Post Tagged with: "national"

Protect Intersex Youth From Damaging and Unnecessary Medical Procedures

Intersex youth are subjected to medically and psychologically scarring procedures that are often unnecessary in the name of gender conformity. Demand lawmakers act urgently to protect these young folks.

Don’t Deny Low-Income Trans People Healthcare

Trans individuals’ access to healthcare is increasingly under attack in the US. A new state plan would deny Medicaid coverage for medical care often needed by these marginalized folks. Call on the government to stop stripping trans people’s access to this human right.

Ban Body-Crushing Traps That Paralyze And Kill Endangered Animals

Body-gripping traps work by slamming shut onto helpless animals, crushing their bones or organs in an inescapable hold. We must ban the use of these barbaric traps.

Amazon: Stop Donating Money to Anti-Abortion Candidates

Amazon has donated money to the campaigns of many anti-abortion candidates. Call on the company to stop driving the loss of reproductive rights in the US.

Protect Marginalized Communities From High Tech Police Surveillance

Facial recognition software is on the rise, with no federal laws regulating its use. Studies have demonstrated such technologies have significant biases against marginalized communities. Demand the US enact protections against this technology.

Biden: Take Urgent Action on Climate Change and Declare a National Emergency

Unprecedented and deadly heatwaves are being experienced around the globe, taking many lives and burning the natural world to the ground. The climate disaster is happening now and must be addressed. Demand President Biden declare climate change a national emergency.

Stop Auctioning Off Frightened Baby Animals

Livestock and wildlife in live animal auctions endure extreme mistreatment by their handlers. These animals are peddled off like objects to whoever offers the most money for them. Stop these abusive auctions.

Stop Cutting Fish Open While Still Alive

Sturgeon fish are brutally cut open, often while alive and conscious, so their eggs can be stolen from their ovaries and sold as caviar. This “delicacy” causes so much suffering that it must be banned.

End Cruel Shark Killing Tournaments

Tens of thousands of sharks are killed in the name of “fun” every year during shark killing tournaments. This causes a drastic drop in their already dwindling population. Demand an end to these cruel competitions.

Regulate the Sale of Fireworks That Physically And Emotionally Harm Animals

Hundreds to thousands of scared companion animals, wildlife, and livestock experience severe mental and physical trauma every year because of the loud explosive noises that fireworks release. Demand stricter regulations on the purchase and use of these environmentally hazardous devices.

Don’t Condemn Exotic Animals to a Life of Cruel Captivity

The exotic pet trade is particularly cruel. Wild animals are often stolen from their homes by poachers and condemned to a life of solitary imprisonment. Demand an end to the exotic pet trade.

Stop Stealing Dolphins From Ocean for People to Swim With Them

Dolphins are stolen from the ocean and forced to swim with humans. These poor animals are subjected to extreme physical and psychological abuse. Demand dolphins be allowed to live freely.

Protect Right to Choose for Women and Girls

Health autonomy and women’s rights are on the line. Demand a strong federal response to the assault on reproductive freedom.

Stop Shelters From Killing Dogs and Cats After a Five Day Holding Period

Dogs and cats in kill-shelters are typically only given 5-7 days to find a home before being euthanized. Demand an increase in the minimum holding period for these animals to give them a better chance at finding a forever home.

Success: Endangered Species Once Again Federally Protected

The Trump administration removed a series of vital environmental protections and put endangered animals at risk of extinction. Thankfully, these species are now safe, and their welfare is guaranteed by law. Praise the judge responsible for protecting these animals.

Stop Injecting Lab Animals With Toxic Chemicals

Mice, rats, birds, fish, and reptiles are used in painful animal testing experiments more often than any other species. Demand protection for these often ignored animals.

Take a Stand Against Racism Following Alleged White Supremacist Attack

A white supremacist march in Boston reportedly resulted in an attack on a Black man. Now, Black leaders and activists are calling on the mayor to act against the city’s racism. Support this effort and demand change.

Strip Misleading Labels from Meat and Dairy Products

“Cage free” and “free range” labels are extremely misleading, and mask the cruelty still going on at meat and dairy farms. Encourage officials to stop providing consumers with a false notion that animals are being well cared for—there is no such thing as ethical meat or dairy.

Success: Ohio Moves Toward Banning Murder of Dogs and Cats in Gas Chambers

The barbaric practice of gassing dogs and cats to death may soon be banned in one state. Thank the people who fought for this victory for animal rights.

Don’t Criminalize the Houseless

Houseless folks are now being arrested, fined, and charged with felonies for sleeping in public. This not only challenges their own survival, but also places another hurdle in their attempts to find jobs and housing. Sign this petition to demand that the unhoused community members are protected.

Congress: Protect the Environment and the Planet

The Supreme Court just handed polluters a major win and the already severely distressed environment another punishing loss when it permitted poisonous power plant emissions to go unchecked. Demand America’s lawmakers help give the world a fighting chance.

Save Millions of Dogs and Cats from Kill-Shelter Deaths by Ending Irresponsible Breeding

Millions of dogs and cats are killed in overcrowded shelters. Discourage breeders from contributing to pet overpopulation and demand they stop irresponsibly breeding dogs and cats.

Stop Torturing Skunks By Removing Their Scent Glands

Domestic skunks are forced to undergo a painful de-glanding procedure, which strips them of their natural born defenses. Ban this cruel and unnecessary practice.

Success: Bipartisan Gun Safety Package Signed Into Law

The fight against America’s gun violence epidemic received a needed boost when several senators came together in a rare bipartisan effort. Applaud an initiative that will help protect future victims from mentally unstable and abusive threats.

Save Salmon From Deadly Rising Temperatures

Salmon are being devastated by warming temperatures and dwindling habitat. Demand action to protect this essential species.

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