Rhode Island has become the first state to ban the bullhook, a training tool that uses pain to coerce elephants into doing tricks. This is a huge step for elephants stuck in the entertainment industry. Sign this petition and thank Rhode Island for protecting elephants from this cruel tool.
Massachusetts has cracked down on the sale of illegal assault weapons. Applaud the progressive lawmakers who have worked to get these dangerous guns off the streets.
A corrupt sheriff will not be escaping with a minor punishment after a judge rejected his plea deal for being too lenient. Celebrate this commitment to upholding rule of law.
Mental health care will receive a sorely-needed upgrade thanks to a new bill passed by the House. Applaud this progressive legislation for addressing a growing problem in America and providing assistance to thousands of mental health patients.
The House of Representatives has forbidden Styrofoam products in its cafeteria. Styrofoam is carcinogenic and produces toxic waste. Praise the elimination of this harmful product and tell them to continue fighting against it.
The suspect in a rash of savagely violent attacks against homeless people has been charged with murder. Applaud the police for taking swift action against such heinous crimes.
Two men have been arrested after a video surfaced that allegedly shows them dropping a helpless dog from a rooftop. Applaud the swift punishment of these senseless and cruel individuals.
Children under the age of 18 will no longer be forced into marriages, thanks to a new law in Virginia. Applaud the enacting of this progressive and badly-needed legislation.
Thanks to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, transgender people are now allowed to serve openly in the U.S. Armed Forces. Sign this petition to thank him for taking this step toward transgender equality.
A gentle dog caged by police for over two years without exercise has finally been released and rehomed. Thank decision-makers for finally taking this laudable step and urge them to act quicker in future cases so that no more dogs suffer the treatment this animal endured.
The last university in the U.S. to still use live animals for medical training has finally ended the practice. Now, countless animals will be spared from unnecessary pain and death. Sign this petition to thank the university for ending this practice.
An activist jailed along with her toddler son has been released on “humanitarian grounds.” Sign the petition to applaud this step forward for human rights.
Permits to build a pipeline that would carry oil sands oil across First Nations lands have been revoked. Applaud the decision to stop the pipeline and uphold environmental and Indigenous rights.
After shooting and killing a young man, Chicago police officers allegedly presented false testimony and attempted to threaten witnesses. In light of these suspicious activities, a special prosecutor has been appointed to probe the incident. Applaud this brave attempt to uncover the truth and bring justice to the young man who was tragically killed.
Over 40 horses have finally been rescued from a farm where they had been abandoned to starve. Praise the decision to save these horses and charge the people responsible with cruelty to animals.
President Obama has reached an agreement with Canada and Mexico to change to 50 percent renewable energy by 2025. Celebrate these new efforts in the fight to protect the environment, and urge the government to continue combating global warming.
Volkswagen has agreed to pay more than $14 billion as punishment for an emissions cheating scandal that caused extensive environmental damage. Celebrate this encouraging step toward making amends for such blatant law-breaking.
A Florida attorney who made offensive comments about the victims of the Orlando nightclub massacre has been fired for his insensitive and racially charged remarks. Applaud the removal of such a vile and hateful man from his position of influence.
A welfare reform policy that increased childhood poverty has been repealed thanks to the work of activists. Applaud that this damaging policy will no longer exist and that more families will get the aid they need.
Florida black bears will be safe from hunters this year thanks to caring commissioners and advocates. Thank the amazing people who fought to stop the senseless killing of these spectacular animals.
An abusive and neglectful zoo is finally closing down after the police led an investigation into the reported atrocities. Sign this petition and thank the police for taking this matter seriously and bringing about the closure of this awful zoo.
The Canadian Senate passed legislation legalizing doctor-assisted death for people living with terminal illnesses. Applaud the decision to give people a say in how they live and die.
A valuable, non-profit animal conservation center has been saved from closure. Sign this petition to applaud the approval of a 20-year permit that will enable the organization to continue its rescue and rehabilitation work.
Two California nuclear reactors located over several fault lines will be shut down. This will protect public health and help reach California’s green energy objectives. Praise those whose negotiations made the closure possible.
Virtually all sales of ivory from African elephants will now be banned in the U.S. Praise officials for this vital action that is essential to protecting elephants from illegal poaching and extinction.