
Success: Elementary Students Receive More Recess Time

Elementary school students are improving in the classroom because of the Board of Education’s decision to add more recess time, four 15-minute segments of recess a day. Thank the Board of Education for making this decision to enrich the lives of young students.

Campbell Soup

Success: Campbell Soup to Identify GMO Ingredients on Labels

The Campbell Soup company will now show GMO ingredients on their products’ labels. Applaud their decision to be more transparent in what consumers are eating and drinking.

Success: Oregon Provides Over-the-Counter Birth Control

Women in Oregon now have over-the-counter access to birth control. This monumental law strengthens the argument for women’s healthcare and basic rights. Sign this petition to show your support for this decision.

Success: Whole Foods Stops Selling Rabbit Meat

Major grocer Whole Foods Market has stopped selling rabbit meat. Thank the company for taking this reasonable decision and urge it to go further by decreasing its sale of other meat items.

Success: Ringling Bros. Will Retire Elephants Earlier Than Planned

In 2015, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus announced that they would be retiring all their elephants in 2018. However, the plan has changed and now all the elephants will be retired in May 2016. Sign this petition and thank Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for recognizing that these highly intelligent animals deserve happiness sooner rather than later.

Success: Soda Sales Drop Significantly Thanks to Tax

Sales of sweetened drinks in Mexico have fallen by 12 percent after a 20 percent tax was added. Praise the successful initiative for encouraging citizens to make healthier choices.

Success: Men Accused of Helping to Kill Cecil the Lion Will Likely be Prosecuted

Two of Cecil the lion’s alleged killers will likely be prosecuted, as the court has refused to dismiss the case even though one of the accused requested that charges be dropped. Thank court officials for taking the investigation seriously and for doing their best to ensure anyone involved with this horrible and pathetic crime is punished.

Success: Obama to Expand Background Checks for Gun Sales

President Obama is using his executive authority to enact common sense gun safety. Applaud Obama for taking a stand against senseless gun violence.

Success: Prisoner of Conscience Released

A human rights activist sentenced to a year in prison for peacefully protesting utilities rate hikes and the mysterious death of a journalist has been released following reductions to his sentence. Sign the petition to praise Myanmar for this positive step.

Success: Healthcare Guaranteed for 9/11 First Responders

Over 30,000 9/11 first responders suffer from illnesses caused by their presence at ground zero. A new law will finally give them the health coverage that they deserve. Praise Congress for passing a long-term health plan to save our first responders.

african lion namibia kevin pluck

Success: Lions in Africa On Endangered Species List

One of two subspecies of African lions has been placed on the endangered species list, and the other on the threatened species list. Applaud the decision made to try protect and conserve these majestic animals.

Success: Disabled Child Allowed to Keep Therapy Pig

After a boy who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome was almost forced to give up his therapy pig because of zoning laws, it was ruled the boy would be allowed to keep his best friend at his side. Thank city officials for allowing Julian and his pig to remain a pair.

Success: New York to Overhaul Solitary Confinement in State Prisons

The use of solitary confinement in New York state prisons is being overhauled. Applaud this progress towards treating those who are incarcerated more humanely.

Success: Drones Now Required to be Registered

Registration of certain drones will now be required by the Federal Aviation Administration. Applaud this safety measure that will combat drone-related dangers and crime.

Success: World Leaders Align Against Climate Change

Nearly 200 world leaders have come together to combat climate change. The creation of the Paris Agreement is a big step toward reducing greenhouse gases and exploring alternative energy sources. Praise the world leaders for coming together for the sake of our planet.

Success: Baby Monkeys No Longer Tortured In Lab

Cruel experiments on baby monkeys that involved purposefully causing the infants psychological distress have finally ended after 30 years. Thank the congresswoman who helped it happen.

Success: Sale of Harmful Microbeads to be Banned

The sale of environmentally unfriendly microbeads commonly found in soaps and toothpaste will soon be banned. Commend the sponsor of the bill for his efforts to clean up the environment.

Success: Animal Agriculture’s Effect on Climate Change Discussed at Paris Conference

Animal agriculture and meat consumption’s effects on climate change were discussed at the recent Paris climate change talks. Applaud this significant discussion and push for more of them in the future.

Success: Military Dogs Will Be Sent Home

Military service dogs will now be sent home upon retirement rather than being left overseas, thanks to a new law. Thank President Obama for improving the lives of these heroic animals by helping their former handlers adopt them easily and rapidly.

Success: Federal Judge Denies Request to Block Syrian Refugees

A federal judge has denied Texas’ request to prevent Syrian refugees from resettling in the state, thus allowing nine refugees to seek protection in Texas. Applaud this step towards helping these vulnerable people and showing them compassion.

Success: Netflix Extends Parental Leave Benefits to Hourly Workers

Parental leave benefits now apply to hourly workers at Netflix, helping the workers who need it most. Sign this petition to applaud that Netflix’s hourly workers will now have more benefits to help them during this important time in their lives.

Success: Los Angeles to Accept Syrian Refugees

Syrian and other refugees fleeing violence in their home countries will now be welcomed in Los Angeles. Applaud this step towards helping these vulnerable people in their attempt to escape deadly terrorist violence.

Success: North Korea Pledges to Fight Deforestation

North Korea has pledged to fight deforestation and lower its greenhouse gas emissions. Applaud this step towards protecting our planet.

Success: Yale Lecturer Who Allegedly Defended Racist Costumes Resigns

A Yale lecturer who defended offensive and racist costumes, like blackface and Native American headdresses, has resigned. Applaud her decision and the fact that she no longer holds a powerful position to spread these racist views.

Success: Bill Introduced to Protect Arctic From Drilling

A vital part of Alaskan wilderness may finally receive federal protection from oil drilling and development, thanks to newly proposed legislation. Applaud the senators responsible for this bill and show support for its passage.

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