Don’t Let Lacking Earthquake Aid Claim More Victims

Target: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of World Health Organization

Goal: Increase aid to Japanese communities experiencing healthcare deficiencies following earthquake.

Japan’s new year began with a powerful earthquake that killed hundreds, left many trapped underneath their own homes, and collapsed infrastructure. Several weeks later, tens of thousands of people remain displaced. And the public health crisis is far from over.

According to reports, evacuees are still living in extremely cramped, unsanitary, and cold environments. Worse yet, they have no running water and are not expected to have this vital resource for several more weeks. Meanwhile, serious health ailments like infections in the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems are on the rise.

Japan has previously experienced a number of post-earthquake deaths due to similar unlivable conditions. Sign the petition below to ensure this tragic history does not repeat itself.


Dear Dr. Tedros,

Japan’s geographical position makes it the unfortunate center of abundant seismic activity and the subsequent target of earthquakes and tsunamis. The Ishikawa New Year’s earthquake is just the latest disaster and unfolding humanitarian crisis. Communities were completely destroyed, and even now residents are still struggling to meet basic needs such as running water and safe, clean living conditions.

During a prior earthquake nearly three decades ago, 900-plus people lost their lives not from the disaster itself but from disease spread and an urgent lack of medical care in the aftermath. Please do everything in your power to equip this region with the healthcare aid it needs so that another preventable tragedy does not compel more unimaginable loss.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Japan Ministry of Defence

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637 Signatures

  • Donna Mccartie
  • Sebastian Gomez Silva
  • Linda Waine
  • Lisa Müller
  • Bonnie Svec
  • Axa Tolonen
  • ail gab
  • madeleine remy
  • Maria van Geel
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