
Success: Campbell’s to Stop Using BPA

Renowned soup manufacturer Campbell’s has vowed to eliminate a dangerous chemical from its soup cans. Praise the company’s dedication to a cleaner and healthier product.

Success: Governor Vetoes LGBT Discrimination Bill

Georgia’s governor recently vetoed a bill that would have given faith-based organizations the right to deny services to and refuse to hire people from the LGBT community. Celebrate with the Human Rights Campaign and praise Governor Deal for standing up against discrimination.

Success: International Court Recognizes Rape as a War Crime

An international court has acknowledged rape as a war crime in the recent conviction of an ex-politician from the Congo. Applaud the International Criminal Court (ICC) for recognizing rape as a crime against humanity.

Success: County Animal Shelter Manager Resigns

Two animal shelter administrators have resigned in the face of public allegations that improper enforcement of procedures resulted in the deaths of hundreds of pets, including a 22-year-old dog. Thank them for accepting responsibility for their wrongdoing.

Reject Government Budget That Attacks the EPA

Trump’s proposed budget will drastically cut the EPA’s funds. But the EPA’s budget is already about as low as it can get—it accounts for just 0.22% of the federal budget. Demand that these attacks on environmental protection be stopped.

Success: California Will Raise Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour

California will raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022, which will boost the income of almost half of the state’s workforce. Applaud governor Jerry Brown for accepting this deal and listening to the voice of the working class.

Success: Missing Journalist Released From Detention

After an outcry from activists around the world, a missing Chinese journalist has been released following his incommunicado detention. Celebrate his freedom while urging the Chinese government to respect freedom of speech.

Success: New York Considers Ban on All Fracking Byproducts

The New York City Council could ban fracking byproducts in city limits. The bill will amend legislation in New York to ban the use, sale, distribution and disposal of any and all fracking waste in the city. Applaud the introduction of this bill to protect the health and environment from this dangerous practice.

Success: LGBT Discrimination Bill Vetoed

The legalization of discrimination against the LGBT community under the guide of religious freedom has been stopped in its tracks by a veto from the governor of Georgia thanks to petitions and protests from human rights supporters. Applaud this victory for LGBT rights.

#FreeLolita the Lone Orca Stuck in Tank for 45 Years – Social Media Alert

Lolita the orca has been in captivity since 1970 and has been alone since 1980. The Miami Seaquarium recently announced it will keep Lolita in her tiny tank and continue her shows. Demand Lolita be released to a seaside sanctuary where she can live out the rest of her days happily among other orcas.

Success: University Will Crack Down on Campus Sexual Misconduct

UC Berkeley’s mishandling of sexual misconduct cases will soon be investigated by UC President Janet Napolitano. Applaud her efforts to find justice for sexual misconduct victims and make campuses safer for students and staff.

Success: Dynamite Ends Use of Angora Fur

A global clothing retailer has made the decision to stop supporting the cruel fur trade by banning the use of angora fur in its clothes. Sign this petition to thank Dynamite for making such a progressive decision.

Success: Another Major Retailer Bans Fur

Sierra Trading Post, a major Wyoming-based company, has decided to ban fur from all of its products. This is a huge step in the right direction for animal welfare. Take time to thank Sierra Trading Post for making this important decision.

Success: Animal Hoarder Banned From Owning Animals

A woman was sentenced to five years of probation and banned from owning animals after law enforcement found 80 neglected animals on her property. Sign this petition to thank the prosecutor for the strong case he made against the animal hoarder.

Success: Restroom Rights of Transgender Individuals Protected

Transgender individuals’ right to use public restrooms that are consistent with their gender identity is now protected in Washington state. With many other states looking to prevent this sort of protection for transgender people, this is a huge step forward. Take time to thank the commission that is promoting and protecting transgender rights.

Success: Ferguson and DOJ Agree to Reform Police Department

A proposal to overhaul the Ferguson Police Department has been agree upon by the Mayor of Ferguson, the city council, and the Department of Justice after it was found to be plagued by racial bias. Sign to applaud the mayor for agreeing to such a drastic and important reform.

Success: Nestle Under Review for Bottled Water Permit Violation

After extracting California’s limited water under a permit that expired 28 years ago, Nestle’s water bottled water division will be reviewed. Praise the U.S. Forest Service for taking this first step in bringing justice against Nestle.

Success: Owner of Illegal Slaughter House Pleads Guilty

The owner of an illegal slaughter house pleaded guilty and is banned from working around animals for the rest of his life. Sign the petition to show your support for this big win in the animal rights community.

Success: Offshore Drilling in Atlantic Banned

Offshore oil drilling will be banned off the Atlantic coast, protecting miles of ocean habitat from harm. Praise Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell for supporting this decision and doing what is best for the environment.

Success: Poet Imprisoned for Insulting Poem Released

A poet has been pardoned after serving an unjust prison sentence. His imprisonment began after he recited a controversial poem about the government. Praise the royal court for pardoning this poet and protecting the freedom of expression.

Success: Obama Administration Withdrawing Plans to Drill in Atlantic Ocean

The Obama administration has announced that it will withdraw plans to drill for oil and gas in the Atlantic Ocean. The decision comes after years of anxiety over whether Big Oil would be allowed to exploit our Eastern coastline for corporate profit. Show your support by applauding the decision.

Tell Mitch McConnell to Obey the Constitution

The President shall appoint new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to the Constitution. Tell Senate Leader Mitch McConnell to do his job and allow a Supreme Court appointment.

Allow Gay Couple to Escape Persecution

After fleeing persecution in Iran, two gay men were exiled to an island where they face continued harassment and risks to their safety. Support allowing this couple to find a safe sanctuary in a country where LGBT rights are protected.

Success: SeaWorld Will Never Again Breed Orcas

SeaWorld has stated that all of its parks will end the captive breeding program. This means that the current generation of orcas at SeaWorld will be the last. Sign this petition and thank the Humane Society of the United States for all the hard work it has put into making this idea a reality.

Success: NFL Acknowledges Link Between Football, Brain Disease

The National Football League has admitted that its players are at risk of life-threatening brain injuries. Commend the league official who acknowledged this important health concern.

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