Post Tagged with: "national"

Success: Animal Welfare Violations Must Now Be Reported

All instances of animal abuse on farms, roadside zoos, breeding facilities, and research institutions must now be fully reported. Thank Congress for upholding animal welfare standards and for helping to keep animals safe.

Stop Spraying Family Pets with Poisonous Cyanide

Each year millions of wolves, bears, coyotes, and other wild animals are killed by a government-funded agency. To make matters worse, many of these animals are trapped and poisoned with cyanide bombs, leading to slow, painful deaths. Help ban inhumane cyanide traps for good.

Don’t Revictimize Chronically Ill 9/11 Survivors

Survivors of the September 11th terrorist attacks, including many first responders, are still battling chronic and serious health conditions. Their funding lifeline may soon vanish without immediate action. Call for aid for these still-suffering heroes.

Don’t Evict Vital Bat Species From Their Nesting Sites

Bats are vital to American ecosystems, and yet they are flushed out of their natural habitats at an alarmingly high rate. While many end up roosting in manmade structures, there are no rules or regulations protecting them during eviction procedures and bats are often injured or stressed in the process. Demand more suitable alternative roosting sites to keep bats safe during hibernation and pup birth.

Defend What Remains of Our World’s Biodiversity

Sources have estimated that more than 1 million species are currently at the risk of extinction, with thousands of others threatened by continuous human activity. Now, the world’s top representatives are convening to take action. Demand they work together to preserve our world’s biodiversity–and fast.

Stop Capturing Whales and Implanting Them with Invasive Electrodes

Whales are being coerced into tiny cages and implanted with electrodes by the US Navy. These conditions are extremely stressful for the animals and have failed to produce meaningful data. Demand an end to this cruel research endeavor.

Promote Cruelty-Free Meat Alternatives

Functionally equivalent, cruelty-free meat alternatives are expected to hit national markets as early as 2023. Farmer coalitions, however, are advocating against labeling cultured-meat with the same terms used for meat harvested from slain animals. Demand equal labeling and help promote humane meat options.

Stop Caging Lab Animals in Tiny, Barren Cells

Laboratory animals are kept in barren, isolated cages and denied their natural instincts to forage, hunt, socialize, and play. Demand that labs are required to provide animals with environmental enrichment tools to better their mental and emotional welfare.

Stop Letting Animal Abusers Get Away With Their Crimes

Commercial animal abusers are routinely ignored by the government, which allows the abuse to continue. Demand action be taken to shut down abusive facilities immediately.

Invest in Electric Bikes and Revolutionize Green Transportation

Electric bikes with bike sharing programs are a cost-effective way to reduce environmental impact. They are also much more accessible and better for the environment than electric cars. Demand that US invest in programs that promote and support these programs.

Stop Suffocating Millions of Terrified Animals on the Way to Slaughter

Millions of animals die stuffed inside transport vehicles without air or water before they even make it to the slaughterhouse. Call for an end to this horrific cruelty.

Support Safe Injection Sites to Stop Overdose Deaths

Our communities are racked by overdose deaths, and the War on Drugs hasn’t helped. Support safe injection sites to save lives.

Don’t Push Vulnerable People Back Onto the Streets

Essential funds that keep people at risk of COVID housed will soon dry up. Call for a renewal of this funding to save our neighbors in need.

Success: Draconian Abortion Bans Blocked

Pro-choice advocates have secured important recent wins in the fight for reproductive rights. Applaud these victories and what they convey about American beliefs regarding privacy and freedom.

Return Formerly Threatened Species to Their Habitats to Restore Ecosystems

The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone had transformative effects. Now, scientists are suggesting similar steps to reintroduce several select species into their former habitats. Demand the government fund these efforts and help to replenish entire ecosystems.

Stop Killing and Wasting Sealife With Fishing Nets

Millions of metric tons of fish are unintentionally caught and killed through a fishing technique referred to as bottom-trawling. Most of them never even make it to our plates. Demand an end to this excessive waste and better regulate bottom-trawling.

Stop Treating Alligators and Other Wildlife as Pets

Wally, an emotional support alligator, has brought up questions around the legitimacy of using undomesticated animals as therapy pets and the morality of keeping wild animals in homes. Protect wildlife and people by demanding that wild creatures no be used as service animals.

Twitter: Protect Consumer Privacy and National Security

Consumer privacy, and national security, may be under constant attack at Twitter. A whistleblower claims the company is doing nothing to solve its security breaches. Demand they face the music of a comprehensive investigation.

Demand Cancer Risk Warning Labels on Dairy Products

Drinking just 2/3 cup of milk per day increases the risk of prostate cancer by 60%. Call for labels to warn consumers of this serious health risk.

Five Guys: Add Vegetarian and Vegan Options to Your Menu

Five Guys is one of a few fast-food chains to not include vegan and vegetarian meal replacement options on their menu. Demand Five Guys choose compassion and inclusion and start offering plant-based alternatives to their popular menu items.

Don’t Punish Activists for Exposing Animal Abuse

Undercover investigations have exposed corruption and protected the health and welfare of consumers and animals. Several states, however, still prosecute undercover activists. Demand that lawmakers stop treating these advocates like criminals.

PetSmart: Stop Apparently Letting Sick Animals Languish Without Care and Die by the Hundreds

PetSmart has been accused of denying sick animals access to veterinary care and stuffing hundreds of dead rodents, reptiles, birds, and fish in freezers. Demand PetSmart stop selling live animals at their retail locations.

KFC Chickens Apparently Sick, Injured and Forced to Live in Feces Deserve Justice

Secret footage taken by undercover investigators at a KFC supply farm appears to show the horrific conditions these chickens endure, including being forced to live in their own feces. Demand justice for these animals.

Eliminate Food Waste by Feeding the Hungry

Post-pandemic spikes in unemployment and homelessness have been accompanied by increased national food insecurity. Help feed those living in poverty while reducing runaway food waste.

Protect Giraffes From Poachers Before it’s Too Late

Giraffe populations have declined by 35% but officials still refuse to grant these animals the protection they deserve. Demand efforts to protect and restore giraffes before it’s too late.

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