Protect the People’s House From Potentially Violent Extremists

Target: Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House

Goal: Enhance security measures designed to prevent another assault on the Capitol.

The latest State of the Union address served as more of a reminder of the disintegration and divisiveness of political discourse than an actual commentary on the current state of America. Throughout the president’s speech, loud outbursts and shouts could be heard not from crashing protesters but from several members of Congress themselves. The representatives of hostility, volatility, and extremism on-hand embodied the poisonous political environment that helped stoke the attack on the very building inhabited by these individuals. They also reinforced why security at the Capitol should remain steadfast.

When the new Congress took control, one of their very first objectives was the removal of metal detectors directly outside of the House chamber. Some of these members had previously tried to bypass the detectors and received fines as a result, and several have made statements alluding to the fact that they could carry weapons onto the House floor. Perhaps not coincidentally, many of these same individuals contested certifying the last election. Relaxation of other protective measures is also on the agenda at a time when political tensions are running as high as ever.

Sign the petition below to urge a restoration of security in the halls of Congress.


Dear Speaker McCarthy,

You were present on January 6 when a group of rioters forced your colleagues and yourself into hiding. You have also watched as several of these colleagues have given their implicit support for the actions on that day. And when several of those colleagues made another spectacle during the annual tradition of the State of the Union address, you showed your disapproval.

Now is not the time for repealing security measures such as metal detectors or Capitol police investment. Now is the time to stand up for the chamber and the institution you are leading.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Tyler Merbler

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247 Signatures

  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Donna Jones
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • John B
  • Dakotah Woller
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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