Animal Welfare

Success: Coast Guard Stops Killing Animals for Training

For years, animals have been tortured and killed for military trauma training.Thankfully, high-tech simulators will now replace live animals. Sign this petition and praise the Coast Guard’s decision to end this brutality.

Success: USDA Reposts Animal Welfare Information

Thousands of records of animal cruelty were removed from the USDA web site, impeding efforts to hold abusers accountable. The USDA has faced a huge outcry from concerned citizens and in response they’ve re-posted some of the records. Sign this petition to praise them for this step in the right direction.

Success: Dairy Farm Abusers to be Jailed

Three men who kicked, punched, and beat cows have been sentenced to jail. Applaud this move, which sends a message that animal abuse on farms will not be tolerated.

Success: Florida Black Bears Will Not Be Hunted

The 2017 black bear hunt has been cancelled. Sign this petition to praise those responsible for saving hundreds of Florida black bears.

Success: New Animal Abuse Registry Created

Thanks to the hard work of animal rights campaigners, Tallahassee, Florida has just created a publicly available registry of animal abusers. Let’s take a moment to welcome this victory.

Man Caught on Video Punching Dog Must be Punished

A man was caught on video punching his dog repeatedly in the head before slamming her to the ground. This man viciously attacked his innocent dog in broad daylight on a public street. Sign this petition to demand that the poor dog be rescued and that her violent attacker is brought to justice.

Success: Live Animals No Longer Used for Trauma Training

For years, animals were being tortured and killed for trauma training. Thankfully, human simulators will now replace live animals. Sign this petition to praise the decision to end this unnecessary abuse.

Success: Taiwan Bans the Sale of Dog and Cat Meat

Taiwan has recently issued a ban on the sale and consumption of dog and cat meat in addition to stronger general animal protection laws. This is a huge step forward for Asia’s understanding of animal welfare. Sign this petition to thank the president of Taiwan for helping to make this possible.

Success: Taiwan Bans Euthanasia of Stray Animals

Taiwan recently banned the euthanasia of stray animals. Now, animals in shelters can no longer be put to death because they remain unclaimed. Applaud the Taiwan parliament for standing up for animal rights.

Success: Eight Companies Withdraw Sponsorship from Rodeo

After public outcry, eight companies have withdrawn their sponsorship of a rodeo that was caught committing acts of animal cruelty. This is a victory for the rights of these animals, but we must let the government know more needs to be done. Sign this petition to thank the companies and ensure even further action against rodeos.

Success: Better Protections Granted for Organic Livestock

A rule passed by the Obama administration boosts outdoor space for organic livestock, and bans the cruel practices of tail docking and beak clipping. Sign here to thank our former president for this great advancement.

Success: USDA Announces Rule to End Show Horse Mutilation

Show horses will be protected from horse soring thanks to a new USDA rule. Horse soring is an extremely cruel practice where horses’ legs are mutilated and burned with caustic chemicals to give them a high-stepping gait. Sign this petition to thank the USDA for helping to end this painful process.

Success: Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus to End

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, which has become notorious for the ill-treatment of captive animals, will finally be ending. Praise this decision, which will end the suffering of hundreds of animals.

Success: Farm Owners Convicted for Allowing Cow Torture

The owners of a farm where employees allegedly beat, kicked, and hung cows from their necks have been found guilty of animal abuse. Sign this petition to applaud the judge for his decision to convict these men.

Success: Designer Stops Supporting Cruel Fur Industry

A designer has finally decided to end her use of fur in her apparel products. The fur industry is notorious for treating its animals terribly and forcing them to live in atrocious conditions. Sign this petition and thank the designer for ending her use of fur.

Success: State Bans All Elephant Circus Acts

Across the nation, many elephants are imprisoned within the entertainment industry and forced to perform tricks and give rides. New Jersey has now become the first state to ban all circus acts that use elephants. Sign this petition to thank the New Jersey Senate for passing this law.

Success: University Cancels Puppy Raffle

A university was planning on raffling off a goldendoodle puppy to a random “winner.” Dogs are a huge responsibility and commitment. Thankfully, after hearing from the concerned public, the university decided to cancel this raffle. Sign this petition and thank the university for making the compassionate choice.

Success: Company Stops Cutting Open Pigs for Sales Pitches

Pigs were being cut open and killed in order to demonstrate how a well-known company’s products work to its sales personnel. Thankfully, after hearing from many concerned citizens, the company has decided to end this cruel practice. Praise the company for sparing countless lives from unnecessary pain and death.

Success: Vet Accused of Shooting Cat With Bow and Arrow has License Suspended

A veterinarian accused of shooting a cat through the head with a bow and arrow, killing it, has had her veterinary license suspended for one year. Applaud the licensing board for treating this cruelty seriously.

Success: Company Stops Selling Tickets to Cruel Animal Attractions

TripAdvisor has decided to end sales to cruel animal attractions, such as elephant rides and swimming with dolphins, on its website. Now, the company is trying to educate people on the negative effects that tourism has on wild animals. Sign this petition to thank the company for helping to prevent animal cruelty.

Success: Romania Bans Trophy Hunting

The Romanian government has announced a ban on the annual killing of thousands of large carnivores through the closing of a legal loophole. Applaud this progressive effort to save innocent animals from a senseless death.

Success: Major Retailer Ends Sale of Fur and Angora Hair

A major international retailer has finally ended its use of fur and angora hair in its clothing. Fur and angora farms are notorious for raising animals in poor conditions and hurting or killing them in horrific ways. Sign this petition to thank the retailer for ending its support of this cruel industry.

Success: Convicted Animal Abuser Sentenced to Prison

An animal shelter worker who kept dogs in filthy conditions has been sentenced to a year in jail. Thank the judge who finally saved the animals who were under this man’s care.

Success: Thousands of Wild Horses Saved from Unnecessary Slaughter

Thousands of wild horses will be spared due to a government decision to cancel a plan that would have needlessly massacred them. Applaud the effort to work towards a more humane solution to control wild horse populations rather than simply exterminating these precious animals.

Success: California Bans Captive Orca Breeding

Captive orca breeding and export is finally banned in California. Sign this petition and applaud this groundbreaking decision to help animals stuck in the entertainment industry.

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