New coal projects are effectively dead in the water thanks to British insurance companies who are refusing to cover them. This marks a victory for sustainable energy and hastening the death of one of the worst pollutants in the world. Praise the United Kingdom’s efforts to drop coal and build a greener future.
A severely polluted UK city is leading the way in the fight against poisonous air pollution with a ban on diesel-powered motor vehicles. Applaud this important stand against pollutants that threaten the environment and public health.
All people have the right to clean air, and state governments must take action, according to India’s supreme court. The World Health Organization made this ruling possible by fighting for the rights of India’s citizens to breathe freely. Thank the WHO for their strong efforts.
The ban on the sale of elephant ivory has been upheld after antique dealers made a bid to overturn it. They claimed antique ivory used in cultural items was different from that taken from the tusks of recently killed elephants. Thankfully, the courts rejected this bid and took a big step forward in the fight to protect elephants. Thank those who upheld this important ban.
Fracking has been permanently halted in the UK, as the government has conceded its defeat to anti-fracking activists. For years, fracking has been damaging the countryside, tainting green spaces and endangering wildlife and humans alike, and the government has continued to defend the unethical practice. Thank the environmental activists for finally forcing the government’s hand and ending fracking.
Fracking was recently banned in the United Kingdom in a historic victory. This came in response to a report detailing all of the well-known environmental and public health risks associated with fracking. Congratulate the British government for this historic decision.
The last dog slaughterhouse has been shut down in Seoul, South Korea in response to public pressure from animal rights activists. Thank the mayor of Seoul for bowing to such pressure and saving the lives of many dogs.
Bees have been saved from a cynical attack by Big Agriculture. Bee populations have been collapsing over the past several years, with the EU finally stepping up to help put a stop to it. Thank the European Parliament for continuing the fight to protect bees.
Renewable energy sources are expected to see a 50 percent increase within the next five years. This is a great boon for the planet, as well as a strike against governments and other political parties who have been trying to revive fossil fuels. Thank a leading environmental organization for helping make this increase possible.
TripAdvisor will no longer be selling tickets to marine parks where whales and dolphins are bred in captivity. This is an important step forward in not only the company’s animal welfare policy, but in pushing for better treatment of marine mammals. Thank TripAdvisor for no longer enabling the support of marine mammal cruelty.
The Great Barrier Reef shark cull is over, and Queensland has no further right to bait and kill the creatures. Introduced to protect swimmers from shark attacks, the cull was deemed useless upon reasoning that it did not lessen the risk of such attacks. This is a great victory for shark conservation. Thank the federal court for ending the inhumane practice.
Germany is phasing out a weed killer linked to cancer in humans and a sharp decline in insect populations. This is an important step forward that will greatly benefit the environment. Thank Germany for heeding public concerns and phasing out this chemical.
Coal usage in the United Kingdom has reached an all-time low, with emissions totaling less than one percent. For years, coal dependency has been a problem due to the country insuring big coal companies. People have died from air pollution related health complications, and coal plants have ruined many green spaces. Thank the UK government for finally taking public concern about coal seriously.
A record number of countries voted to regulate the fishing of mako sharks, as well as 16 other species. Mako sharks are heavily endangered due to the demand for shark fin soup and the profits made from shark fishing. Thank those who oversaw this vote to protect this vulnerable species.
Giraffes now have one less obstacle in their fight against extinction, thanks to a bold move made at an international convention. Giraffes have been added to a protected list, banning their trade in all but extraordinary circumstances. Thank those involved in protecting this vulnerable species.
Wild otters in Asia have been devastated by the exotic pet market, but a new ban on the cruel trade in these persecuted animals could save them. Thank CITES for finally putting an end to the otter pet trade.
Cuba has drastically improved its fishing law to protect disappearing coral reefs. Reefs have been endangered for the past several years due to many factors, one of which is overfishing; these structures are vital to the survival and well-being of the ocean overall. Thank Cuba’s lawmakers for taking this important step to save these natural wonders.
The use of wild animals in traveling circuses will finally be banned across England. Show your support for animal welfare by thanking the UK Parliament for outlawing the cruel practice.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is meeting to tackle the growing problem of wildlife biodiversity loss. After many years of pollution, agriculture, industry, and hunting destroying many wildlife species and bringing others close to extinction, it is about time this important first step was taken to preserve wildlife and protect biodiversity. Thank CITES for taking this important step.
Saudi Arabian women can now travel freely without male accompaniment or permission. This is an important step forward for a country long-saddled with patriarchal and sexist attitudes. Praise this most recent advancement in women’s rights.
Thousands of species of Australian wildlife as well as many acres of woodland have been granted the legal protection they sorely need. Australia has a staggering record of extinctions and endangerment among many iconic and beloved species, and this bold action is a huge step in preventing more. Praise this important step in animal conservation.
The African elephant population is back on the rise, thanks to national and international conservation efforts. Programs empowering the African people and devaluing poaching have cut elephant deaths in half. Support these efforts and those who back them.
One of the world’s most polluted countries has announced plans to switch to wind energy. Using a highly powered battery, they intend to capture energy from over 200 turbines and harness it to phase out fossil fuels and reduce air pollution. Support this commitment to renewable energy sources.
YouTube is removing and banning all hateful content from its website, heeding consumer concerns about videos denying atrocities such as the Holocaust or issuing violent threats to certain groups. The site has been criticized in the past for turning a blind eye to such things, but now those who court controversy or seek to harm others will be denied such a voice. Thank the platform for taking user safety into consideration and banning hateful content.
Thirty-seven seal pups were saved from unfathomable brutality and inhumane exploitation at the hands of eight accused animal traffickers. They happily returned to their homelands following rehabilitation. Celebrate this success and thank those who fought so valiantly to free these pups.