Search Results for: "Arctic"

Protect Harp Seals From Extinction Due to Habitat Loss

The harp seal, a vital species in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, is facing the threat of extinction due to habitat loss and hunting. Action must be taken to protect this species. Demand a plan be made to save this animal.

Save Alaskan Wilderness From Destructive Oil Drilling Project

Pristine Alaskan wilderness is facing catastrophe at the hands of Big Oil. Demand an end to this environmentally destructive project.

Save Ice Sheets Before the World Pays the Price

Glacial melt could destroy some of nature’s most majestic structures. Moreover, it could upend sea levels, overwhelm vulnerable coastal areas, and endanger both humans and animals. Urge full investment in combatting an urgent global threat.

Educational Series: Seabirds, World Travelers of the High Seas, Are in Crisis

By Nick Engelfried Seabirds are among the natural world’s most impressive world travelers. With migration routes that may span entire oceans, they cover distances almost no other animal will venture in its lifetime. Their streamlined bodies and paraglider-like wings are designed to keep them aloft above the open seas, where […]

Save the Snow Crabs From Disappearing Forever

A fixture of the Alaskan seas is in danger due to climate change and overfishing. We must save the snow crab before it’s too late.

Stop Ripping Feathers Out of Live Birds to Make Down Jackets

Ducks and geese endure agony as their feathers are ripped off to make “real down” for high-end winter wear. Tell global luxury brand Canada Goose to commit to using only recycled down.

Don’t Let Doomsday Glacier Bury Earth in Catastrophic Flooding

The rapidly melting Doomsday Glacier could cause catastrophic flooding across the globe. Demand leaders address the climate crisis before it’s too late.

Protect Alaskan Wildlands from Ravages of Oil Drilling

A massive new oil drilling project may soon destroy sensitive Arctic ecosystems while making climate change worse. Call on President Biden to honor his word by rejecting this destructive proposal.

Don’t Destroy Critical Climate Mission

A promising tool in the fight against climate change, habitat loss, deforestation, and much more could soon be decommissioned and destroyed. Demand NASA halt its plans to throw away this invaluable environmental aid.

Educational Series: It’s Time to Stop Treating Pigs as Walking Meat

By Nick Engelfried More than probably any other animal species, pigs are considered by countless people around the world to be practically synonymous with meat. In the U.S. alone, approximately 120 million pigs are slaughtered every year to make ham, sausage, and other meat products consumers love. Yet, what is […]

Protect Threatened Shorebirds From Extinction

Red knots are facing extinction as their habitats and food sources disappear. During their long migration, these shorebirds feast upon the horseshoe crab, yet this crab is being systematically harvested and the red knots are starving off. Help stop the harvest of horseshoe crabs and save the red knot shorebird.

Free Polar Bears From Torture Chamber

Two polar bears are being held prisoner in a hotel for human amusement. The animals are displayed in a small enclosure on artificial ice for 24-hour viewing. Sign this petition to save these majestic beings.

Success: Oil and Gas Drilling Prevented on Federal Lands and Oceans

President Joe Biden has issued an executive order to halt oil and gas leasing on federal lands and oceans. This is a major victory in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the climate and ecological crisis. Sign this petition to applaud Biden for keeping his climate promise.

Educational Series: Shy, Elusive Wolverines Are Clinging to Survival

By Nick Engelfried Solitary, powerful, and mysterious, wolverines have captured the imaginations of animal lovers around the world like few other creatures. Because of their extremely low population densities and tendency to avoid humans, few people will ever have the chance to see a wild wolverine in its natural habitat. […]

Success: Earth’s Ozone Shield on Road to Recovery

Ozone holes around the world are healing, closing dangerous gaps in environmental protection. Applaud these significant recoveries for Earth’s strongest shield against global warming.

Educational Series: Wetlands Are Vanishing And We Must Act Now

By Nick Engelfried Picture an endangered animal habitat and the first place that comes to mind might be a tropical rain forest or the melting Arctic. It likely won’t be a wetland. Although they are some of the most threatened and important ecosystems on the planet, marshes, swamps, and bogs […]

Educational Series: Ocean Animals Are in Crisis and Need Protection Now

By Nick Engelfried The 582,578 square miles of ocean and small islands in Hawaii’s Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument encompass an area larger than all land-based U.S. national parks combined, providing a refuge for animals from tiny coral polyps to blue whales. The monument’s extensive coral reefs support countless tropical fish […]

Educational Series: Persecuted Wild Wolves Need Our Help to Survive

By Nick Engelfried One of the most successful large predators ever to evolve, wolves once ranged through forests and plains across most of the Northern Hemisphere–including Europe, Asia, and North America. Wolves’ natural intelligence, social behavior, and adaptability to a wide range of habitat types helped them become one of […]

Educational Series: Countless Animals Are In Danger From Climate Change

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]By Nick Engelfried There’s no denying it (though some politicians and corporations try): human-caused climate change is here and it’s changing our world in fundamental ways. The major consequences for people are well known and include rising sea levels inundating coastal cities, more intense hurricanes […]

Success: Narwhal Tusk Salesman Convicted and Punished

An antique dealer has been prosecuted and convicted for selling ivory from endangered narwhals. This is a major step in stopping the illegal poaching of this endangered species and punishing those who sell its tusks. Praise California’s city attorney for his dedication to this important cause.

Success: Animals Rescued from Roadside Zoo and Brought to Sanctuaries

Several exotic and endangered animals were rescued from a roadside zoo and transferred to sanctuaries. Support this victory for animal welfare and demand that efforts are continued to ensure that all of the animals from Deer Haven Mini Zoo are saved.

Educational Series: Killing Wildlife on Public Lands

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] For more than a century, public lands in the United States have been a refuge for some of our nation’s most iconic and majestic wildlife species. When Yellowstone National Park was first established in 1872, it protected species like bison that were on the […]

Educational Series: It’s 2018 and Countries are Still Killing Whales

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] Japan recently set out on their annual whaling mission to kill hundreds of minke whales in the name of scientific research. On these excursions, whales are shot with a grenade harpoon that is connected to a moving ship, causing them to die a slow […]

Success: Protections Upheld for Polar Bears

Massive amounts of Arctic land, including polar bear habitat, will remain protected from oil and gas development thanks to a responsible court decision. Thank the court for saving polar bears and fragile habitat from harmful fossil fuel activities.

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