
Stop Endangering Wild Horses in Government-Backed Roundup

Four wild horses died during a government-backed wild horse roundup. These cruel events are meant to curb overpopulation and protect land; however, they seem to do more harm than good. Demand an immediate end to roundups and ensure the safety of wild horses.

Justice for 17 Horses Reportedly On Brink of Starvation

Seventeen horses nearly died of starvation because of neglect by their caretaker, according to reports. Demand authorities fully prosecute this case.

Don’t Let Filibuster Derail Voting Rights

An obstructionist Senate tactic, known as the filibuster, is endangering voting rights. Preserving this important freedom would honor the legacy of Martin Luther King and ensure the integrity of democracy for centuries. Demand politicians stop standing in the way of progress.

Justice for Endangered Tiger Killed Due to Careless Mistake

A zoo worker reportedly broke into an endangered tiger enclosure. When authorities arrived, they were forced to kill the tiger. Demand justice for this innocent and endangered animal.

Pet Ferrets Reportedly Abandoned to Starve and Die in Park Deserve Justice

Two pet ferrets were reportedly abandoned in a park. One of the animals was malnourished, and the other was killed by a car. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Stop Swindling Consumers Desperate for Health and Food Essentials

Major grocery and retail chains are taking advantage of Americans’ desperate need for essential items. Prices on products like groceries and COVID-19 tests are soaring. Demand an end to price gouging that swindles consumers on a devastating scale.

Keep Hydropower From Destroying Sensitive Ecosystems

If improperly handled, a major hydropower project could destroy precious forests and wildlife habitat. Demand leaders ensure clean energy from hydro doesn’t lead to more environmental harm.

Protect Native American Spiritual Land From Destructive Mining

Native Americans’ religious freedoms are being cast aside at an alarming rate. Destructive mining projects endanger both the environment and the spiritual practices of Indigenous tribes. Demand more rigorous legal protections for these historically oppressed populations.

House Afghan Families Displaced Due to Taliban Rule

Afghan refugees are struggling to find housing after fleeing from the Taliban. The United States is ill-equipped for the number of asylum seekers coming to the country. Demand that the president expand the refugee program and allocate resources to help these victims of a war they did not cause.

Justice for Dog Allegedly Bludgeoned With Sledgehammer

A dog was reportedly bludgeoned and killed by his caretaker with a sledgehammer. Call for a fitting punishment for the alleged perpetrator.

Over 1,000 Buffalo Reportedly Starved to Death Deserve Justice

Hundreds of buffalo reportedly died of starvation after their owner abandoned the herd. Rescuers state those who survived were emaciated, living skin and bones. Demand justice for these animals.

Don’t Cover Up Origins of Dangerous Brain Disease

A dangerous ailment is increasingly finding victims in a Canadian province. This illness robs young patients of their minds, their ability to move, and even their lives. Demand health officials stop obstructing a desperate search for answers.

Save Coral Reefs From Destruction Due to Greedy Overfishing

Environmentally critical coral reefs are rapidly dying. Marine animals, ecosystems, and the world’s oxygen supply are at risk. Demand action to save these irreplaceable natural wonders.

Amazon Employees Reportedly Forced to Remain at Work During Deadly Tornados Deserve Justice

Fourteen workers lost their lives when they were reportedly forced to remain at work during a series of deadly tornados. These deaths were seemingly avoidable if not for two companies’ actions. Cite Amazon and Mayfield Consumer Products for their apparent fault.

Man Accused of Strangling and Kicking Cats to Death Must be Punished

Two pet cats were allegedly strangled and kicked to death. Their caretaker’s son is accused but has not even been charged with animal cruelty. Call on prosecutors to pursue justice for these innocents.

Stop the Slaughter of Whales for Blood Money

Japan is still allowing commercial whale hunts, with hundreds of these majestic creatures killed every year. Sign the petition to ban this cruel and inhumane practice.

Ban Military Style Weapons Used in Deadly School Shootings

Four students were killed, and seven others injured in a school shooting in Michigan. The gunman reportedly used an assault rifle to shoot the eleven people in minutes. Please, act now to ban assault rifles and stop such horrific acts.

Success: Sex Trafficking Co-Conspirator Brought to Justice

At least four young women were groomed for sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein’s former employee and girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell. Now, this convicted abuser will likely face decades in prison. Applaud the efforts of those who sought justice in this case.

Google Must Stop Promoting Climate Denialism

Climate change is real and worse than ever. One of the biggest blockades to fixing the problem is denialism, which is currently being promoted by Google. Sign the petition now to stop Google from running ads for anti-science publishers.

Pet Monkey Fed Cocaine and Nearly Flushed Down Toilet Deserves Justice

A woman apparently fed her pet monkey cocaine and then tried to flush the animal down the toilet. For this, the court gave her only a suspended sentence. Demand real justice for this poor animal.

Don’t Dismiss Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence

Immigrant survivors of domestic violence often face language and cultural barriers when seeking help. This unequal treatment puts lives at risk. Demand Australia do better for immigrant women fighting for their survival.

Stop Strangling Innovation and Competition

Patent trolls threaten the vitality of business start-ups and options for consumers. Demand renewed protection against these hostile actors and their abuse of the legal system.

Don’t Give Up Human Rights Activists to Dictators

People trying to shed light on human rights abuses are losing their freedom and sometimes their lives. The international police may be unwittingly assisting in their unlawful detention and mistreatment. Demand Interpol stop handing over journalists and activists to authoritarian governments.

Stop Toxic Air Pollution Caused By Wood-Burning Stoves

Stoves touted as environmental saviors are actually helping destroy the environment while risking public health. Demand Europe stop promoting and start protecting against dangerous wood-burning products.

Get Cancer-Causing Chemicals Out of Our Drinking Water and Food

Deadly chemicals are infecting the water we drink and the food we eat. Demand the government take immediate action to combat these toxins.

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