
Don’t Let Judges Control Women’s Bodies

The Supreme Court is poised to launch an attack on women’s reproductive freedom. Demand politicians stop sitting on the fence and take action to protect women’s rights.

Justice for Cat Allegedly Trapped in Cage and Shot in the Head

A caged cat was shot and killed, and the two people allegedly responsible for the horrific act have not faced any meaningful punishment. Compel the system to do its job in holding reported animal abusers fully accountable.

Stop Plastic Pollution From Killing Elephants

Elephants are dying tragically after eating toxic plastic from landfills. Call for action to combat this deadly crisis.

Success: Homemade Guns Responsible for Thousands of Crimes Regulated by Law

Deadly guns that can be made from home in minutes are fast becoming a dangerous new front in the epidemic of gun violence. These ghost guns cannot be traced, putting them within easy grasp of would-be criminals. Applaud the long-overdue effort to take these weapons out of the darkness.

Provide Mental Health Services to Soldiers at High Risk of Suicide

A rash of suicides recently rocked a naval aircraft carrier. These latest tragedies are part of a troubling trend of mental health crises being ignored in the armed forces. Call on leaders to help save their soldiers from deadly despair.

Stop Gerrymandering and Protect All Voters’ Rights

Politicians across the U.S. are using their power over voting district maps to stack the odds in their favor at the expense of voters. Racial and partisan gerrymandering is out of control. Urge Congress to clean up its act with fair redistricting.

135 Puppies and Horses Reportedly Found Underweight, Injured and Living in Feces Deserve Justice

Countless underweight and injured dogs with matted fur, living in their own feces in outdoor kennels, were reportedly found at a horrific puppy mill. Demand the woman accused of these crimes receive the maximum penalty.

Don’t Let Famine Kill Millions

A three-year drought propelled by the climate crisis has put children and countless communities at risk of starvation and malnutrition in Somalia. Other nations are largely ignoring this impending catastrophe. Demand action to stop the next killer famine.

Climate change activists holding a sign that reads, "There is no planet B"

Don’t Block Funding to Combat the Climate Crisis

Federal efforts to address the climate crisis are being jeopardized by politicians beholden to the fossil fuel industry. Demand that those in charge take this environmental emergency seriously and ensure funding for necessary programs.

Dogs Reportedly Found Starving and Emaciated in Feces-Filled Pen Deserve Justice

Two dogs nearly died after they were reportedly found starved, dehydrated, and imprisoned in a tiny enclosure. Two of the people accused in this disturbing case got off with a light sentence. Sign the petition to urge a stronger punishment for the third allegedly involved party if he is found guilty.

Plant Trees on Farms to Fight Climate Crisis

Agroforestry could be a tremendous environmental boon, but officials are seemingly reneging on their investment in this important eco-tool. Demand decisive action that will realize the potential of tree-planting in agriculture.

Rescue Trapped Ukrainian Civilians Facing Starvation, Torture, and Slaughter

The lives of thousands of people hang in the balance in the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol. They are trapped, starving, desperate, and the targets of possible genocide. Demand international leaders ramp up efforts to save these innocents from annihilation.

Save Students From Life-Threatening Brain Tumors

Over 100 former students and employees of a high school have developed brain tumors or cancers. As the search for answers continues, urge public health officials to protect current attendees of the school.

Stop Reported Kidnapping, Rape, and Enslavement of Migrant Farm Workers

Death by assault, kidnapping, blackmail, and slavery: these grave abuses allegedly unfolded over years on Georgia’s onion farms. Guest migrant workers desperate for a better life were the apparent victims of mass exploitation. Demand authorities protect these vulnerable humans.

Dolphins Ridden Like a Horse and Impaled By Spear While Begging for Food Deserve Justice

A pair of defenseless dolphins died in two unrelated acts of animal cruelty. A stranded dolphin took her last breaths as bystanders tried to ride her like a horse, while a nursing mother dolphin was impaled by a spear while begging for food. Demand the most severe punishment for all responsible parties.

Defend Youth From Transphobic Legislation

Trans rights are under attack. Don’t let transphobic legislation strip youth of their human right to healthcare regardless of their gender identity.

Dog Allegedly Picked Up and Thrown for Defecating on Floor Deserves Justice

A golden retriever puppy, named Chowder, was reportedly picked up and callously thrown for pooping inside his home. Chowder may now need to have one leg removed as a result. Demand the person accused of this cruel act be brought to justice.

Cat Apparently Attacked and Given Bloody Neck by Two Men Deserves Justice

A cat named Figaro was reportedly hunted down and given a bloody neck by two assailants. Demand these men be sent to prison if they are arrested, tried, and found guilty of this disgusting animal abuse.

Hold Basketball Team Owner Accountable for Allegedly Burning and Suffocating Animals to Death

Protesters interrupted two basketball games to shine a spotlight on a controversial team owner whose egg farm has been accused of horrendous animal cruelty. If the allegations are true, five million chickens may have been intentionally suffocated to death. Demand justice in this troubling case.

Puppy Reportedly Stuffed in Bag Inside Locked Trunk by Alleged Drug Dealers Deserves Justice

A puppy was reportedly stuffed inside a zipped-up bag and jammed in a car trunk underneath a heavy drill, while drugs were apparently being transported and delivered. Demand justice for this animal.

Save Rainforests From Soya Deforestation

Deforestation is devastating the Amazon when a beneficial alternative exists. Demand investment in insect proteins as an environmentally friendly alternative to soya grown by destroying rainforests.

Stop Hurting Consumers for Anti-Immigrant Political Stunt

A supply chain that delivers food and other valuables is being intentionally disrupted by a governor’s politically motivated dictate on immigration. Politics is once again playing havoc with the lives and livelihoods of already-burdened American consumers. Call for an end to the insanity.

Prevent Tires From Poisoning Streams and Killing Fish

The tires on automobiles could be killing fish and other wildlife on a massive scale. Demand federal investment in tools to combat these environmental threats.

Don’t Deprive Ukrainian Refugees of Fair Work and Family

Ukrainian farm workers are reportedly being underpaid, overworked, and separated from their families in the United Kingdom. Demand better legal protections and employment options for these war-time refugees.

Poodle Severely Wounded From Band Allegedly Wrapped Around Muzzle Deserves Justice

A poodle needed surgery after she was allegedly found running around with a band firmly wrapped around her mouth. Demand justice for this innocent animal if it is found she was abused and left to die.

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