The legal smoking age has been raised to 21 in a landmark victory for consumer health and the environment. This will hopefully decrease nicotine and smoking addiction among minors across America. Sign this petition to thank one of the four senators who made this possible.
President Trump has finally been impeached by the House for high crimes and misdemeanors. For years, this man has made living in the U.S. dangerous as he encouraged racism, hunted down immigrants, and let polluters destroy the environment. Thank lawmakers for voting to have him removed from power.
A once-abundant bird has successfully recovered enough to be reintroduced to the wild after effectively going extinct. Although the Guam rail still has a long road to full recovery, this is a great success for animal conservationists and supporters of the environment. Praise the efforts of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and their partners in restoring this precious species.
Roo, a free chatbot program developed by Planned Parenthood, has provided sex education to teens and young adults who have nowhere else to turn. With abstinence-only programs taking funding precedence over comprehensive sex education, this accessible alternative could save lives. Thank those who are providing education and comfort to this vulnerable population.
Animal cruelty is now officially banned across the United States, as President Trump has signed the federal document. The recognition of the link between cruelty to animals and crimes against humans played a major role in this ban. Thank those responsible for making the country safer for animals.
Victims of animal cruelty will soon receive real justice following the passing of national safeguards for animal victims. In the process, the worst acts of animal cruelty will receive federal condemnation. Applaud an important cause that united all political leaders and will bring justice to these innocent victims.
If you buy outdoor gear from Black Diamond, your dollars may be helping finance the manufacture of ammunition designed to kill. In an age of mass shootings, no company that assists us in enjoying the outdoors should be involved in the gun industry. Tell Black Diamond’s parent company to divest from Sierra Bullets.
The lives of 100,000 Americans with sickle cell disease will soon be improved, thanks to a recently funded program. The Sickle Cell Data Collection program aims to identify gaps in care throughout patients’ lives and give aging sufferers added comfort. Praise those who made this debilitating disease a funding priority.
So you don’t trust the “mainstream media” to report fairly on President Donald Trump? How about Fox News? Here are some facts about the Donald Trump presidency presented solely through the reporting of Fox News.
The mayor of Dearborn, Michigan announced that his city would no longer be co-operating with ICE, a huge victory for the fight against the horrible organization destroying families in the U.S. Additionally, more than 1,000 church congregations are now offering sanctuary to migrant families facing deportation. The tide is turning against ICE. Praise this success and thank those who are fighting to keep families together.
The EPA chose lethal poison over the health and lives of animals the agency should be protecting. Now, unified public outrage has put these poisonous traps back where they belong: in the trash bin of bad ideas. Applaud the end of deadly deregulation that would have killed thousands of wildlife.
The Trump administration wanted to give employers a say in their female employees’ reproductive lives. Sustained advocacy—and legal authority—stopped them in their tracks. Applaud the blockage of an attempt to deny hundreds of thousands of women contraceptives.
President Trump has been barred by federal court from blocking his critics on Twitter. His demands to be able to do so were a major part of his war on free press and speech, a direct violation of the First Amendment, and he has been denied that privilege. Thank the Department of Justice for helping make this ban possible.
The census that says every American counts will not be infected by divisive politics. The opportunists who wanted to use a citizenship question as a weapon of oppression have failed. Applaud this Supreme Court-delivered win for equality and fairness.
Americans are being priced to death by the drug companies that often become their lifeline. Applaud efforts to end pharmaceutical price gouging and its inhumane extortion of human life.
President Trump has waged a war against environmental progress, but his efforts at deconstructing previous protections suffered a significant blow. Commend the judicial system for striking down illegal offshore drilling.
Emerging leaders are taking a stand against asbestos and other hazardous chemicals. Encourage these pioneers who aim to end the danger of government-approved toxins.
Two big banks have announced plans to withdraw their funding of private immigrant detention centers. This is a massive step in the fight against migrant discrimination and the private prison industry. Praise these funders for their commitment to human rights.
The Trump administration has been ordered to reunite thousands of children with the guardians they were forcibly separated from at the Mexican border. The racist and xenophobic policy was ended some time ago, but until now it did not include mending the families it had broken. Sign this petition to thank those who fought against this hateful policy.
An animal welfare advocacy group has filed a lawsuit against the USDA, demanding a stop to their horrific experiments that kill at least 100 kittens and cats per year. While this is only the first step in stopping the experiments, it is an important one. Sign this petition to thank the White Coat Waste Project and to support their fight to protect innocent animals.
Several essential conservation programs nearly lost their funding, due to the abrupt end of an important farm bill. Thank congress for maintaining this funding and protecting the environment, organic research and food stamps.
The Supreme Court has refused to listen to the pleas of Louisiana and Kansas to divert Medicaid funds from Planned Parenthood. While the decision has been met with heavy criticism and accusations of ducking the questions, it is a welcome one due to Planned Parenthood being a vital source of quality health care for women. Sign this petition to thank those who have stood beside the organization.
A key guardian of America’s environment has purged another parasite from its ranks. Celebrate the departure of Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke from his prominent role as leading environmental destroyer.
The vaquita porpoise has been given a second chance thanks to the United States Court of Appeals. The judges ruled against lifting a ban on imported seafood obtained using gillnets, a fishing method that is extremely dangerous for sea mammals. Praise the judges for protecting this endangered species.
Scientists dedicated to confronting climate change have finally been elected to Congress. Support evidence-based climate change policy and encourage our new scientist representatives to continue fighting for the environment.