Post Tagged with: "national"

Cut Credit Card Fees That Overburden Consumers

Consumers could save hundreds of dollars a year if changes to the credit card fee system come to pass. Demand lawmakers side with Americans over powerful and greedy conglomerates.

Demand Mental Treatment for Kids Who Abuse Animals

Buddy the dog was found with an extension cord tied around his neck and covered in burns from having been set on fire. A 12-year-old child was reportedly responsible for this cruel act, but couldn’t be charged with a crime or evaluated due to their age. Demand all children who commit acts of violence towards animals receive psychological treatment to protect other animals and people.

Don’t Endanger Livestock Animals and Plant Workers With Unsafe Slaughter Practices

High-speed slaughter systems pose serious threats to farm animal welfare, as well as consumers and workers. Faster line speeds make it difficult to abide by humane treatment, stunning, and handling regulations, subjecting animals to greater risks of abuse. Demand the U.S. prioritize the safety of frontline workers, consumers, and animals over the greed of large meatpacking corporations.

Stop Allowing the Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs

Puppy mills abusively churn out unhealthy dogs like an assembly line, and shockingly they are still legal. We must act now to stop puppy mills.

Stop Abusing Circus Animals With Electric Prods and Metal Hooks for Entertainment

Circus animals are regularly beaten with electric prods and sharp metal hooks to teach them to perform for humans. Demand an end to this disgusting abuse.

Success: Animals Will Be Protected From Natural Disasters

During natural disasters, animals are typically abandoned to face the harsh elements alone. In the wake of increasingly frequent weather events, certain animal care facilities are now required to develop escape plans for their animals. Thank Congress for saving the lives of thousands of innocent animals and for protecting them from the effects of climate change.

Prevent the Spread of Brain-Eating Amoebas Caused by Global Warming

A young child in Nebraska died from a brain-eating amoeba after swimming in a lake. More deaths may follow, as warming climates are believed to be spreading this affliction. Demand the government prevent an outbreak of these dangerous amoebas and do more to address global warming.

Starbucks: Save Millions of Trees by Using Recyclable Cups

Starbucks uses 8,000 single-use paper coffee cups every minute, most of which end up in landfills due to their plastic coating. Demand Starbucks stop fueling the destruction of our natural environment.

Stop Torturing, Asphyxiating and Decapitating Animals for Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic testing can include injecting animals with toxins, dripping chemicals into their eyes, force-feeding them dangerous substances, and eventually condemning the animals to a brutal death. We must put an end to these barbaric practices.

Stop Animal Abusers and Stop Child Abusers

Tens of millions of animals face abuse by humans and this cruelty is often connected to violence against children. Demand stricter laws against animal abuse in order to protect animals and children.

Provide Basic Income That Supports America’s Artists

Artists make the world beautiful and many of them live in poverty due to unemployment and low wages. Universal basic income would provide them much-needed relief and time to focus on their creative passions. Demand the president establish a basic income for struggling artists throughout the United States, as the worth of their work is inestimable.

Protect West Coast Fishers From Extinction

West coast fishers are small, carnivorous mammals that are facing extinction because the government refuses to protect them. Demand these fascinating little mammals receive the protections they deserve.

Turn Exploitative Zoos Into Animal Recovery Centers

Animals in zoos and aquariums endure extreme physical and psychological trauma. Demand the U.S. ban these abusive institutions and, instead, convert them into animal conservation and recovery centers.

Stop Allowing School Cafeterias to Throw Away Fresh Food

Hundreds of thousands of tons of usable food are thrown away each year in the United States, while millions of people go hungry. Support reducing food waste at schools to help people and the planet.

Stop Slaughtering Sea Lions Because of Human Mistakes

People are slaughtering innocent sea lions in the name of fish conservation. Sea lions, however, are not the cause of dwindling fish populations – humans are. Demand an end to this cruelty.

Stop Universities From Torturing Lab Animals

Duke University has reportedly underfed lab animals, denied them veterinary care, and did not give them adequate pain relief following experiments. This violates the most basic standards of animal care and treatment. Demand Duke and other research institutions across the country take better care of their animals.

Protect Zoo Animals From Abuse and Early Death With Mandated Reporting

Many animals held captive at zoos suffer severe physical abuse and psychological trauma, and they have minimal legal protection. Demand the government mandate reporting of animal death to reduce animal abuse in zoos and to hold abusive zookeepers legally accountable for their actions.

Use Science to Help Conserve Endangered Wildlife

Animal-tracking tags have long been used to better understand the behaviors of endangered species. However, the lack of public tracking data makes it difficult for conservationists to communicate and strategize. Demand all animal trackers be required to enter basic information into an accessible, online database to preserve animals.

Don’t Let Whales Go Extinct for Human Delicacies

There are only 350 North American right whales left in the world and if fishermen get their way, this rare species may not survive much longer. We must save these whales before it’s too late.

Protect Animals From Physical and Emotional Pain and Suffering

Animals experience many of the same feelings, moods, and emotions as people and their wellbeing is equally as important. The U.S., however, has no legal recognition of this, putting them in danger of continued suffering. Demand the U.S. protect animals from physical and emotional cruelty.

Save the Colorado River From Drying Up Due to Climate Change

The Colorado River and its critical water supply is quickly vanishing due to climate change and mismanagement. Demand leaders stop arguing and start working on a productive rescue plan.

Exotic Animals With Reported Curved Spines, Missing Hair, and Confined to Tiny Cages Deserve Justice

A roadside zoo was accused of keeping tigers, monkeys, and other exotic wild animals imprisoned without sanitary conditions or access to appropriate veterinary care. Some of the animals apparently had curved spines, missing hair, and were unable to open their eyes. Demand the government do more to protect animals from abuse-for-profit.

Stop Letting Cows and Sheep Suffer During Heat Waves

Farm animals exposed to excess heat and sun often suffer immensely and can even die from heat stroke. Demand farmers provide their animals with unlimited access to shade in the wake of increasingly frequent and extreme heat waves.

Stop Logging Industry From Destroying Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

A massive logging project is threatening the fragile Yellowstone grizzly bear population. Demand an end to this environmentally destructive project.

Don’t Let “Organic” Farms Keep Animals in Cramped, Tiny Cages

Meat and dairy products labeled as “organic” oftentimes falsely insinuate that farmed animals were treated with care. However, many “organic” farms still confine pigs to tiny cages and prevent chickens from going outside. Demand standards for organic products are heightened and animal welfare is improved.

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