The Trump administration wanted to give employers a say in their female employees’ reproductive lives. Sustained advocacy—and legal authority—stopped them in their tracks. Applaud the blockage of an attempt to deny hundreds of thousands of women contraceptives.
A key player in California’s fracking industry has been fired and his division is under investigation for reportedly profiting off the state’s increase in fracking permits. This has freed up an administrative position, which will be filled with an advocate for safer and healthier forms of energy. Praise these bold moves towards a frack-free future.
Nicki Minaj cancelled her concert in Saudi Arabia after pressure from human rights activists. This is a big victory and sets a precedent for other performing artists when they consider the venues that they play. Thank Nicki Manaj for her commitment to human rights.
President Trump has been barred by federal court from blocking his critics on Twitter. His demands to be able to do so were a major part of his war on free press and speech, a direct violation of the First Amendment, and he has been denied that privilege. Thank the Department of Justice for helping make this ban possible.
After Marshae Jones was shot in the stomach during a dispute, she tragically lost her unborn child. She was charged with manslaughter, triggering widespread condemnation. Thank the prosecutor for eventually dropping charges and keeping “the best interest of justice” the priority.
Thousands of species of Australian wildlife as well as many acres of woodland have been granted the legal protection they sorely need. Australia has a staggering record of extinctions and endangerment among many iconic and beloved species, and this bold action is a huge step in preventing more. Praise this important step in animal conservation.
The African elephant population is back on the rise, thanks to national and international conservation efforts. Programs empowering the African people and devaluing poaching have cut elephant deaths in half. Support these efforts and those who back them.
The census that says every American counts will not be infected by divisive politics. The opportunists who wanted to use a citizenship question as a weapon of oppression have failed. Applaud this Supreme Court-delivered win for equality and fairness.
The declawing of cats could soon become illegal in New York, making it the first statewide ban of the inhumane practice. This is the biggest step any state has taken in outlawing the unnecessary surgery. Praise this decision that will protect cats from this cruelty.
One of the nation’s most polluted cities is launching its own Green New Deal. A renewed commitment to slashing carbon emissions and utilizing more energy-efficient measures could pave the way to a cleaner, healthier city. Applaud this bright spot of proactive progression in environmental wellness.
One of the world’s most polluted countries has announced plans to switch to wind energy. Using a highly powered battery, they intend to capture energy from over 200 turbines and harness it to phase out fossil fuels and reduce air pollution. Support this commitment to renewable energy sources.
YouTube is removing and banning all hateful content from its website, heeding consumer concerns about videos denying atrocities such as the Holocaust or issuing violent threats to certain groups. The site has been criticized in the past for turning a blind eye to such things, but now those who court controversy or seek to harm others will be denied such a voice. Thank the platform for taking user safety into consideration and banning hateful content.
Tens of thousands of ex-felons in dire need of a new beginning can now embark on a better path with a voter registration card in hand. This is a promising turn in the fight for the right to vote. Applaud the restoration of voting rights to former felons in search of a second chance.
Exotic animals will no longer be allowed to perform in circuses, thanks to a citywide ban. This is a life-changing decision for many exotic animals who live their lives in cages and are subjected to abuse and neglect. Thank council members for their dedication to animal welfare.
A fresh water lake has nearly recovered from its pollutant infestation, thanks to recently planted wetlands. This is only the beginning for local environmental advocates, though, as they continue their fight to save their town’s fresh water supply. Support these dedicated advocates as they take a stand against pollution.
Human composting, a green burial alternative, has just been legalized. This method has fewer negative effects on the environment than the current options and involves no chemicals, no coffin and none of the fossil fuels necessary for cremation. Show your appreciation for this revolutionary decision.
Thirty-seven seal pups were saved from unfathomable brutality and inhumane exploitation at the hands of eight accused animal traffickers. They happily returned to their homelands following rehabilitation. Celebrate this success and thank those who fought so valiantly to free these pups.
An attempt to control women’s bodies has been eradicated in a bold move to protect the right to abortion. While this does not undo the creation and approval of these oppressive tactics, it is a step in the right direction and will hopefully lead to the repeal of further attacks. Thank those who fought this attack on reproductive freedom.
Children will be less likely to suffer injury and death, due to newly implemented school bus safety measures. Drivers who ignore the bus’ stop-arms can now be charged with a felony. Praise the state’s dedication to improving school bus safety.
The near-extinct corroboree frog population may soon be restored, thanks to a bold conservation project. Thousands of corroboree eggs will be chilled and released into safe, disease-free conditions. Thank the Melbourne Zoo for this important step in preserving these amphibians.
Steven Anderson has been prohibited from sharing his anti-LGBTQ+ views in Ireland after they successfully banned him from entering their country. The pastor has been prohibited from entering 29 other European countries as well. Praise the country’s fight against discrimination.
Endangered Insects could be brought back from the brink of extinction, thanks to three dogs and a group of dedicated researchers. The dogs were successfully trained to detect the insects in their natural habitat, garnering data that could effectively save the species. Support this important step towards conservation success.
Often called the “World’s Tallest Trash Heap,” Mt. Everest suffers every year from excessive hiking pollution. This spring, Nepal’s government sent a team of 14 to clean it up. Hauling out three tons of waste (and counting) is no small feat; let them know we value their efforts.
New York has taken an important step in tackling its air pollution problem. An encouraging by-product could be the improved health of millions of citizens. Celebrate this needed win for the environment and for public health.
Inhumane euthanasia is now considered animal cruelty, following the recent allegations of a shelter freezing four kittens to death. This means that anyone who tortures an animal in the name of mercy can be prosecuted and punished. Praise this advancement that will bring justice for innocent animals.