
Stop Exposing Rabbits and Other Animals to Convulsion-Inducing Tests

Animals like rabbits, mice, birds, and fish are still facing unnecessary chemical testing in California. Demand all animals receive protections, not just those we deem worthy.

Stop Overcrowded Shelters From Killing Adoptable Dogs and Cats

Dogs and cats are being surrendered to shelters at unprecedented levels, leading to countless animals being euthanized due to overcrowding. Demand more funding to shelters in order to stop the killing.

Success: Undercover Activists Encouraged to Expose Animal Abuse

Animal welfare activists have long sustained legal punishments for conducting undercover investigations of potentially abusive farms, breeding facilities, and more. Fortunately, one state has chosen to protect these investigators as they expose the truth. Thank Iowa for prioritizing animal, consumer, and worker welfare over the greed of large, abusive corporations.

Woman who Shot and Skinned Husky Puppy While Claiming to Hunt Wolves Must be Punished

A woman apparently hunted and skinned a husky puppy and claimed she thought it was a wolf. Demand an end to wolf hunting and punishment for this disgusting act.

Stop Reportedly Gassing Chinchillas to Death for High Fashion

Chinchillas are reportedly subjected to horrific conditions for the purpose of farming their fur. These poor, sensitive animals are apparently forced to live in unlit, filthy cages, while females are repeatedly bred to sustain the demand. Then they are seemingly killed by having their necks broken or are gassed in pressure cookers. Demand Romania ban fur farms countrywide.

Stop Poisoning Waterways and Worsening Climate Change for Cheap Clothes

Fast-fashion is responsible for dumping tens of thousands of tons of toxic dyes into international waterways and the release of significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Demand stricter regulations to reduce the environmental impact of mass manufacturing methods.

Declare Climate Crisis Threat to Global Public Health

Deadly diseases and dangerous chronic illnesses have skyrocketed as the planet warms and the quality of the precious resources that sustain life degrades. Demand global health leaders sound an urgent alarm on the looming menace of the climate crisis.

Cut Credit Card Fees That Overburden Consumers

Consumers could save hundreds of dollars a year if changes to the credit card fee system come to pass. Demand lawmakers side with Americans over powerful and greedy conglomerates.

Protect Humans and Pets From Domestic Abusers

Domestic abusers often target their partner’s pets for further abuse. Demand protection for both human and animal victims of domestic abuse.

Demand Mental Treatment for Kids Who Abuse Animals

Buddy the dog was found with an extension cord tied around his neck and covered in burns from having been set on fire. A 12-year-old child was reportedly responsible for this cruel act, but couldn’t be charged with a crime or evaluated due to their age. Demand all children who commit acts of violence towards animals receive psychological treatment to protect other animals and people.

Don’t Endanger Livestock Animals and Plant Workers With Unsafe Slaughter Practices

High-speed slaughter systems pose serious threats to farm animal welfare, as well as consumers and workers. Faster line speeds make it difficult to abide by humane treatment, stunning, and handling regulations, subjecting animals to greater risks of abuse. Demand the U.S. prioritize the safety of frontline workers, consumers, and animals over the greed of large meatpacking corporations.

Justice for Animals Reportedly Dismembered, Flayed, Burned, and Drowned

A 20-year-old man allegedly waged a four-year campaign of cruelty against defenseless animals. This suspect’s reported crimes include drownings, burnings, and stabbings caught on video. Demand real and consequential punishment if the accused is deemed guilty.

Justice for 300+ Dogs Reportedly Rescued From Largest Dogfighting Ring in State History

More than 300 dogs were reportedly rescued from the largest dogfighting ring in South Carolina history. Demand justice for these terribly abused dogs.

Stop Allowing the Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs

Puppy mills abusively churn out unhealthy dogs like an assembly line, and shockingly they are still legal. We must act now to stop puppy mills.

Stop Supporting Deadly Hurricanes Through Climate Inaction

A major hurricane is once again threatening lives and livelihoods. Leaders of the state in the most imminent danger are doing nothing to rectify the root causes of these dangerous disasters. Urge real and immediate action on climate change.

Stop Restricting Use of Public Beaches

Maine’s coastline is a beautiful resource that should be accessible to all residents. However, the state has closed off many of its public areas, negatively affecting both tourism and local morale. Support access to public beaches.

Stop Abusing Circus Animals With Electric Prods and Metal Hooks for Entertainment

Circus animals are regularly beaten with electric prods and sharp metal hooks to teach them to perform for humans. Demand an end to this disgusting abuse.

Success: Animals Will Be Protected From Natural Disasters

During natural disasters, animals are typically abandoned to face the harsh elements alone. In the wake of increasingly frequent weather events, certain animal care facilities are now required to develop escape plans for their animals. Thank Congress for saving the lives of thousands of innocent animals and for protecting them from the effects of climate change.

Prevent the Spread of Brain-Eating Amoebas Caused by Global Warming

A young child in Nebraska died from a brain-eating amoeba after swimming in a lake. More deaths may follow, as warming climates are believed to be spreading this affliction. Demand the government prevent an outbreak of these dangerous amoebas and do more to address global warming.

Stop Destroying Indigenous Land With Environmentally Toxic Pipeline

A natural gas pipeline has threatened Indigenous territories and an abundant array of aquatic animals. The company in charge of this operation has reportedly polluted waterways with no remorse. Demand they be held accountable and that they work towards reducing their environmental impact.

Starbucks: Save Millions of Trees by Using Recyclable Cups

Starbucks uses 8,000 single-use paper coffee cups every minute, most of which end up in landfills due to their plastic coating. Demand Starbucks stop fueling the destruction of our natural environment.

End Putin’s Reign of Violence With Improved Global Peacekeeping Strategies

The United Nations is failing in its duty to maintain stability and peace in the world. A broken system is enabling countries to neutralize and abuse this global organization’s security branch. Demand reforms that will balance the scales of international justice.

Keep Potential Anorexia and Bulimia Inducers Out of Kids’ Hands

Weight loss supplements are fueling the fire of the eating disorder epidemic amongst teens. Demand lawmakers take action to curb the sale of these possibly dangerous substances.

Combat the Scourge of Litter and Plastic Waste

Bottle litter plagues the landscapes and waterways of Virginia. Support a container deposit system to curb plastic waste and protect natural ecosystems.

Stop Torturing, Asphyxiating and Decapitating Animals for Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic testing can include injecting animals with toxins, dripping chemicals into their eyes, force-feeding them dangerous substances, and eventually condemning the animals to a brutal death. We must put an end to these barbaric practices.

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