The police officers responsible for the death of an unarmed, nonviolent Minneapolis man has been arrested and charged with murder. Congratulate the Hennepin County District Attorney for his response to this tragic event.
The federal government’s game of hide-and-seek with crucial Native American relief money is about to come to an end. Billions of dollars will soon reach some of the citizens hit hardest by COVID-19: tribal populations. Applaud the arrival of long-needed humanitarian and healthcare aid.
Two men who reportedly shot and killed a Georgia black man while he was jogging were recently charged with murder. This comes after months of nationwide protest from “I Run With Maud,” a movement started by the victim’s best friend. Thank the movement for all of their hard work bringing justice to Ahmaud Arbery.
Cameroon’s government has opened investigations into and admitted guilt in the massacre of civilians in its Northwest Region. This represents a significant change for what has been one of West Africa’s most repressive governments. Praise the decision to release this report and increase transparency.
The Department of Health and Human Services will no longer be allowed to share notes from minors’ confidential therapy sessions with ICE if a recently-introduced bill passes. This is an important step for children and young adults who have already suffered too much. Sign the petition to thank those who sought these protections.
Hundreds of inmates have been released from US prisons, which have been likened to “matchboxes” waiting to go up in flames with the coronavirus. This is a huge step forward in slowing the spread of the virus and winning justice for prisoners forced to risk infection in unsafe conditions. Commend the Connecticut Department of Corrections for releasing over 700 prisoners to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
A New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) worker has been granted the two weeks of paternity leave he was guaranteed following the stillbirth of his child. This is a compassionate about-face and a victory for workers everywhere. Congratulate the MTA on this gracious decision.
Instant divorce has been outlawed in India, extending protection to millions of Muslim women once subject to impoverishment and isolation at the hands of their husbands. An act of the Parliament of India has ended this practice and guaranteed rights and compensation for victims. Congratulate those responsible for successfully ending instant divorce.
Transgender children in South Dakota scored a major victory, as a proposal to take away their rights to medical treatment was thrown out. Health care is a human right that must be upheld for all. Praise those who took a stand for transgender and human rights.
Facebook has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Clearview AI, a facial recognition software company that uses social media to mine data and invade the privacy of internet users. This practice has reportedly been used to assist law enforcement and could pose harm to those who maintain their privacy for personal reasons. Praise Facebook for forbidding this invasive practice.
A Moroccan journalist renowned for exposing corruption has been released from jail, where he was being detained unjustly for criticizing a judge. Sign this petition to praise the compassion of the Moroccan official responsible.
Fewer kids will spend the holidays separated from their families after a prison-like detention center’s closure. While this is just one of many immigrant detention centers across the country, it is a victory for immigrant rights and a step in the right direction. Applaud the decision that spared thousands of children the trauma and indignity of living like criminals.
Roo, a free chatbot program developed by Planned Parenthood, has provided sex education to teens and young adults who have nowhere else to turn. With abstinence-only programs taking funding precedence over comprehensive sex education, this accessible alternative could save lives. Thank those who are providing education and comfort to this vulnerable population.
The remains of three Native American children were returned to their tribe after over 300 years. The children were part of a larger group who were kidnapped and forced into a boarding school, where their culture and values were to be erased. Thank those involved in bringing these children home.
The mayor of Dearborn, Michigan announced that his city would no longer be co-operating with ICE, a huge victory for the fight against the horrible organization destroying families in the U.S. Additionally, more than 1,000 church congregations are now offering sanctuary to migrant families facing deportation. The tide is turning against ICE. Praise this success and thank those who are fighting to keep families together.
Undocumented immigrant and transgender students will have easier access to financial aid in Illinois. Sign this petition to thank those who have advocated this crucial cause.
Assault and murder will no longer be justified by a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity in Connecticut. The “gay or transgender panic” defense has been declared inadmissible in court. Show your support for the LGBTQ+ community and applaud the move against homophobia and transphobia.
Nicki Minaj cancelled her concert in Saudi Arabia after pressure from human rights activists. This is a big victory and sets a precedent for other performing artists when they consider the venues that they play. Thank Nicki Manaj for her commitment to human rights.
YouTube is removing and banning all hateful content from its website, heeding consumer concerns about videos denying atrocities such as the Holocaust or issuing violent threats to certain groups. The site has been criticized in the past for turning a blind eye to such things, but now those who court controversy or seek to harm others will be denied such a voice. Thank the platform for taking user safety into consideration and banning hateful content.
An attempt to control women’s bodies has been eradicated in a bold move to protect the right to abortion. While this does not undo the creation and approval of these oppressive tactics, it is a step in the right direction and will hopefully lead to the repeal of further attacks. Thank those who fought this attack on reproductive freedom.
Steven Anderson has been prohibited from sharing his anti-LGBTQ+ views in Ireland after they successfully banned him from entering their country. The pastor has been prohibited from entering 29 other European countries as well. Praise the country’s fight against discrimination.
YouTube has removed thousands of video copies of the New Zealand massacre, as well as the shooter’s manifesto and warning. The rate at which the video spread throughout social media was alarming, horrifying thousands of users and leading to demands for all platforms to remove the videos; the call has finally been answered. Thank YouTube for listening to the demands of the public.
Two big banks have announced plans to withdraw their funding of private immigrant detention centers. This is a massive step in the fight against migrant discrimination and the private prison industry. Praise these funders for their commitment to human rights.
The Trump administration has been ordered to reunite thousands of children with the guardians they were forcibly separated from at the Mexican border. The racist and xenophobic policy was ended some time ago, but until now it did not include mending the families it had broken. Sign this petition to thank those who fought against this hateful policy.
In the war against women’s reproductive rights, ant-choice forces lost another battle. Applaud the defeat of an effort to criminalize abortions performed after six weeks.