Articles written by: Tiffany White

I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.

Save Endangered Wolves From Government-Approved Annihilation

Wolves are dying at an alarming rate at the behest of Sweden’s top leaders. This government issued cull threatens to reduce their population to a dangerously low 150. Demand this special interest-fueled slaughter end immediately.

Don’t Deprive Low-Income Seniors of Critical Care and Aid

Deficiencies in Medicaid approval are costing millions of older Americans a healthy and more financially stable life. Urge bureaucrats to unwind the red tape and unleash holistic wellness.

Stop Abusing and Killing Animals for Religious Celebrations

From camels breaking bones to donkeys crushed to death, too many animals suffer and die at holiday events intended to celebrate spirituality and life. Demand event producers keep exploited animals out of their plans.

Success: Putin Charged With War Crimes for Allegedly Kidnapping Ukrainian Children

The first arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin has been issued for alleged war crimes in Ukraine. Applaud this welcome win for justice and human rights.

Congress: Stop Putting Ex-President Trump Above the Law

The indictment of former President Trump on criminal charges has unleashed a torrent of obstructive and destructive behavior by his allies in Congress. Remind these politicians that they are serving all the American people, not one man.

Don’t Deprive Drivers of Radio Emergency Alerts

Crucial emergency alerts may soon be lost to drivers of new vehicles that lack AM radio. Demand the traffic agency tasked with saving lives protect this life-saving service.

Stop Celebrating Mass Slaughter With Rattlesnake Roundup

Rattlesnakes are being forced from their dens, exploited, and slaughtered by the thousands for the amusement of human spectators. Demand an end to deadly rattlesnake roundups that trade in barbaric cruelty.

Put Kids First and End Permitless Carry for Guns

Politicians who refuse to take meaningful action on gun violence have blood on their hands. The state where the latest mass shooting took place now wants to make it even easier to buy and carry these deadly weapons. Call on these so-called leaders to stop arming dangerous killers.

Save Hens From Lifetime of Inhumane Confinement

Too many of the eggs made available to consumers are produced from long-standing animal cruelty. Battery cages subject egg-laying hens to cramped and dirty living conditions that they must endure their entire lives. Demand a swift ban on these instruments of inhumanity.

Don’t Traumatize Kids With Deplorable Detention Centers

Inhumane detention centers once widely condemned for their scarring impact on children may be making a comeback. And the very people who criticized them most loudly could be responsible. Call on the nation’s leaders to stop playing politics with the lives of desperate refugees.

Celebrate Women’s History on the History Channel

A television channel meant to provide informative and educational accounts of history is virtually ignoring the accomplishments and legacy of women. Demand the History Channel better reflect the past and present of all people.

Protect Eye Drop Users From Infection and Potential Death

Eyedrops have apparently been linked to a harmful bacterial outbreak that has, in the worst cases, caused blindness and death. Demand regulators do more to safeguard consumers from this potential threat.

Prevent Global Water Crisis With Infrastructure and Conservation

Water is in ever-depleting supply, and clean and safe water is experiencing an even more critical shortage. Demand international leaders help sustain the planet’s lifeblood.

Dogs Gunned Down in Yard Deserve Justice

Two innocent dogs were shot while playing in their yard. One of these animals died as a result. Demand justice in this horrific case of deadly animal cruelty.

Don’t Ignore Alleged Crimes and Humanitarian Crisis Caused by Coup

Millions of people are losing their healthcare access, their educational and work opportunities, their homes, and possibly their lives in a conflict-ridden nation. The world has looked away from the plight of Myanmar’s people. Demand the international community confront and help end alleged war crimes.

Make Communities Greener and Healthier With Traffic-Free Zones

Cities are increasingly aiming to cut their carbon footprint by cutting their car footprint. Call on an influential climate investor to help fulfill the potential of traffic-free zones.

Save Pets From Potentially Deadly Collars

A popular brand of flea and tick collar is being blamed for an astronomically high percentage of pet deaths and other harmful effects. The agency responsible for regulating this product has apparently fallen down on the job. Demand they take swift action to protect pets and consumers.

Success: Drinking Water To Be Protected From Hazardous Forever Chemicals

The U.S. will finally begin removing some of the greatest threats to its drinking water. Commend the proposed end of disease-causing forever chemicals in the water supply.

Stick With Standard Time for Country’s Health

Time changes are a medically proven detriment to public health on multiple levels, and now Congress wants to reward the primary cause of this harm—daylight savings time—with permanence. Demand politicians step aside and listen to the experts.

Elderly, Sick Dog Allegedly Buried Alive Deserves Justice

A dog in Detroit was reportedly buried alive and later died from his injuries. Yet, no arrests or prosecutions have taken place. Call for justice for Ghost.

Help Drivers Kick Destructive SUV and Truck Habit

Trucks and SUVS are taking over the streets and pumping out unprecedented amounts of pollution in the process. Demand automakers take a more environmentally friendly road forward.

Punish Alleged Poisoners of Thousands of Schoolgirls

Iranian schoolgirls are allegedly being poisoned: the latest in a disturbing string of reported gender-based crimes in the country. Demand Iran’s leadership treat this case with diligence and seriousness.

Stand Up for Consumers’ Reproductive and Medical Rights

Walgreens has decided to stop distributing the drug needed for medical abortions, bowing to empty threats from opportunistic politicians that apparently matter more than serving all of its consumers equally. Demand a different course of action from another pharmacy influencer.

Don’t Drag Queens Through the Political Muck

Drag performers are the latest targets of states more concerned with limiting freedoms than expanding them. Demand politicians stop weaponizing entertainment and start focusing on the country’s true problems.

Prevent Poisonous Air Pollution and Ratify the Right to Breathe

Breathing is one of the most vital and fundamental rights every human being should have. Yet, rampant air pollution is depriving Thailand’s people of this essential aspect of life. Demand leaders take action to stop the choking of their own people.

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