Post Tagged with: "international"

Success: Alliance Formed to Combat Sexism in Advertising

U.N. Women and several big companies have joined together to form an alliance against sexism in advertising. This is a big step for the advertising world, which has continued to rely on gender stereotypes and hypersexualization for years. Sign this petition to thank the Unstereotype Alliance for tackling this issue.

Keep World Cup Out of Russia Until Human Rights Abuses End

FIFA plans to hold major tournaments in Russia, even after the nation has committed serious human rights abuses. Sign the petition and demand that FIFA pull its tournaments out of the nation.

Success: Gajraj the Elephant Freed From Chains After 50 Years

After being chained and neglected for over 50 years, Gajraj the elephant is finally being treated for his ailments and brought to an accredited sanctuary. He will now be able to roam freely and play with other elephant friends. Sign this petition and praise those who have helped bring freedom to this animal once again.

Success: France Offers Grants for Americans Fighting Global Warming

While the Trump administration has threatened the work of many climate scientists and other researchers in the U.S., the French president is taking action and offering grants for those working to fight global warming. Sign this petition to applaud President Macron’s decision which fulfills his previous campaign promises.

Success: ‘Gay Panic’ Defense Abolished

The cruel, outdated “gay panic” defense will finally no longer be enshrined in Queensland law. Help us celebrate this victory for LGBTQ rights.

Success: Dairy Farm Abusers to be Jailed

Three men who kicked, punched, and beat cows have been sentenced to jail. Applaud this move, which sends a message that animal abuse on farms will not be tolerated.

Success: Chinese Food Festival to Ban Dog Meat

A cooking festival in China has banned dog meat after many petitions and pleas to stop the barbaric practice of slaughtering pets for the festival’s main dishes. This is a step in the right direction that will hopefully shut down the pet meat trade for good. Sign this petition to thank China for putting animal welfare first.

Fire Officers Filmed Beating Two Nude Women in Front of Children

Video footage captured police officers allegedly brutalizing two nude women in front of their children before throwing them in the back of a truck. Police can be seen digging their boots into the back of one victim’s knee and twisting her arm behind her back, and in another clip, they carry a victim by the hair and feet. Demand that these officers be fired and severely punished immediately for their alleged disgusting violation of human rights.

Man Caught on Video Punching Dog Must be Punished

A man was caught on video punching his dog repeatedly in the head before slamming her to the ground. This man viciously attacked his innocent dog in broad daylight on a public street. Sign this petition to demand that the poor dog be rescued and that her violent attacker is brought to justice.

Success: Orangutans Gain More Protections

Thanks to the Indonesian president, orangutans are getting a helping hand. These special primates have received further protection from habitat loss due to palm oil companies in the Leuser ecosystem and other parts of Indonesia. Sign this petition to praise the dedication to the preservation of this species.

Success: Live Animals No Longer Used for Trauma Training

For years, animals were being tortured and killed for trauma training. Thankfully, human simulators will now replace live animals. Sign this petition to praise the decision to end this unnecessary abuse.

Success: Taiwan Bans Euthanasia of Stray Animals

Taiwan recently banned the euthanasia of stray animals. Now, animals in shelters can no longer be put to death because they remain unclaimed. Applaud the Taiwan parliament for standing up for animal rights.

Success: Philippines Agrees to Meet Climate Goals

The Philippines’ senate unanimously approved ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement. This keeps the country on track to meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent by 2030. Sign the petition praising the Philippines commitment to combating global climate change.

Success: New Technology Helps Capture Poachers

Rangers have successfully arrested numerous poachers thanks to new technological devices that they received from the World Wildlife Fund. Thank the WWF for helping to put an end to this horrific crime and for further doing whatever possible to ensure that animals continue to thrive.

Success: Volkswagen Sites Raided in Emissions Probe

German police are investigating Volkswagen to determine who installed emissions manipulation devices after tens of thousands of VW vehicles were caught cheating on emissions tests, releasing 40 times the allowed amount of toxic emissions into the atmosphere. Support these steps to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Success: Government Bans Captive Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

After mother and daughter beluga whales passed away within two weeks of each other, the public and animal activists spoke up about their concerns for the animals trapped within the aquarium. Thankfully, the local board decided to ban cetacean captivity at the aquarium. Sign this petition and praise the board for making the compassionate choice.

Success: United Kingdom Dramatically Reduces Carbon Emissions

Coal emissions have declined 74 percent in the United Kingdom since 2006. All coal-powered plants are scheduled for closure by 2025. Sign this petition praising the British government for its commitment to clean energy.

Success: Massive Ocean Cleanup Project Launched

The majority of large plastics in the earth’s oceans are estimated to be cleaned up within decades thanks to a recently funded system that will help get this plastic out of the water. Applaud this viable solution that will work to create a cleaner, greener planet.

Success: Cruel Hunters Will No Longer Get Away with Hurting Sharks

A prison sentence for shark finning and shark spining, a violent practice of dismembering sharks to use their body parts in soup, has been handed out for the first time in Costa Rica. Applaud this victory for the protection of sharks.

Success: Heathrow Airport Expansion Protesters Will Not Face Jail Time

Thirteen brave climate activists who blocked a runway at Heathrow Airport will not face jail time. This decision continues a long tradition of respect for peaceful environmental activism in the United Kingdom. Sign this petition applauding the judge for upholding this ideal.

Success: Starbucks Begins Placing Recycling Containers in Stores

Starbucks has been in the spotlight for years because of how many of their cups end up in landfills. However, they have recently begun placing recycling containers and testing completely recyclable cups in the UK. Sign this petition to show your support and ensure this action continues.

Success: Eight Companies Withdraw Sponsorship from Rodeo

After public outcry, eight companies have withdrawn their sponsorship of a rodeo that was caught committing acts of animal cruelty. This is a victory for the rights of these animals, but we must let the government know more needs to be done. Sign this petition to thank the companies and ensure even further action against rodeos.

Success: Gambian President Agreed to Step Down After Election Defeat

After much resistance, the defeated Gambian president finally stepped down from his seat in office. Sign this petition to applaud this peaceful transfer of power.

Success: Farm Owners Convicted for Allowing Cow Torture

The owners of a farm where employees allegedly beat, kicked, and hung cows from their necks have been found guilty of animal abuse. Sign this petition to applaud the judge for his decision to convict these men.

Success: China Bans Ivory Trade

Help is on the way for endangered elephants, thanks to the Chinese government announcing that all ivory trading will be banned in the country by the end of 2017. Sign this petition to thank China for putting an end to the cruel ivory industry in their country.

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