The federal government’s game of hide-and-seek with crucial Native American relief money is about to come to an end. Billions of dollars will soon reach some of the citizens hit hardest by COVID-19: tribal populations. Applaud the arrival of long-needed humanitarian and healthcare aid.
Two men who reportedly shot and killed a Georgia black man while he was jogging were recently charged with murder. This comes after months of nationwide protest from “I Run With Maud,” a movement started by the victim’s best friend. Thank the movement for all of their hard work bringing justice to Ahmaud Arbery.
Trees that have developed a resiliency against the effects of climate change have been given a chance to thrive, potentially saving forests from extinction due to global warming. Amazon has funded a grant which will help forest owners to protect climate-resilient forests and reduce their carbon footprint. Thank Amazon for its dedication to the environment.
Ozone holes around the world are healing, closing dangerous gaps in environmental protection. Applaud these significant recoveries for Earth’s strongest shield against global warming.
Wolves are returning to the wild in Belgium, heralded by the arrival of four adults and the pregnancy of a female wolf who found a mate recently. Sign this petition to thank the Flemish environmental minister for helping to protect the returning wolves.
A second city in China recently banned consuming the meat of cats, dogs and other pets. Thank the Mayor of Zhuhai for his help, as well as other activists for fighting hard to try and make sure this practice ends. If we keep fighting to try and ensure that eating these animals is outlawed, this practice may one day be banned in all of China.
The destructive Keystone XL Pipeline has been denied an essential river crossing permit. While this may not be a permanent solution to this misguided project, it is a setback for fossil fuel companies and a victory for the organizations who fight hard to protect the environment and the people living in the affected communities. Thank the National Resources Defense Council for doing whatever possible to make sure this detrimental pipeline is stopped.
The Department of Health and Human Services will no longer be allowed to share notes from minors’ confidential therapy sessions with ICE if a recently-introduced bill passes. This is an important step for children and young adults who have already suffered too much. Sign the petition to thank those who sought these protections.
Liberty University’s president refused to suspend in-person classes during the pandemic, claiming that the coronavirus was being exaggerated by the media. Virginia governor Ralph Northam has issued a statewide mandate to end in-person classes, which will force Liberty University to close its campus and stop forcing its students to risk exposure to the virus. Commend Governor Northam for protecting students’ and faculty’s health when their own university would not.
Unrestrained oil production has slowly poisoned Earth for decades. Production of this destructive fossil fuel will now be slashed drastically. Applaud the decline of a prominent global polluter.
Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden for president in a live stream on Biden’s social media. Bernie is putting party unity first and ensuring that Biden will take the progressive part of the Democratic Party very seriously in the coming election to beat Donald Trump. Thank Bernie for supporting party unity.
The National Marine Fisheries Service has been found guilty of failing to prevent Right whale deaths due to entanglement in fishing gear. This is a landmark conservation victory which will lead to better protection for Right whales. Thank those who demanded justice for this vulnerable species.
A ridiculous ban on the use of words like “burger” and “sausage” in plant-based food labels has been dismissed in the Netherlands. This ban would have forced plant-based food companies to sell their products using such unappetizing terms “veggie discs” or “protein tubes.” Sign this petition to thank the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport for their wise decision to reject this unnecessary ban.
Hundreds of inmates have been released from US prisons, which have been likened to “matchboxes” waiting to go up in flames with the coronavirus. This is a huge step forward in slowing the spread of the virus and winning justice for prisoners forced to risk infection in unsafe conditions. Commend the Connecticut Department of Corrections for releasing over 700 prisoners to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
Firefighting foam that contains dangerous, cancer-causing chemicals may soon be phased out, thanks to research done by the United States Air Force. In addition, the Air Force agreed to work with communities contaminated with chemicals and clean them up. Thank the U.S. Air Force for prioritizing the health of firefighters, the public and the environment by working to provide a safer firefighting foam.
Science and medicine have once again rescued scores of living beings from a deadly fate. A promising vaccine spells the end of inhumane badger culling in Britain. Applaud the eradication of a government-mandated form of animal cruelty that has claimed over a million badgers.
The consumption of dog and cat meat has officially been banned in Shenzhen, China, as part of a larger ban on the eating of wildlife following the coronavirus outbreak. This could save millions of innocent animal lives. Thank those responsible for this groundbreaking animal rights success.
Sierra Leone has lifted a years-long ban on pregnant girls coming to school. This law was just one of many harsh cruelties faced by young girls in African countries, a reminder that society and the law see them as lesser people than boys and men and denying them even basic human rights. Once the COVID-19 crisis is over, however, this will no longer be the case. Thank the Sierra Leone school system for lifting this unfair ban.
The Dakota Access Pipeline violates the rights and safety of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and now a federal court has sided with the tribe’s lawyers against the project. Thank the Indigenous Environmental Network for their tireless fight to protect indigenous lands from the threat of this pipeline.
A man accused of killing or starving dozens of cattle received his day in court and did not escape legal justice. He was found criminally responsible for multiple counts of animal cruelty. Applaud the prosecutors who never gave up on justice for these fallen victims of inexcusable negligence and abuse.
The Trump administration’s attempt to lease almost one million acres of public land without public comment was voided. This land is vital habitat for the greater sage grouse and other sagebrush reliant species. Applaud Western Watersheds Project for highlighting the Trump administration’s corrupt policy and protecting greater sage grouse habitat.
Four Egyptian men facing the death penalty were acquitted of their alleged charges. They were arrested as teenagers and reportedly faced horrendous torture while imprisoned. Thank human rights group Reprieve for their hard work campaigning to bring these men justice.
A New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) worker has been granted the two weeks of paternity leave he was guaranteed following the stillbirth of his child. This is a compassionate about-face and a victory for workers everywhere. Congratulate the MTA on this gracious decision.
Coal emissions from the global electricity sector have dropped in the last year, thanks partly to the European Union’s efforts. The EU has been one of the world powers most reluctant to drop coal as a fuel, but this is finally changing. Thank the bloc of countries for finally doing the right thing for clean air.
Banking giant Wells Fargo has dropped its financial support for oil and gas drilling in the Arctic. More big companies should follow this example. Thank Wells Fargo for finally doing the right thing.