
Success: Indiana Will Not Force Slaughter of Wild Animals

Thousands of animals will be spared a needless death as Indiana withdraws proposals for new rules, including one that would have forced animal control workers to kill wildlife. Support this move toward humanity and compassion.

Success: Breeder Accused of Abusing Over 80 Pets Banned From Owning Animals

More than 80 cats and dogs were removed from a breeding facility where they reportedly suffered from neglect and infection. The owner was recently banned from owning pets for the next seven years. Sign the petition below to thank Canadian authorities for protecting more animals from becoming victims of this alleged abuser.

Success: Australia to Invest Millions in Great Barrier Reef Protection

The Australian government has announced funding of millions of dollars into the restoration of the Great Barrier Reef, in order to protect it against numerous environmental threats. Sign the petition to applaud Australia for funding this important undertaking.

Success: Child Marriages to Girls as Young as 13 Abolished

Child marriages can lead to a lifetime of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse for the young people often forced into these unions. One young woman, compelled by her family’s personal history, took the issue straight to the halls of her state government. Applaud her success in helping change a century-old law that sheltered child abusers.

Success: TripAdvisor Increases Animal Welfare Requirements

TripAdvisor has updated its policies and tightened its standards of animal welfare so that it will no longer promote exploitative attractions that force animals to perform for human entertainment. Support this important stand for the well-being of animals around the world.

Success: Bee-Killing Pesticides Banned Across Europe

The European Union has agreed upon a total ban on a number of bee-killing pesticides. Thanks to this decision to stop the use of these harmful insecticides, bee populations will have a chance to recover across Europe. Sign this petition to applaud the EU for this important breakthrough.

Success: Maryland Allows Inmates Access to Reproductive Health Services

Maryland passed a bill securing access to reproductive healthcare in their prisons. This is a huge victory for those locked up who don’t have access to essential treatments and deserves to be commended!

Success: Judge Rules DACA Stays

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program shall remain untouched, according to a federal judge. This is a huge victory in the fight against Trump’s attack on DACA recipients.

Success: Racist, Sexist Reporter Fired From The Atlantic

A reporter who called Black people “primates” and suggested women who seek abortions be treated as murderers has been fired from the Atlantic. Sign this petition to thank a watchdog journalism group that helped expose his history of dangerous rhetoric.

Success: America’s Pets to be Protected with Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition

Dogs and cats will finally be nationally protected from cruel slaughter for their meat by the U.S. House Agriculture Committee. Support this important step for animal welfare and combatting the inhumane dog and cat meat trade.

Success: Award Recognition Removed for Destinations that Allegedly Abuse Animals

TripAdvisor has removed its Certificate of Excellence award from three allegedly abusive wildlife attractions. Sign this petition to thank the travel site for no longer rewarding these destinations for their reportedly cruel treatment of animals.

Success: US Government Takes on Human Trafficking

Every day, victims of human trafficking are sold alongside used clothes and disposable goods. Certain websites have become refuges for exploiters and abusers of every stripe. Congress recently dealt a serious blow to these criminal acts. Urge legislators to continue the fight against online sex trafficking.

Success: Sacramento Police to Reduce Killings

The Sacramento Police Department is issuing serious reform to policy after the shooting of Stephon Clark. Stand with us in congratulating the department on taking the necessary actions to change.

Success: UK to Introduce Ivory Ban

The United Kingdom is finally introducing a ban on the sale and trade of ivory, giving in to public pressure from environmentalists and conservationists. This ban has been a long time coming, due to the UK being one of the chief exporters of ivory and thousands of elephants dying for the trade. Sign this petition to thank the UK for taking a step towards giving elephants a brighter future.

Success: Congratulate Montana for Rejecting Coal Development

15 million acres of precious land were just saved by a judge in Montana. Thank this judge who is fighting to preserve national treasures and the rule of law.

Success: United Airlines to Stop Subjecting Animals to Cruel Deaths in Cargo Compartments

Motivated by public outrage over the death of a dog forced to spend a flight in an overhead bin and other senseless animal killings, United Airlines announced it will suspend reservations for transporting animals via cargo until it can review its processes. Sign this petition to express support for this much needed change.

Success: Washington State Protects Wild Salmon and Orcas from Extinction

Endangered salmon and orcas in the Puget Sound will be given a better chance at survival after the governor of Washington signed an executive order requiring their protection. Support this vital move for compassion and conservation.

Success: Luxury Brand Stops Using Fur

A popular handbag and accessory brand has decided to no longer use fur in its products. This will save countless animals from unnecessary pain and premature death. Sign this petition to show your support of the brand’s recent decision.

Applaud Rent the Runway for Eliminating Fur Products from Inventory

Rent the Runway, a fashion brand that allows customers to rent designer pieces, recently made the decision to stop carrying products with fur. Sign this petition to applaud the company’s compassionate decision.

Success: Gov. Rick Scott Signs Gun Control Bill

In the wake of the horrific Parkland school shooting, Florida Governor Rick Scott has signed a modest gun control bill into law. This is a small but important step to help prevent future mass shootings. Sign this petition to applaud Governor Scott’s decision to take political action on the gun violence issue.

Success: Abusive Greyhound Track is Closed

Abuse, imprisonment, and death are the legacy of Asia’s only greyhound racetrack. In July this tragic legacy will be part of history. Applaud the soon-to-be-abolition of an insidiously cruel practice on the world’s largest continent.

Success: Teen Charged with Torturing Puppy Found Guilty

Eight months after being charged with animal cruelty, a teen who tortured and tried to kill a six-week-old puppy has been found guilty. In the wake of so many animal cruelty cases, it is heartening to see an abuser get what they deserve. Sign this petition to thank the Illinois courts for handing down the verdict an animal abuser deserves.

Praise China’s Fight Against Pollution

China has armed itself for war against environmental destruction. Their weapons of choice are millions of trees that will soon shelter some of the country’s most polluted regions. Support the world’s most ambitious reforestation project.

Success: Man Who Brutally Stomped Puppy to Death Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

A boxer puppy was beaten and stomped in a senseless act of violence. While this dog’s life could not be spared, Texas officials have ensured that the man responsible will be severely punished for this barbaric act. Sign this petition to express support for this sentencing.

Success: Justice for Murdered Elephant Conservationist

Eight people have been arrested and charged with the murder of an important elephant conservationist. Sign below to support that these killers are being brought to justice.

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