Success: At Least One School District Will Protect Transgender Students

Target: Dr. William Hite, Superintendent of the Philadelphia School District

Goal: Support the Philadelphia school district’s decision to maintain the bathroom policy protecting the rights of transgender students.

In spite of the Trump administration’s decision to undo the protections in place ensuring access for transgender students to the bathroom appropriate for their gender identity, the Philadelphia school district has stated that it will not change the policy. Thanks in part to petitions like this one at ForceChange, at least one school district has committed to showing all of its students the respect they deserve.

Dr. William Hite, the superintendent of the Philadelphia school district, said on the subject, “The School District of Philadelphia remains a safe and welcoming place of inclusion for all our students. Every student deserves to know their rights will be recognized and upheld at school.” This should be the attitude throughout the country; transgender students deserve to have their rights and identities respected. Sign below to support the decision to preserve transgender bathroom policy in Philadelphia’s schools.


Dear Superintendent Dr. Hite,

The show of support from the Philadelphia school district of the basic rights of transgender students is a show of support for all human rights, and sets a positive example for the rest of the country. America is founded on equality and human rights, and transgender rights are no different.

The attitude of the Philadelphia school district is moral, respectful, and an admirably strong move in the face of the discrimination coming from Trump’s administration. Thank you for standing up for human rights and respecting the needs of transgender students.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ted Eytan

One Comment

  1. Gen Lovyet Agustsson says:

    in all schools not just 1 school districts!

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479 Signatures

  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • Anne Corrigan
  • Evan Jane Kriss
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Rebecca Elliott
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Maria Mason
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Johanna Rantala
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