Demand Abortion Access for Low Income Populations

Target: Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

Goal: Protect abortion rights in the USA.

House Democrats recently introduced a crucial bill targeting a controversial provision obstructing abortion access to US citizens. The Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976, restricts insurance coverage, including Medicaid, to access reproductive care. Prominent House Democrats led a group of 163 representatives to introduce the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Healthcare (EACH) Act. Reintroduced for the fifth time, this vital bill could be a groundbreaking policy defending women’s rights in the US. Removing the Hyde Amendment could potentially ensure that women from all walks of life acquire the benefits of accessible health care. The amendment particularly affects abortion access for people under Medicaid, Medicare, Native Americans, military members, incarcerated citizens, and federal employees.

Representative Barbara Lee denounced the Hyde Amendment as ‘discriminatory and racist.’ She was joined by Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Chair of the Pro Choice Caucus’ Abortion Rights and Access Task Force. The proposed EACH act protects the constitutional right to abortion, especially for women of color. She called on her colleagues to utilize all resources for ‘dismantling the systems of oppression,’ blatantly pursued by the Republican party. She also emphasized that the time has come to ensure that women have the confidence to access healthcare without ‘shame, punishment, or financial ruin.’

All Above All, a national abortion rights organization, applauded this bold move by Democrats. Morgan Hopkins, President of All Above All, stated that the Hyde Amendment has stood up as a major obstacle for decades even with Roe v. Wade. She also said that passing the critical EACH Act could be a vital milestone on the ‘pathway to abortion justice.’

The reproductive rights debate in the US is at a watershed moment, with anti-abortion groups tacitly using the pro-life motive to justify their narrative. By supporting the petition below, you can let the House of Representatives know that you demand uninhibited access to abortion rights in America.


Dear Speaker McCarthy,

Top Democrats in the House recently introduced the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Healthcare (EACH) Act. Reintroduced for the fifth time, the EACH Act aims to ensure affordable rights to abortion for low-income groups. It targets the Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976, deemed as an obstacle to reproductive freedom for US women. Dismantling the Hyde Amendment could prove to be a milestone achievement in ensuring a more inclusive social fabric.

The United States of America stands at a crucial juncture with women demanding complete autonomy over their bodies. It is the duty of every concerned citizen to stand by this powerful movement and do all in power to support the transition.

We urge you, Speaker McCarthy, to assert the center stage in this important moment, and do everything you can to ease the passage of this bill.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Gayatri Malhotra


  1. Patricia Schwartzmann says:

    if women didn’t have sex before marriage, there would be no need for abortions

    • Robin Abbott says:

      You live in a world of reality don’t you?

    • Don’t blame all this on women. It takes two to make a baby. Men are just as responsible.

    • What an uneducated comment. What about all the women that have no choice,,, women that will die? women that have been raped? even ganged raped? Incest victims, controlling husband/partner rape? and many more Instances that women end up pregnant out of their OWN control. You have obviously never been a Victim of RAPE!,,,,, NO woman ever wants to have an abortion,,, sometimes they do NOT have a choice.

  2. Ines Gjurinovic says:

    Abortion is a crime…why does the government have to pay for it?
    Whoever does not want to have the result of a drunken night, let her pay for it

    • Robin Abbott says:

      No, the world pays for it by breeding unwanted accidents that become mentally ill criminals by not being wanted or raised right! The human population is overpopulated and our numbers are now an environmental disaster! Use your brain!

    • You are so stupid to blame all women. Grow the f- up! Go crawl in a hole you loser. Why don’t you take care of all the unwanted and unplanned children if you are so much against abortion smartass! Abortion is not a crime. Taking away women’s rights is. So shut the hell up!

    • What an uneducated comment. What about all the women that have no choice,,, women that will die? women that have been raped? even ganged raped? Incest victims, controlling husband/partner rape? and many more Instances that women end up pregnant out of their OWN control. You have obviously never been a Victim of RAPE!,,,,, NO woman ever wants to have an abortion,,, sometimes they do NOT have a choice.

  3. Teresa Zamalloa says:

    You are absolutely right!

  4. Jackie Pflucker says:

    Abortion was outlawed in the 60s – then it was legalized and now women pretend that the government pays for their crimes?
    No doubt that there is everything in the vineyard of the Lord!

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