Protect Rare Oak Savannas From Relentless Urbanization
Oak savannas, a vital part of the natural heritage, are in peril. Act now to ensure their conservation and protection, preserving the rich biodiversity they once nurtured.
Oak savannas, a vital part of the natural heritage, are in peril. Act now to ensure their conservation and protection, preserving the rich biodiversity they once nurtured.
Karst topography, a network of sinkholes and underground caves, is a stunning natural wonder that may soon disappear. Act now to implement strict regulations and conservation measures to ensure its preservation for future generations.
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake faces imminent extinction due to human encroachment and urban expansion. Act now to save their habitat.
The excessive use of artificial lighting disturbs the harmony of nocturnal wildlife. Protect the natural splendor of the rural night skies.
The Illinois River, a lifeline coursing through the state, is in grave danger due to widespread pollution. Act urgently to protect this vital waterway.
Natural prairie grasslands, renowned for their ecological significance, are in peril due to uncontrolled development. Act now to halt the development threatening these irreplaceable ecosystems.
Elevated nitrogen levels in water bodies, caused by agricultural runoff, create dead zones where aquatic life cannot thrive and communities suffer. Act now to save waters and protect life.
The ground squirrel’s survival is hanging by a thread due to climate change impacts. Protect its habitat and save this vital species from extinction.
Lakes and rivers are in grave danger because of invasive species disrupting the delicate balance of aquatic life. Control them before they irrevocably harm the waterbodies.
The salmon and the steelhead, two vital fish species, are on the brink of extinction due to rapid urbanization destroying their habitat. Act now to prevent a massive loss.
Public lands are suffering from unsustainable livestock grazing. Act now to save the lands and protect the environment.
The stunning wilderness is in peril, its beauty and life under siege by reckless recreation. Defend it with responsible actions and strong regulations.
Precious ecosystems, home to one-of-a-kind plants and animals found nowhere else, are in grave danger due to the overwhelming number of tourists. Choose sustainable tourism now.
Reliance on fossil fuels has tainted the environment and jeopardized the future. Push for renewable energy now.
Rapid Ohia Death, a newly identified fungal disease, relentlessly threatens native forests, endangering their very existence. Take decisive action now.
Honeycreepers, a once abundant and remarkable bird species, are now on the verge of vanishing forever thanks to habitat destruction and disease. Act now to protect them.
Precious native forests are under dire threat from invasive species. Act now to protect these vital ecosystems.
The bright lights along the coast disrupt nesting sea turtles and lure hatchlings away from the safety of the sea. Enforce strict light pollution regulations to save this species.
Barrier Islands, a coastal gem of unparalleled ecological value, now stand endangered by human actions and a changing climate. Act now to safeguard these islands.
A unique river ecosystem is being pushed to the brink by a water pollution crisis, endangering wildlife and people. Take swift action now to protect this vital river.
Longleaf pine forests are in grave danger due to industrial activities. Act now to protect and restore these invaluable ecosystems.
Unplanned and expansive growth of urban areas is endangering natural beauty and ecosystems. Demand leaders embrace sustainable land usage to preserve these natural treasures.
Waterways are under siege as invasive species silently invade, risking the very balance of the aquatic ecosystems. Demand immediate and forceful measures to stop this invasion.
The Florida panther’s survival is in grave jeopardy as it teeters on the edge of extinction. Act now to protect their fragile habitat and ensure their future.
The Everglades is in danger due to inadequate conservation efforts. Act now to protect this vital treasure for generations to come.