those
    who abuse their pets. It breaks my heart time and again

  5. Carol Pearce says:

    Put this P.O.S. in a dungeon jail cell with a SHORT & TIGHT chain around his neck and throw the key away.

  6. This man needs the same treatment he gave this beautiful boy and put in prison with a bunch of big boy animal lovers

  7. Nicole Davis says:


  8. Mercy for me, but never for thee. The human race is regressing at a rapid rate and the most innocent are suffering for MAN’s cruel selfish, and beyond demonic actions.

  9. Chain that disgusting piece of crap outside for years and tighten it every week!!!

  10. Please do the same to the f…. owner.

  11. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    I wish this whore son a painful, extremely painful short life and an even worse death.

  12. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    this human garbage torment and kill the animals – execute them

  13. Julia Edinger says:

    “This freaking pos deserves the same treatment! What a filthy monster. I’m so glad Justice was saved. May he heal and go to a good loving home.” !!!!

  14. Dear State’s Attorney Platt,
    Please prosecute Emanuel Pizzaro-Boria with the absolute maximum punishment and penalty possible so as to make this less than a scum bag of an excuse for a human being- comprehend that chains should NEVER be used as control collars. His dog, “Justice” was suffering in extreme intense pain, and he had no concern for his pet as he also neglected him and kept him shut up in a dark shed locked away in misery and isolation. This perpetrator does not ever need to own an animal ever again, and his punishment should fit the crime with “no mercy shown, no mercy given” being administered. No dog should ever be treated in this cruel and callous cold hearted manner, and he has to be made to understand the gravity of his inhumane actions by imposing the most severe jail sentence time, and to not allow daylight in his dank and dark cell.

  15. Choke these type of SUB-HUMAN EVIL SCUM to death in public!
    I would pay to watch.

  16. Death penalty for bastard abuser/killer,Coward,SOB!
    Justice for the Husky!

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  • Shelley Gairdner
  • Roderick Cavallo
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