Success: Trump Indicted for Espionage and Obstruction

Target: Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General

Goal: Applaud due process in indictment of former President Donald Trump.

When reports first emerged that former President Donald Trump’s residence had been searched for national archives and records, many initially dismissed the issue as ‘no big deal.’ Over time, however, the potential seriousness of willfully retaining these documents became clearer, as word spread that many—if not most—of the materials had classified or top-secret designation relevant to the country’s and to allies’ security. This ForceChange petition and its supporters urged a thorough investigation of the facts and an eventual indictment if these facts led to potential criminal wrongdoing. And after a grand jury of ordinary citizens evaluated the evidence, a decision has been reached.

Former President Trump has been indicted on 37 federal charges altogether. At least 30 of these charges address violations of the Espionage Act, which prohibits deliberately keeping any national defense information that could be damaging to American interests. Documents reportedly retrieved from Trump related to such serious matters as the attack vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies, proposed plans for military action, potential identification information of intelligence sources, and top-secret information on the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Some documents had apparently been strewn about in public settings and even in bathrooms. And in at least two cases, evidence indicates that Trump showed classified information to unauthorized people.

The former president also went several steps further by seemingly attempting to keep documents despite repeated requests from authorities that the documents be turned over. Other charges against him relate to his attempts to have his aides conceal and destroy some of the documents. Another charge involves lies told to authorities. Despite Trump’s predictable outrages about a ‘witch hunt,’ his downplaying of his acts, and his attacks on prosecutors, it was ultimately his peers that indicted him based on clear and convincing evidence. This the way the American justice system should work. Even many of former President Trump’s closest colleagues—including his Vice President, his Attorney General, and his United Nations Ambassador–have affirmed that the charges, if true, are indefensible.

Sign the petition below to thank the current Attorney General for proceeding with this highly sensitive case in an impartial manner.


Dear Attorney General Garland,

From the moment the Attorney General’s office appointed a special independent counsel to its unwillingness to put restrictions on indicted former President Donald Trump’s movements while he awaits trial to launching similar investigations into other elected officials, the office has erred on the side of impartiality. Even the FBI was exceedingly patient with the former president as he stonewalled the retrieval of important security documents. American citizens need to know that their elected leaders will be held to the same standards as themselves.

Thank you for helping ensure these standards are met in this complex and controversial case that comes down to one simple principle: the rule of law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Caleb Oquendo


  1. Avatar photo Torah Wolf says:

    I refuse to sign this petition. You may not like what Trump did or how he acted but, he kept this country in check he kept it safe from our enemies we have low gas prices under $3 a gallon we didn’t have millions and millions of illegal migrants bringing in drugs and killing people and we have to pay taxes for by the way taking over our land taking over our country like it is with the bride administration he kept our borders closed as it says in the Bible as we should to protect our borders, grocery prices were low the Dollar tree store was still a Dollar tree store not a dollar 25 plus store.

    You have no right to judge at all only Jesus is our judge you only have the right to spiritually discern and they have already proven that this is a farce there are other politicians in government such as Obama Hillary Clinton and oh yes our own President Biden who has also taken files and oh I don’t know hidden in the garage and his car maybe the bathroom maybe under his bed… Not to mention the by administration being so crooked and going against every grain of God Trump loves God and it was predicted by a prophet that he would be president for two terms didn’t say they would be in a row.

    Shame on you for putting up this petition this just shows how judging you are be careful do not judge unless ye shall not be judged themselves in the Bible be careful you should do your Bible study you are way behind and you are walking with your eyes wide shut!!

    • Avatar photo Lance Kammerud says:

      Go back and join your MAGA indoctrinating cult and get your misinformation and brainwashing. If you would pull your head out of your a** and the bible maybe you would open your eyes enough to realize Trump is a POS sexual predator, self entitled law don’t apply to me narcissistic PIECE OF TOTAL USELESS SH*T who deserves everything that he’s got coming.

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222 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • Orna Zagiel
  • John B
  • Kim Harris
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