
Don’t Allow Transgender Students’ Rights to be Decided By Schools

Transgender and non-binary students may lose their rights to use bathrooms, locker rooms, preferred pronouns, and names should one Virginia legislator have his way. This puts LGBTQ+ students at risk and will take away any safety they feel at school. Demand protective for these vulnerable youth.

Woman Allegedly Gang Raped and Publicly Beaten Deserves Justice

A young woman who was allegedly gang-raped reportedly endured public torture in the aftermath, per a video taken in India’s capital. Demand legal leaders confront the nation’s disturbing legacy of sexual violence by ensuring justice is delivered in this latest apparent act of aggression.

Protect Indigenous Communities from Major Oil Spill

A major oil spill has left Indigenous communities in Ecuador with no water supply, contaminating rivers and rainforests and leaving people and endangered species at great risk. Demand that this never happen again and that the company take responsibility.

Justice for Pomeranian Pup Fatally Wounded by Alleged Intentional Head Trauma

A ten-month-old Pomeranian dog died from head trauma reportedly inflicted at the hands of his caretaker. Urge the system to take this tragic case of alleged animal cruelty seriously and hand down real punishment in the event of a conviction.

Don’t Deny Funding to Public Library for Shelving LGBTQ+ Books

A public library in Mississippi is being denied $110,000 worth of funds for supplying LGBTQ+ books. This is another direct attack on an already outcasted community following the ban of transgender athletes in schools. Demand the mayor fund the library and let them keep LGBTQ+ books on shelves.

Stop Legalized Slaughter of Rare Wild Sheep

Rare wild sheep are being slaughtered. Demand the politicians who claim they care about conservation actually protect these sheep.

Dogs Reportedly Kenneled Outside in Freezing Temperatures Deserve Justice

The owner of a dog kennel is charged with multiple accounts of abuse after he allegedly caged dozens of dogs outside in freezing temperatures without access to water. One dog reportedly died, and others suffered. Demand that he is assigned the harshest penalty possible if he is convicted of animal cruelty.

Success: Patients Protected From Surprise Medical Bills

Many healthcare providers have been taking advantage of patients in crisis with surprise medical bills. These unfair practices can send individuals and families into massive, crushing debt. Applaud the legislative push to end balance billing and other destructive forms of surprise billing.

Stop Deadly Droughts From Killing Thousands of Animals and People

Wildlife and people are at critical risk of death from a drought plaguing Kenya. Demand leaders dedicate themselves to reversing a crisis they helped create.

Stop Inhumane Camel Wrestling Festival

Camels are being forced to wrestle each other at an inhumane “festival.” Call for an end to this event that exploits helpless animals for entertainment.

Condemn Gucci’s Exploitation of Tigers in Latest Advertisement

Gucci has used real life tigers in their newest advertisement, earning criticism from many animal rights groups. By doing this they promoting the exploitation of big cats. Demand that Gucci take responsibility for their actions and end the use of live animals in their advertisement.

End Legalized Female Genital Mutilation

Women of all ages are being physically and emotionally scarred in a form of female genital mutilation. This practice remains legal in some parts of the world, and reportedly cost a young woman her life in a nation where it runs rampant and unchecked. Demand Sierra Leone finally outlaw this outdated and deeply harmful procedure.

Oppose Ban of LGBTQ+ Content and Discussion in Schools

The discussion of gender identity or sexuality has been banned in Florida’s schools. This hateful rhetoric shuts out an entire community and jeopardizes the safety of LGBTQ+ youth. Hold the representative who supported this ban accountable and demand that he do better.

Justice for 16-Year-Old Yorkie Allegedly Killed on Camera

A man was allegedly caught on video killing a 16-year-old dog and then disposing of the body in a trash can. This atrocious reported act may not have been the suspect’s first offense. Demand the legal system seek the maximum possible sentence in this disturbing case.

Oppose Hateful Ban on Trans Athletes in Schools

Transgender athletes have been banned from school sports in South Dakota following the governor’s own proposal. It is horrific, hateful, and transphobic to take away these children’s ability to play. Hold the governor accountable for this harmful act.

End Epidemic of Moms Dying in Childbirth

New mothers are dying at a higher rate in America than almost anywhere else in the world. Racial inequities are compounding this crisis. Demand leaders take decisive action on behalf of all moms.

Puppies Allegedly Abandoned Near Busy Road Deserve Justice

Five puppies were allegedly abandoned outside next to a busy freeway. Three of them reportedly passed away as a result of being left to fend for themselves. Demand justice for these innocent puppies.

Don’t Subject Genetically Modified Animals to Abuse and Exploitation

New advances in genetic science could revolutionize the way we live. This science also holds the potential to set back animal welfare standards. Demand leaders be extra-vigilant in this delicate balancing act.

Don’t Let Upgraded Mobile Tech Put Flights in Peril

Planned widespread technology that could deliver high-speed internet to the masses could also interfere with important aircraft operations. Airline passengers could be facing even longer delays and more cancellations if miscommunications between the aviation and telecommunications industries are not resolved. Demand a resolution to this consumer crossroads.

Save Nearly 2,000 Pet Store Animals From Death

Nearly 2,000 small animals blamed for a pet store Covid outbreak will soon be put to death. Call for a humane approach and help end this needless slaughter.

Stop Investing in Gentrifying Luxury Developments

The United States is experiencing a housing crisis at the hands of luxury developers. Over 37 million households are rent burdened, while real estate giants receive tax exemptions. Demand the construction of sufficient affordable housing and limits on the power of developers.

Don’t Farm and Slaughter Octopuses for Food

Many hundreds of octopuses will suffer and die if a first-of-its-kind “octopus farm” opens. Save these intelligent, sensitive animals from a cruel fate.

Free Lolita the Orca From Torturous Captivity

Lolita, an orca being held in captivity, appears to be suffering terribly. Demand this majestic creature be saved from more agony.

Don’t Put Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Environmental Protection

Virginia’s environmental future could be derailed with one confirmation. The former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, infamous for his destructive policies, is now up for a prime position managing Virginia’s natural resources. Demand leaders stop history from repeating itself with this horrible choice.

Justice for Dog Allegedly Abused in Training Center

A dog was allegedly slammed to the ground by a trainer in a video that went viral. This sparked major outrage and an investigation, but no statement has been made by the trainer entrusted with this animal’s care. Demand that the training center take responsibility if reports of abuse prove true.

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