Stricter bans on abortion could target the autonomy of reproductive rights for women. It’s time to intervene to ensure access to safe healthcare. Demand that Wyoming lawmakers support accessible abortion for all in need.
The European Parliament has passed a resolution to list the Iranian militia as a terrorist organization. Germany remains indecisive despite the Islamic Republic awarding the death sentence to a dual citizen. Demand the administration list the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist group.
A disturbing report noted that Hyundai production units employ underage workers. The company has ultimately decided to divest from the accused subsidiary and take strong steps to prevent such violations. Acknowledge this important step to protect children from exploitation.
The chance to help drought-prone communities is being squandered because of infighting and ineptitude. Call for a real plan to address California’s water crisis.
The former chief of the Federal Police in Mexico was put on trial for accepting millions of dollars of drug money in exchange for insider information. The prosecution set up a strong case ultimately leading to the conviction of the kingpin. Applaud this huge victory in a high-profile case.
A human rights group has claimed that unmanned drones manufactured at a UK factory are being used against civilians. The Middle East conflict needs to stop now. Demand a closure of the UK facility allegedly committing covert war crimes.
Hyundai reportedly employs child laborers at its factories. The car manufacturer apparently confessed to this wrongdoing but is yet to provide a timeframe to stop such practices completely. Demand a complete prohibition on underage employment in the USA.
A debarred attorney accused of double murders will be held accountable for his drug habit. The court has summoned the jury to pursue this damning angle for establishing a motive. Acclaim the legal system for paying attention to this vital aspect.
A court in Pakistan has let an accused rapist avoid prison time by marrying his apparent victim, reportedly at the behest of a council and the woman’s own family. Demand immediate changes in a legal system that enables such outrageous miscarriages of justice.
A former legal baron has been indicted on the double murder of his wife and son. He is also wanted in a string of embezzlement cases and drug charges. Demand a full investigation of all charges to establish a motive in the murder trial.
Two prominent human rights activists have disappeared in an apparent kidnapping. The incident may involve a corporate-underworld nexus. Demand an immediate high-level inquiry on the missing.
Several factors worsened the devastation wrought by powerful earthquakes in the Middle East. Demand humanitarian aid include commitments to prevention and swifter responses.
A former top Mexican official was arrested in the US on alleged involvement with drug money. Illegal drug distribution costs millions in taxpayer money every year and this case could make a difference. Demand a speedy trial to bring the truth to light.
Pope Francis has sent a powerful message about the mistreatment, imprisonment, and execution of LGBTQ+ populations. Applaud this spiritual leader’s appeal for inclusivity and empathy.
Two human rights defenders were arrested after they volunteered in search and rescue operations for refugees stranded at the sea. Demand the Greek court drop all charges against these internationally known heroines.
When several police officers allegedly beat a man to death, this horrifying incident reignited the debate about policing reform. Demand America’s leaders stop hiding from this critical issue and take decisive action.
An 18-year-old was shot dead by the police in Baltimore. The state attorney decided against pressing charges on the officers responsible for the killing. Demand change to end police brutality in the USA.
Two prominent environmental activists were shot dead in an alleged robbery. The murders have sparked an international uproar seeking justice for the water defenders. Demand a speedy independent investigation of the incident.
Lethal injection, the capital punishment method touted as humane, has reportedly been responsible for numerous botched executions. Demand leaders hit the pause button on a practice that is seemingly torturing human beings to death.
Negligent firearm storage has come under renewed scrutiny in the wake of an elementary school shooting reportedly involving a six-year-old. Urge meaningful reform to help prevent the next tragedy.
An Afghan woman who served in the country’s Parliament was shot dead, reigniting the debate about gender-based discrimination and violence under Taliban rule. Demand justice for this fallen advocate and a continuation of her legacy of equality.
Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council was axed last month by Elon Musk, leading to a dramatic rise in hate speech. The volunteer council played an invaluable role creating a safe space for diverse points of view. Demand the reinstatment of the Trust and Safety Council with immediate notice.
Natural disasters are causing unprecedented humanitarian crises across the country. Emergency response during and after these critical incidents is often either lagging or non-existent. Call for urgent reforms to ensure Americans receive life-saving aid when it’s needed most.
Three young children have reportedly been kidnapped by human smugglers and separated from their family. Demand the region where they are believed to be located help end a mother’s worst nightmare.
Haiti is once again collapsing into turmoil and chaos, to the severe detriment of its people. Demand world leaders resist the call for armed intervention and instead support a more measured plan of assistance.