Articles written by: Tiffany White

I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.

Stop Giving Animal Abusers Slaps on the Wrist

London has become ground zero for animal cruelty going unpunished. Demand better from England’s capital.

Stop Onslaught of Whale Deaths by Enforcing Speed Limits

Whales are dying in unprecedented numbers off and on the North Atlantic coast. Urge leaders not to be distracted by attacks on clean energy and to remain focused on the most critical threats to these animals.

Prevent Routine Police Stops From Turning Deadly

When several police officers allegedly beat a man to death, this horrifying incident reignited the debate about policing reform. Demand America’s leaders stop hiding from this critical issue and take decisive action.

Don’t Let Antifreeze in Cough Syrup Claim Kids’ Lives

Children have allegedly died after taking a commonly used medicine: cough syrup. Demand an immediate and comprehensive investigation into this urgent consumer health crisis.

Stop Government-Approved Torture Killings of Death Row Inmates

Lethal injection, the capital punishment method touted as humane, has reportedly been responsible for numerous botched executions. Demand leaders hit the pause button on a practice that is seemingly torturing human beings to death.

Stop Crime Spree at Zoo That is Endangering and Killing Animals

Several mysterious events have befallen a popular Texas zoo, with the latest costing the life of a 35-year-old inhabitant. Demand justice for this fallen animal.

Don’t Sacrifice African American Studies for Political Grandstanding

Florida’s leadership is again trying to weaponize the education of children as artillery in its never-ending culture wars. This time a class on African American history is in its crosshairs. Call for an end to the politicization of history itself.

Stop Wide-Scale Slaughter of Kangaroos

Kangaroos are being targeted for mass slaughter. Demand an end to this brutal and unjustified killing.

Curb Power of Career Politicians With Term Limits

Too many politicians have made a career out of Congress at the expense of these two crucial legislative bodies. Demand term limits to spark progress, evolution, and a return to politics driven by policy rather than power.

Keep Deadly Weapons Out of Children’s Hands

Negligent firearm storage has come under renewed scrutiny in the wake of an elementary school shooting reportedly involving a six-year-old. Urge meaningful reform to help prevent the next tragedy.

Punish Deputy Accused of Locking Dogs in Hot Shed, Leading to Their Deaths

A sheriff’s deputy reportedly left his dogs in a 100 degree shed, leading to their deaths. Law enforcement officers should not be above the law. Demand punishment in this case.

Justice for Afghan Woman Killed in Possible Gender-Based Execution

An Afghan woman who served in the country’s Parliament was shot dead, reigniting the debate about gender-based discrimination and violence under Taliban rule. Demand justice for this fallen advocate and a continuation of her legacy of equality.

Save Ice Sheets Before the World Pays the Price

Glacial melt could destroy some of nature’s most majestic structures. Moreover, it could upend sea levels, overwhelm vulnerable coastal areas, and endanger both humans and animals. Urge full investment in combatting an urgent global threat.

Don’t Put Outrageous Price Tag on Vaccine Protection

A leading developer of the COVID-19 vaccine is about to price millions of Americans out of crucial protection from the deadly virus. Demand Moderna honor its commitments to help, not swindle, the people.

End Starvation and Abandonment of Teacup Pigs

Teacup pigs are purchased because people think they will stay small and cute forever. However, once they grow larger, their owners often cruelly abandon them. Demand an end to the abuse of teacup pigs.

Stop Gas Stoves From Lighting Flame to Environment and Kids’ Health

Gas stoves are a source of dangerous carcinogens and cause 12 percent of childhood asthma. Yet, vested interests are trying to prevent a shift to proven safter alternatives. Demand leaders prioritize public well-being and ban these health hazards.

Don’t Let Climate Threat Run Over Reindeer

The animals popularly known as reindeer are at dire risk of extinction due to largely human-caused threats. Support newly enhanced protections for this beautiful species.

Success: Honeybees Protected From Deadly Disease

The honeybees that keep our ecosystems functional have been struck by a deadly disease. Celebrate approval of a protective treatment that could save their lives and the balance of nature itself.

Stop the Dead Lines in Disaster Response

Natural disasters are causing unprecedented humanitarian crises across the country. Emergency response during and after these critical incidents is often either lagging or non-existent. Call for urgent reforms to ensure Americans receive life-saving aid when it’s needed most.

Support Democratic Elections to Get the House in Order

The House of Representatives has demonstrated its dysfunction by struggling to elect a leader. Meanwhile, this integral chamber of Congress is paralyzed and unable to represent and work for the people. Demand these leaders get their priorities straight.

Reunite Mother With Smuggled Children

Three young children have reportedly been kidnapped by human smugglers and separated from their family. Demand the region where they are believed to be located help end a mother’s worst nightmare.

Don’t Stir Instability With Military Intervention in Humanitarian Crisis

Haiti is once again collapsing into turmoil and chaos, to the severe detriment of its people. Demand world leaders resist the call for armed intervention and instead support a more measured plan of assistance.

Justice for Strangled Puppies Found Hanging From Tree

A pair of three-month-old puppies were strangled and hung from a tree. The person responsible is still at large and likely a danger to other animals. Demand these innocent creatures get the justice they deserve.

Success: Agreement Reached on Biodiversity Protection

Biodiversity got a big win at a global conference, where Earth’s habitats and species received solid pledges of protection from 195 nations. Commend this hard-won agreement for Mother Nature.

Don’t Render Workers With Disabilities Obsolete

Americans with disabilities are being refused essential assistance because of an outdated book. Demand the country’s leading agency for disability benefits modernize and meet the urgent needs of all vulnerable populations.

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