
Success: Philadelphia Becomes First Major City to Implement Soda Tax

Philadelphia has become the first major U.S. city to institute a tax on soda and other unhealthy beverages. Applaud the passage of this progressive new measure.

Success: Lenient Judge Removed from New Case

A judge who gave a convicted sex offender an insufficient sentence has been removed from a similar case. Applaud the decision to prevent this man from issuing further unfair rulings.

Success: Net Neutrality Preserved

Net neutrality, the concept of an internet with equal accessibility for everyone, has been upheld in a landmark ruling. Praise this decision, which will preserve an open internet.

Success: National Aquarium Releases Dolphins to Sanctuary

The National Aquarium has recently announced that it will be releasing all eight of its bottlenose dolphins to a seaside sanctuary. Now these dolphins will be able to swim in the sea, feel the tides, and interact with wild dolphins. Sign this petition and thank the National Aquarium for making the compassionate decision.

Success: Egg Industry to Phase Out Mass Killings of Male Chicks

A major egg production cooperative has vowed to stop the culling of male chicks, a cruel practice in which the young animals are ground up, gassed, or suffocated. Praise this move, which will set a precedent for egg producers all over the world.

Success: Medical Marijuana Legalized

Ohio became the 25th state to legalize medical marijuana, meaning millions of Americans can now receive much-needed treatment from the drug. Applaud the passage of this progressive new law.

Success: Minimum Wage Raised to $15 an Hour

The District of Columbia has become the latest city to raise the minimum wage to $15. Thank the city’s politicians for their efforts to provide a fair living wage for all hard-working citizens.

Success: Woman Who Duct-Taped Her Dog’s Mouth Shut Found Guilty of Animal Cruelty

A woman who duct-taped her dog’s mouth shut and posted a picture of the abuse on social media has been found guilty of animal cruelty and sentenced to suspended jail time. Praise this great decision that proves that animal abuse is serious and punishable under the law.

Success: U.S. to Enact Near-Total Ivory Ban

A near-total ivory ban will soon be taking effect in the U.S. Sign this petition to applaud the completion of these new laws and thank the U.S. government for fighting against poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

Success: Maryland Bans Dangerous Bee-Killing Pesticides

Harmful pesticides that have contributed to the deaths of countless bees will soon be outlawed in the state of Maryland. Thank the state’s legislators for enacting this progressive measure and demonstrating a commitment to protecting the nation’s rapidly dwindling bee populations.

Success: Justice Obtained for Murdered and Neglected Pit Bulls

Two allegedly neglectful and abusive pit bull owners who left their pets to go hungry and suffer from parasites are behind bars pending charges. Celebrate the swift justice brought to these alleged animal abusers.

Success: School Board Moves to Correct Racial Disparity in Education

A school district has moved to address minority education gaps and the teacher expectations that cause them. Applaud their efforts to make sure that every child succeeds.

Success: Woman Who Abandoned Dog at Shelter Prosecuted

A woman accused of cruelly abandoning her dog, resulting in its death, has been brought to justice. Commend the police department that filed a criminal complaint against this animal abuser.

Success: PetSmart Stops Supporting Abusive Animal Mill

Over 100 animal welfare violations were discovered at one of PetSmart’s suppliers. Thankfully, PetSmart decided to end its business relations with the horrific animal mill. Sign this petition and thank PetSmart for making the compassionate choice.

Success: Animal Advocacy Groups Sue for Orca’s Freedom

Advocacy groups are rallying to free an orca held captive for 45 years. The container used to hold her is too small to be legal. Applaud these groups’ efforts to return this suffering animal to the ocean.

Success: Retailer Commits to Stop Selling Eggs from Caged Hens

A major food retailer has decided to ban eggs from caged hens, but these eggs will slowly phase out in the stores in the span of nine years. Sign this petition to thank the retailer for deciding to only sell cage-free eggs, but to also urge the company to immediately ban eggs from caged hens.

Success: Innocent Dog Not Euthanized

A dog wrongly accused of harassing a farmer’s sheep will not be euthanized. Thank the attorney general for helping to save this innocent animal.

Success: Killing Bulls Outlawed In Spanish Town

Killing bulls to celebrate an annual festival is now illegal in a town in Spain. Sign the petition to thank the local government officials for outlawing this cruel practice.

Success: Permit for Construction of Coal Export Terminal Denied

A project which posed severe threats to local indigenous people and the environment at large has been rejected by the Army Corps of Engineers. Applaud the Army Corps of Engineers for protecting the Earth and its people from Big Coal.

Success: Obama Guarantees Overtime Pay To More Workers

Over 12 million workers will now be guaranteed overtime pay, thanks to a new rule crafted by the Obama administration. Sign this petition to thank the president for protecting workers’ rights.

Success: Governor Vetoes Anti-Abortion Bill

A bill that would have made it a felony for doctors to perform abortions has been vetoed. Praise the pro-life governor that put her personal beliefs aside for the good of her state.

Success: Chief of Racist Police Department Resigns

The Chief of Police who oversaw an increasingly racist police department has finally succumbed to pressure and stepped down. Thank the mayor for urging this man to resign so that the police force can receive better leadership.

Success: Bull Stabbing Festival Banned

Every year during the Toro de la Vega festival, men on foot and horseback would chase, torture, stab, beat and kill a lone, innocent bull. Thankfully, the government has put an end to this atrocity and banned the festival. Sign this petition and thank the government for ending this barbaric event.

Success: Families of 9/11 Victims Allowed to Sue Saudi Arabian Government

Families of those who died during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks now have the ability to sue the government that is allegedly responsible. Thank the legislators who passed this bill and bravely protected the public interest.

Success: Spread of Invasive Species Halted

A 1.7 mile earthen barrier has prevented the invasive species Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. Applaud those responsible for stopping the invasion of this destructive species and protecting crucial ecosystems.

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