
Stop Celebrities From Polluting the Planet With Private Jets

Kylie Jenner and several other celebrities have faced recent backlash for exhausting tremendous amounts of fossil fuels simply to avoid car traffic. Demand stricter regulations on private jet travel are enforced to stop celebrities from wasting our Earth’s precious resources.

Give Endangered Ecosystems a Fighting Chance

Thousands of species could go extinct in the next few decades without immediate intervention. Demand a committed investment in rewilding at-risk habitats and ecosystems.

Punish Man Who Reportedly Smuggled 1,700 Animals in Plastic Bags

A man reportedly smuggled over 1,700 animals into the U.S. by hiding them in his clothing and tiny plastic bags. Demand he be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for his apparent contribution to the exotic pet trade industry.

Save Our Rivers: Provide Tax Incentives for Greywater Use

A water crisis is unfolding across the country, as reservoirs run dry and future access to clean water is uncertain. This problem can be addressed by mandating the reuse of “grey water.” We must increase efforts to conserve and reuse water before our taps run dry.

Stop Mass Poisoning of Fish

A river that runs between Germany and Poland has become a fish graveyard. Tons of the dead animals have been discovered, with their likely killer being human-dumped toxins. Demand leaders protect this valuable natural commodity from an ongoing menace.

Regulate Use of Seizure-Inducing Herbicides

Scientists have recently linked Roundup–the world’s most commonly used weedkiller– to life-threatening convulsions in animals. These herbicides may also have harmful implications for human immune health. Demand the U.S. enact stricter regulations on the use of Roundup and other herbicides.

Stop Oil Drilling Projects That Threaten Beloved Walruses

A popular walrus was euthanized in Norway through no fault of the animal. Now, entire communities of walruses could once again be endangered because of oil and gas drilling. Demand politicians finally prioritize living beings over fossil fuels.

Stop the Expansion of Animal-Poisoning Offshore Drilling Operations

A new offshore oil and gas drilling development plan could allow valuable land to be leased to fossil fuel companies. This would inevitably contribute to mass scale environmental pollution, as well as a series of oil spills that threaten millions of wildlife and people. Demand the Biden Administration not lease any new territories to these companies and encourage a move towards a clean energy economy.

Stop Hunting, Dismembering, and Selling Hippos to Near-Extinction

Hippos are fighting a losing battle against humans that hunt them for parts and strip away their homes. Demand protection for these at-risk animals.

Success: Historic Investments Made in Climate and Clean Energy

A major clean energy investment was recently made by American leaders that could provide an important win in the battle against the climate crisis. Applaud this essential eco-conscious commitment.

Return Power to Environmental Scientists in Wake of Global Warming

The Supreme Court has just stripped the Environmental Protection Agency of their power to protect us against climate change. Demand Congress reinstate their authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and to stop climate change before it is too late.

Stop Running Endangered Species Into the Ground

The development of human road systems has decimated animal populations, contributing to the deaths of millions of animals each year who don’t know how to react in the face of fast-moving cars and trucks. Demand we implement safe passages for animals to cross from one side of the road to another without the potential of losing their lives.

Stop Murdering Animals for Human Entertainment

Each year, wildlife killing contests result in the deaths of thousands of animals, all in the name of recreation. Afterward, animals’ bodies are discarded in what can only be described as a waste of their precious lives. Encourage legislators to ban these events on protected lands.

Seize Historic Opportunity to Combat Climate Change

An opportunity to cut poisonous emissions and fund energy security has reached the Senate floor. With global temperatures rising and resulting in flooding and deadly heatwaves, the time to save the planet is now. Demand support for this historic effort.

Stop Destroying the Environment to Build a New Police Training Facility

A $90 million facility dubbed “Cop City” will destroy natural forested land and exacerbate police violence in Atlanta. Demand city officials halt construction of this project.

Save Great Hammerhead Shark From Extinction

One of the strangest and most captivating pioneers of the sea could soon go extinct. Relentless fin harvesting has nearly sealed the great hammerhead shark’s fate. Join the fight to rescue this embattled species before it’s too late.

Remove Dam Flooding Sacred Indigenous Cultural Site

Sacred Indigenous lands have been flooded by a historic dam, ruining tribal traditions and decimating fish populations. Demand that those in charge honor the tribes’ request to remove this dam and share the river with its rightful owners.

Ban Body-Crushing Traps That Paralyze And Kill Endangered Animals

Body-gripping traps work by slamming shut onto helpless animals, crushing their bones or organs in an inescapable hold. We must ban the use of these barbaric traps.

Save Millions of Species From Extinction

More plant and animal species are vanishing by the day while humanity turns a blind and guilty eye. Demand global leaders take real action to protect endangered species from extinction.

Biden: Take Urgent Action on Climate Change and Declare a National Emergency

Unprecedented and deadly heatwaves are being experienced around the globe, taking many lives and burning the natural world to the ground. The climate disaster is happening now and must be addressed. Demand President Biden declare climate change a national emergency.

End Cruel Shark Killing Tournaments

Tens of thousands of sharks are killed in the name of “fun” every year during shark killing tournaments. This causes a drastic drop in their already dwindling population. Demand an end to these cruel competitions.

Success: Endangered Species Once Again Federally Protected

The Trump administration removed a series of vital environmental protections and put endangered animals at risk of extinction. Thankfully, these species are now safe, and their welfare is guaranteed by law. Praise the judge responsible for protecting these animals.

Protect Wedge-Tailed Eagles From Drastic Drops in Population

Australia’s largest aerial predator has spent years as the prey of humans. These important birds now face an even bigger threat in unrelenting habitat loss. Demand this eco-diverse region safeguard one of its most iconic inhabitants.

Don’t Kill Wild Bears Because of Bad Housing Policies

Four black bears have been killed for entering a campground used as temporary housing for Anchorage’s unhoused population. Demand officials protect houseless community members and wildlife with effective housing policies.

Stop Promoting Climate-Destroying Gas as “Green” Energy

Many European countries are signing new, decades-long contracts with natural gas producers. The move blocks transitions to clean energy and worsens the climate crisis. Demand Europe take swift action against climate change.

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