
Success: Applaud Historic Vote That Protects Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage will be protected in the state of Nevada, regardless of what the conservative U.S. Supreme Court may one day rule. Thank the state’s activists for relentlessly working toward this goal.

Success: Cease-Fire Signed in Casualty-Heavy Border Conflict

An urgent armed conflict that may have claimed thousands of lives is finally drawing to a close. Support the cease-fire that could mark a new beginning for the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan,

Success: Dog Beaten and Stabbed to Death Receives Justice

A man who beat his dog until she suffered a broken skull and then stabbed her to death has been convicted of animal cruelty. He could receive a sentence of up to three years in prison. Applaud the justice delivered in this tragic case.

Success: Facebook Cracks Down on Hate-Filled Propaganda-Spreader QAnon

Facebook has taken decisive action against a rapidly growing provocateur of hateful propaganda and violence. Legions of QAnon manipulators will now be left without a home base for their dangerous disinformation campaigns. Support Facebook’s full-on ban of this defamatory agent of chaos.

Success: NFL Supports Players’ Rights to Free Speech

The National Football League has successfully reversed its archaic policy punishing players for taking a knee against racial injustice. They are no longer penalizing athletes for kneeling during the national anthem and are in fact supporting this peaceful protest and other appeals for racial equality. Applaud this win for free speech and grassroots activism.

Success: Protection Extended For Threatened Birds

A threatened bird species will not be stripped of protection in the state of Arizona, defying powerful interests that would happily see this animal go extinct. Praise this sound and compassionate decision to protect the yellow-billed cuckoo.

Success: California to Allow Nonviolent Offenders to Become Firefighters

Nonviolent offenders who valiantly fought wildfires will now be able to get training to become professional firefighters when they are released. Thank California lawmakers for pushing for this legislation to bolster the firefighting force and rehabilitate people who have been in prison.

Success: Settlement Reached for the Family of Breonna Taylor

The Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky agreed to pay the family of Breonna Taylor a $12 million settlement and institute changes within the police force. Sign below to thank Mayor Fisher for taking positive steps toward bringing justice to Breonna Taylor.

Success: Investigation Launched into Poisoning of Russian Opposition Leader

Russia and Germany will collaborate in the investigation of the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, signaling a welcome opportunity to learn the truth behind an event eerily similar to attacks on numerous other Russian opposition figures. Congratulate the German Justice Ministry’s good sense in allowing this cooperation.

Success: Alleged Shark Fin Traffickers Busted

Twelve suspects who reportedly made millions from the illegal trafficking and killing of sharks and endangered marine life for their valuable fins and bladders are now facing charges, thanks to the efforts of federal authorities. Applaud the demise of an alleged mass trafficking enterprise.

Success: Coal-Dependent Region to Invest in Sustainable, Safe Energy Sources

Poland has announced massive investment in green and sustainable energy, signaling a faster move away from coal which has been both the country’s main source of power and a perpetual stain on the environment. Congratulate the Polish government for this sensible decision.

Success: Pathway Paved for Pot Legalization

Criminalizing marijuana has caused more harm than it ever accomplished for the good. Non-violent offenders have sat in jail for years, sometimes decades, and countless individuals have suffered in pain without this medically beneficial recourse. Applaud promising strides made in ending this senseless misfire within the justice system.

Success: Wildlife and Fishing Industry Protected From Poisonous Gold Mine

The construction of a destructive gold mine that would have severely damaged Alaskan wildlife has been blocked due in part to an environmental impact statement issued by the Army Corps of Engineers. Thank them for protecting endangered salmon and other species from habitat destruction and contamination.

Success: Migratory Birds Protected Against Slaughter

Migratory birds killed in incidental acts can now receive justice, thanks to advocates who fought the Trump administration’s efforts to curb their protections. This means that anyone who treats birds as collateral damage will face legal consequences. Support this conservation victory.

Success: Construction of Wildlife-Poisoning Mine Cancelled

A dangerous mining project on Alaska’s coast has been cancelled in an encouraging decision from the White House. This is a win for the local environment, which would have suffered greatly due to the release of toxic chemicals. Congratulate the Secretary of the Interior for this constructive development.

A slave, showing scars from recent whipping

Success: Community-Focused Slavery Reparations Secure Decisive Victory

African American families who have endured generations of inequality will now stand a better-than-ever chance of realizing their dreams and ambitions due to one city’s investment in boosting minority businesses, career and educational opportunities, and home ownership. Applaud this novel approach to slavery reparations.

Success: Ancestral Lands Returned to Native American Tribe

Thousands of acres of Native American ancestral lands will be returned to their first inhabitants in California. This should be celebrated. Applaud the reversal of this long-ago wrong and needed victory during a time of such deep racial, ethnic, and cultural divides.

Success: Federal Troops Leave Portland

Violent federal forces were removed from Portland, with conditions. While the fight to protect free speech is not over yet, it’s a victory for the safety of protesters in Portland. Thank Oregon lawmakers for pushing to remove federal forces, and encourage them to continue to protect protesters.

Success: Yellowstone Bison Granted Reprieve from Culling

The culling of bison at Yellowstone National Park will be halted, thanks to a lawsuit brought by conservation advocates. Park officials are exploring alternative options of managing the species, including giving them more freedom to roam. Thank those who saved hundreds of animals from certain death.

Success: Methane Regulations Reinstated to Protect the Environment

Methane regulations have been reinstated to ensure that less of the potent greenhouse gas is released into the atmosphere. This is an important step in the fight against climate change. Thank the lawyers who fought the rollback of these protections in an effort to save the environment.

Success: Scotland Tightens Penalties for Animal Abusers

People found guilty of animal cruelty in Scotland will now be subject to stricter legal penalties. Thank First Minister Sturgeon, other Parliament members, and animal advocates who fought hard to bring about this needed change.

Success: Grizzly Bears Granted Protection From Hunting

The issuing of permits to slaughter Yellowstone’s grizzly bears is now illegal and will cease immediately, thanks to the work of conservation advocates. This will allow the endangered species to repopulate and thrive. Thank those who fought for this victory.

Success: U.S. Army to Suspend Video Game Recruiting

The US Army has suspended its efforts to recruit teenagers through the video game platform Twitch thanks to pressure from concerned citizens. This is an important victory for human rights. Applaud those who spoke out against this practice.

Success: Environment-Destroying Pipeline Cancelled

A pipeline which would have destroyed disadvantaged and Native American communities and harmed the environment has been successfully cancelled thanks to the work of concerned citizens. Thank them for their tireless efforts to protect small towns and wildlife.

Success: International Students Avoid Deportation During Pandemic

International students will be granted visas even if their classes are online, thanks to the efforts of Harvard and MIT lawyers. This decision blocks a recent policy that would deport international students who can no longer attend in-person classes due to the pandemic. Thank those responsible for this remarkable human rights victory.

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