Dog Reportedly Thrown Out of a Moving Car and Nearly Killed Deserves Justice

Target: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Sheriff Kevin McMahill

Goal: Thoroughly investigate the case of a dog that suffered severe injuries after reportedly being thrown out of one car and hit by another.

A three-year-old dog named Morti was reportedly thrown out of his owners’ moving vehicle and hit by another, causing his right leg to be amputated. He spent about three days in a Las Vegas desert, all while his leg was severely damaged. When animal control found him, his owners were alerted and they claimed to not want him. After his leg was amputated, he had to get another surgery to drain an infection from the surgery. He was eventually sent to a shelter to be euthanized, but thankfully he was rescued in time. His owners went uncharged, regardless of the apparent animal cruelty and neglect they displayed.

If it were not for Morti’s current foster parent Ashley Bean, he would be dead. Morti now resides with Bean and seven other dogs, and he is noticeably a friendly dog who gets along with the other dogs and Bean’s young son. Thanks to the Southern Nevada Animal Rescue League (SNARL), Morti was able to get proper veterinarian treatment, costing around $7,000. The damage Morti’s owners reportedly caused resulted in him nearly losing his life twice, not only because of the health repercussions he faced, but also because his home was taken from him.

Morti lost his leg, home and nearly his life. His owners seemingly neglected him and caused him a substantial amount of harm by throwing him out of their vehicle. Sign the petition below to urge the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to investigate this case thoroughly so that those thought responsible for harming Morti face justice.


Dear Sheriff McMahill,

Morti was seemingly cruelly thrown out of his owners’ vehicle and hit by another car, causing his leg to be amputated and leaving him homeless. Luckily, animal control found him in time to save him, but under any other circumstance, he would have died. Ashley Bean saved him from the horrors of an animal shelter by fostering him, and if she hadn’t, he would have died through euthanasia. Morti’s life was threatened twice through the alleged actions of his owners and the individual who reportedly hit him; these individuals must be punished.

With your influence over the Las Vegas police department, I urge you to give Morti the justice he deserves. His life was put in danger because of the apparent decisions of others, and the proper charges need to be placed on the individuals who seemingly compromised his well-being. Please investigate Morti’s alleged perpetrators to discourage animal cruelty. I appreciate your attention to this message.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pxfuel


  1. So here we are again. A dog thrown out of a moving car, by his owners of all people. When called by police they didn’t want him back. Yet these people didn’t break the law? I believe they did. Wasn’t this a felony? If nothing else they need to pay the $7000.00 for his vet care, operations, and recoup, all of which they caused. Why should others pay for what they did? They are not facing a court date but they should. They get off with this crime yet will go out and get another dog and do the same thing. The law needs to work in all situations. If not make the law stronger. Fir now these people need to pay for vet, recoup, and foster up keep and should not be allowed soever own dogs or any animals again. Why? They don’t know how to treat them … obviously! This would be some degree of punishment and possibly make them think twice in the future.

  2. goh maria says:

    Surely such blatant cruelty cant be ignored by the law. Please do not let Morti’s heartless and evil owners go scotfree for trying to kill him. If they go unpunished, they will do it again to another pet. And please, since they have no respect for animal life, ban them for owning another pet ever again! JUSTICE FOR POOR MORTI!

  3. Justicia para Morti!!!!! Cómo es posible que los abusadores exdueñis no paguen con cárcel !!! Multas !!! Karma!!! Lo que sea?!!! Volverán a hacerle daño a otro animal,!!!!! Bestias humanas sin alma no merecen tener derechos!!!

  4. Justicia para Morti!!!!! Cómo es posible que los abusadores exdueños no paguen con cárcel !!! Multas !!! Karma!!! Lo que sea. !!! Volverán a hacerle daño a otro animal,!!!!! Bestias humanas sin alma no merecen tener derechos!!!

  5. SICK EVIL BASTARD should be run over by a train and left to suffer.

  6. If Nevada can’t take the time now to put freaks like this in jail then they will have more and more of this to deal with in the future. This was a deliberate attempt to harm, if not kill, a pet they were bored with and cannot go unanswered, they belong in jail for animal abuse and disregard for life. I guess in Nevada killing and harming animals is okay as they are not known for pursuing and prosecuting offenders.

  7. Janice Farmer says:

    Until the laws and punishment for animal abuse are changed, sadistic people are going to abuse animals to the furthest extent they can accomplish which could more than likely end in death because there are no reprecussion for their actions. We need to speak up for and protect all animals from abuse.

  8. Michelle Taylor says:

    The scumbag,vile,severe abusive previous owners of this poor dog require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less. A slow and agonizing death of these evil cretins is essential!

  9. Milantia Roy says:

    And are those pieces of scum goimg to get away with murder?
    I wish I were in charge of that case …

  10. Jackie Pflucker says:

    And what will be the outcome of this case?
    We sign but never know how those bastards are punished!

  11. Ana M. Gonzales says:

    Those pieces of scum should be sent directly to jail for at least 10 years minimum …

  12. Patricia Schwarzmann says:

    Isn’t there justice in the USA?
    Those bastards should be sent directly to a federal prison – I don’t think to spend money on a trial is even necessary …

  13. Until evil pieces of cr** are punished and held accountable for their heinous actions towards innocent animals, this will keep happening over and over. They should be made to feel the pain and heartache Morti did.

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  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
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  • Flora Psarianos
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