Six puppies were reportedly thrown from a bridge, and five of them died as a result. The man accused of this heinous crime will not face any charges. Call for a change in the system that too often lets alleged offenders walk.
The state where a tragic school shooting took place grabbed national attention not for its actions on gun violence but for its vengeful actions against young Black representatives speaking out on the issue. Demand local lawmakers help restore the peoples’ vote.
Mountain gorillas are critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Demand immediate action to protect their habitat and prevent their extinction.
Styrofoam packaging is a hazard to wildlife and ecosystems that takes centuries to decompose. Call for a ban on Styrofoam in the food and beverage industries.
The West Indian manatee is at risk of extinction due to boat strikes, pollution, and habitat loss. Something must be done to protect this iconic species. Demand the Jamaican Prime Minister take action to save them.
The African elephant is at risk of extinction due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. Something must be done to ensure the survival of this iconic species. Demand Kenya’s president take action now.
Habitat loss, hunting, and climate change have threatened the endangered saiga antelope. Scientific research can help prevent the extinction of this iconic species. Demand Kazakhstan’s president take action now.
Grizzly bears are at risk due to habitat loss and human interference. Without immediate action, they could become extinct, causing significant ecological and economic impacts. Demand a national park be set up to protect and possibly save this species.
Single-use plastic straws pollute the oceans and harm marine animals who mistake them for food. Something must be done to protect these species and the environment. Demand a ban on these straws in all restaurants and cafes across Australia.
The Florida panther may soon go extinct due to habitat loss. Urgent action is needed to protect this critically endangered species. Demand an end to human-wildlife conflict and support scientific research and monitoring.
Snow geese are rapidly declining in numbers because they are hunted for sport. This senseless killing disrupts migratory patterns and causes an imbalance in the ecosystem. Take action now to protect this species.
Poisoning from lead ammunition is devastating wildlife. Demand action to promote safe alternatives that ensure ecological and public health.
Only 500 Siberian tigers remain in the wild, and poaching and habitat loss threaten to wipe them out entirely. Call for stronger protections to save them from extinction.
Dynamite fishing involves using explosives to stun and kill marine life, devastating nearby ecosystems and slaughtering fish. We must end this horrific practice.
Majestic white-tailed eagles are at risk of extinction from habitat loss and hunting. Help preserve the species and promote sustainable development.
Orangutans are critically endangered due to destruction of their habitat and poaching. Urge President Joko Widodo to implement stronger protections for them and promote sustainable development.
The manatee is at risk of extinction due to boat strikes, pollution, and habitat loss. Protecting this iconic species is crucial for the health of Florida’s waterways. Demand Governor DeSantis take action against these threats to its survival.
The koala, a beloved Australian icon, is at dire risk of extinction due to habitat loss and disease. Urgent action is needed to save this species.
A deadly explosion rocked a Pennsylvania chocolate factory, leaving behind devastation, anger, and still-unanswered questions in the rubble. Demand more be done to enhance occupational safety in the sometimes-hazardous food manufacturing industry.
The Tasmanian devil is an iconic Australian marsupial threatened by a deadly facial tumor disease and habitat loss. We must act now to protect this unique species and preserve the biodiversity of Australia. Call for immediate action to save the Tasmanian devil.
The jaguar’s habitat is under threat of destruction due to deforestation and illegal hunting. This puts this iconic species at risk. Demand immediate action to protect the iconic species and its ecosystem.
The Harpy Eagle is critically endangered in Costa Rica due to habitat loss and hunting. Urge immediate action be taken to protect this vital species.
Wolves are dying at an alarming rate at the behest of Sweden’s top leaders. This government issued cull threatens to reduce their population to a dangerously low 150. Demand this special interest-fueled slaughter end immediately.
Deficiencies in Medicaid approval are costing millions of older Americans a healthy and more financially stable life. Urge bureaucrats to unwind the red tape and unleash holistic wellness.
Toxic pesticides are killing bees and butterflies. These pollinators are essential for the food chain. Demand that these deadly chemicals be banned.