Articles written by: Tiffany White

I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.

Don’t Let Soccer Fans Die For Sport

A massive sports event turned into a massive tragedy after 131 people died at a soccer game. Serious violations and breaches allegedly fueled the deadly crush and stampede. Call for accountability and needed change to protect players and fans.

Success: Cannabis Possession No Longer Punished With Prison Time

Cannabis users will no longer be branded federal criminals because of their personal and health choices. Support the reevaluation of marijuana possession as a crime worthy of incarceration.

Dog Reportedly Stabbed Three Times by Man in Fit of Rage Deserves Justice

A man reportedly stabbed his husky three times out of anger. Demand justice for this poor animal.

Stop Agonizing Asphyxiation and Evisceration of Fish

Fish are finally being recognized as sentient beings who feel pain and fear. This means that dragging them from the water to asphyxiate or cutting them apart can equate to torture. Demand fisheries recognize this reality by adopting more humane practices.

Stop Unstable Mass Murderers From Victimizing Children

Over twenty children have died and more have suffered in a horrendous mass shooting and stabbing event allegedly perpetrated by an ex-police officer. Unstable adults wielding weapons is a serious world-wide problem that must be addressed. Urge more investment in life-saving mental health support for individuals on the brink.

Save the Bees From Deadly Disease

Over 500 environmental protections, including safeguards for bees, could be struck down within months. Demand a key European region stop gambling with its future and the fate of the planet.

Provide Clean Water to Community Ravaged By Wildfire

A public health crisis is unfolding in a fire and flood-battered Western community. Clean drinking water remains in critically short supply. Call on the leaders apparently partially responsible for this disaster to extend a stronger helping hand.

Demand Accountability for Alleged Swindling of Taxpayers and Impoverished Communities

America’s poorest state has allegedly been redirecting support for the poor to the ultra-rich and powerful. Mississippi’s state welfare agency reportedly spent over 90 million dollars of its funds for frivolous vanity projects of wealthy citizens. Urge the state’s leader to stop seemingly protecting his influential friends and to start standing up for his most vulnerable constituents.

Justice for Bird Whose Neck Was Reportedly Snapped for Revenge

A woman is accused of breaking a pet bird’s neck in a fit of rage after arguing with her roommate. Demand justice for this defenseless animal.

Don’t Let Women Die at Hands of Morality Police

Massive protests have erupted in the wake of an Iranian woman’s death in the custody of the morality police. This woman was reportedly deprived of her freedom, and her life, because of a headscarf. Demand real change to prevent the next tragedy.

Success: Rights of Unionizing Workers Supported and Upheld

In the battle between megacorporation Starbucks and its employees, the underdog workers are scoring needed victories with unionization and employee benefits. Applaud these wins for workers’ rights.

Declare Climate Crisis Threat to Global Public Health

Deadly diseases and dangerous chronic illnesses have skyrocketed as the planet warms and the quality of the precious resources that sustain life degrades. Demand global health leaders sound an urgent alarm on the looming menace of the climate crisis.

Cut Credit Card Fees That Overburden Consumers

Consumers could save hundreds of dollars a year if changes to the credit card fee system come to pass. Demand lawmakers side with Americans over powerful and greedy conglomerates.

Justice for Animals Reportedly Dismembered, Flayed, Burned, and Drowned

A 20-year-old man allegedly waged a four-year campaign of cruelty against defenseless animals. This suspect’s reported crimes include drownings, burnings, and stabbings caught on video. Demand real and consequential punishment if the accused is deemed guilty.

Stop Supporting Deadly Hurricanes Through Climate Inaction

A major hurricane is once again threatening lives and livelihoods. Leaders of the state in the most imminent danger are doing nothing to rectify the root causes of these dangerous disasters. Urge real and immediate action on climate change.

End Putin’s Reign of Violence With Improved Global Peacekeeping Strategies

The United Nations is failing in its duty to maintain stability and peace in the world. A broken system is enabling countries to neutralize and abuse this global organization’s security branch. Demand reforms that will balance the scales of international justice.

Keep Potential Anorexia and Bulimia Inducers Out of Kids’ Hands

Weight loss supplements are fueling the fire of the eating disorder epidemic amongst teens. Demand lawmakers take action to curb the sale of these possibly dangerous substances.

Don’t Fund Nuclear Power Plant That Will Kill Marine Ecosystem

A greenlighted nuclear power plant could kill 500 million fish, upend marine ecosystems, and cause a wide-scale environmental disaster with decades-long repercussions. Demand leaders rethink their reckless decision.

Justice for 100 Animals Living ‘In Filth’ and In ‘Extremely Unsanitary Conditions’

A hundred animals, including dogs, cats, sheep, horses, goats, turkeys, chickens, and baby ducks, were apparently “living in filth” in “extremely unsanitary conditions.” Fortunately, they have been rescued, but justice must be served.

Stop Exploiting Innocent Refugees for Political Gain

The bussing of refugees by two governors is creating a burden on taxpayers and compounding a humanitarian crisis. Cynical politics is once again taking a devastating real-world toll. Demand a more humane and less exploitative approach to the plight of these people.

Save the Colorado River From Drying Up Due to Climate Change

The Colorado River and its critical water supply is quickly vanishing due to climate change and mismanagement. Demand leaders stop arguing and start working on a productive rescue plan.

Don’t Punish Royal Protesters for Speaking Out Against Colonial Legacy

Protesters in the United Kingdom are reportedly being deprived of their right to free speech in the wake of the queen’s death. Urge authorities to uphold democratic ideals during this grieving period.

Don’t Let Doomsday Glacier Bury Earth in Catastrophic Flooding

The rapidly melting Doomsday Glacier could cause catastrophic flooding across the globe. Demand leaders address the climate crisis before it’s too late.

Don’t Let Convicted Animal Cruelty Offenders Continue Cycle of Abuse

Individuals convicted of animal cruelty pose an imminent danger to other living beings. Demand lawmakers enact tougher restrictions that will better protect at-risk animals.

Don’t Revictimize Chronically Ill 9/11 Survivors

Survivors of the September 11th terrorist attacks, including many first responders, are still battling chronic and serious health conditions. Their funding lifeline may soon vanish without immediate action. Call for aid for these still-suffering heroes.

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