
Success: Zoo Held Accountable For Animal Abuse

A zoo was recently brought to justice for its horrific conditions and animal abuse. Praise the Animal Legal Defense Fund for bringing a lawsuit against Cricket Hollow Zoo.

Success: President Obama Bans Imported Products Made by Forced or Slave Labor

President Obama signed a law banning the importation of products made by slave or forced labor into the U.S. Applaud President Obama for taking a stand against forced labor and slave labor.

Success: Icelandic Whaling Company Cancels Hunt for Fin Whales

Iceland’s only whaling company just announced that they will not be hunting endangered fin whales this summer. Sign this petition to thank the company for cancelling this season’s hunt and urge them to continue taking steps to protect endangered whales.

Success: USDA Drops Deadly Plan to Speed Up Chicken Processing

A proposal to increase in the speed of chicken processing lines has been dropped, thanks to public outcry. Celebrate community action against this inhumane proposal and the USDA’s abandonment of it.

Success: Fashion Brand Stopped Using Angora Fur

Every three months, angora rabbits on fur farms have their fur plucked or sheared from their bodies in order to be used in clothing. Many retailers have decided to end the use of angora fur. Sign this letter and thank this international fashion brand for ending its use of angora fur.

Success: Florida Panther Remains on Endangered Species List

Florida panthers are remaining on the endangered species list, despite some people arguing that they should lose much needed protections. Applaud efforts to keep these animals on the endangered species list in order to protect this suffering species.

Success: Hundreds of Homes Will be Cleaned of Toxins

After years of waiting, nearly $200 million has been promised for the cleanup of lead contamination in a Los Angeles neighborhood. Thank California’s governor for expediting the cleanup of these toxins.


Success: FDA Will Start Testing for Dangerous Pesticide Residue

The Food and Drug Administration has decided to test foodstuffs for a potentially harmful chemical, glyphosate. Applaud this decision to protect the health and safety of Americans.

Defend Women’s Health and the Right to Choose

The right to choose a safe abortion is coming under attack nationwide. Fight back against politicians who want to control women’s choices about their own bodies and health.

Help Refugees Find Safe Homes

Refugees fleeing war and violence too often end up with no safe place where their families can take shelter. Support giving refugees a chance to find safe homes in a new country.

Help Create Jobs Through Recycling

Countries like India are choking on trash, but recycling programs can clean up the environment while providing good jobs. Support community recycling efforts.

Raise The Minimum Wage This Election Season

American workers deserve higher wages and better working conditions. Pledge to support workers’ rights and a $15 per hour minimum wage during this election cycle.

Success: Beautiful California Desert Saved

President Obama has saved 1.8 million acres of California desert. His declaration of three new national monuments has ensured the safety of a sensitive ecosystem. Applaud the President for conserving an important and beautiful American landscape.

Success: California Protects Rare Species From Extinction

Coastal martens are now protected as candidates for the California Endangered Species Act. Help us thank the California Fish and Wildlife Department for taking action to save this species from extinction.

Success: Government Ends Oregon Standoff

The standoff between law enforcement and angry, armed ranchers in Oregon is finally over. The FBI and local police successfully brought nearly every rancher into custody with little violence. Applaud their peaceful handling of a potentially dangerous situation.

Success: Public Park Saved From Disruptive Development

The Washington State Parks Department has dropped plans for a privately owned RV park that would have harmed local wildlife by driving them away from planned animal highway bridges. Applaud the director for choosing to keep animals safe.

Success: Justice For Civilian Paralyzed By Cop

After a 57-year-old Indian man was allegedly thrown to the ground and temporarily paralyzed, the officer responsible was fired and a case has been opened against the town’s Chief of Police and a Captain. Show your support for the federal judge bringing justice to a victim of police brutality.

Success: Tampon Company Publicly Lists Ingredients

The ingredients of a corporation’s tampons will now be listed on their website and packaging after a woman lost her leg due to toxic shock syndrome when she used a tampon labeled ‘natural.’ Applaud this decision that will make the ingredients of this corporation’s tampons and pads transparent to all consumers.

End Misleading Supermarket Prices

Misleading price tags designed to trick consumers are being used by major supermarkets. Protect shoppers from dishonest deals and support fair and accurate pricing.

Success: Woman Accused of Abusing Dogs Surrenders One to an Animal Shelter

A woman accused of leaving her two elderly dogs outside in a New York blizzard finally turned one over to the Guardians of Rescue. Help us thank the rescue organization for providing special care to Prince who is old and extremely ill.

Success: Koch Brother Leaves Natural History Museum Board

Oil baron David Koch has left the board of a natural history museum. As a hugely influential climate denier, he posed a threat to all the evidence of climate change that a natural history museum provides. Applaud the activists who pressured him to step down.

Success: President Obama Ends Solitary Confinement for Minors

Minors will be prevented from suffering in solitary confinement and missing out on essential rehabilitative programs thanks to President Obama’s recent executive order. Thank the president for his decision to protect the well-being of these young offenders.

Success: Obama Administration Closes Gender Pay Gap

President Obama used his executive power to create a new policy that will require companies to report any pay discrepancies for their employees based on gender or race. Applaud the President for moving closer to closing the wage gap.

Success: Lego Introduces Disabled Child Minifigure

Lego recently announced the addition of a wheelchair-bound minifigure to its ‘Fun in the Park’ line. Sign the petition and applaud Lego’s celebration of diversity.

Stop Child Slavery at the Super Bowl

Children are at risk of being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery before and during the Super Bowl. Call on authorities to crack down on human trafficking, and prevent this celebratory day from becoming an occasion for tragedy.

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