Human Rights

Success: Applaud Historic Vote That Protects Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage will be protected in the state of Nevada, regardless of what the conservative U.S. Supreme Court may one day rule. Thank the state’s activists for relentlessly working toward this goal.

Success: Cease-Fire Signed in Casualty-Heavy Border Conflict

An urgent armed conflict that may have claimed thousands of lives is finally drawing to a close. Support the cease-fire that could mark a new beginning for the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan,

Success: NFL Supports Players’ Rights to Free Speech

The National Football League has successfully reversed its archaic policy punishing players for taking a knee against racial injustice. They are no longer penalizing athletes for kneeling during the national anthem and are in fact supporting this peaceful protest and other appeals for racial equality. Applaud this win for free speech and grassroots activism.

Success: California to Allow Nonviolent Offenders to Become Firefighters

Nonviolent offenders who valiantly fought wildfires will now be able to get training to become professional firefighters when they are released. Thank California lawmakers for pushing for this legislation to bolster the firefighting force and rehabilitate people who have been in prison.

Success: Settlement Reached for the Family of Breonna Taylor

The Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky agreed to pay the family of Breonna Taylor a $12 million settlement and institute changes within the police force. Sign below to thank Mayor Fisher for taking positive steps toward bringing justice to Breonna Taylor.

Success: Pathway Paved for Pot Legalization

Criminalizing marijuana has caused more harm than it ever accomplished for the good. Non-violent offenders have sat in jail for years, sometimes decades, and countless individuals have suffered in pain without this medically beneficial recourse. Applaud promising strides made in ending this senseless misfire within the justice system.

A slave, showing scars from recent whipping

Success: Community-Focused Slavery Reparations Secure Decisive Victory

African American families who have endured generations of inequality will now stand a better-than-ever chance of realizing their dreams and ambitions due to one city’s investment in boosting minority businesses, career and educational opportunities, and home ownership. Applaud this novel approach to slavery reparations.

Success: Ancestral Lands Returned to Native American Tribe

Thousands of acres of Native American ancestral lands will be returned to their first inhabitants in California. This should be celebrated. Applaud the reversal of this long-ago wrong and needed victory during a time of such deep racial, ethnic, and cultural divides.

Success: Federal Troops Leave Portland

Violent federal forces were removed from Portland, with conditions. While the fight to protect free speech is not over yet, it’s a victory for the safety of protesters in Portland. Thank Oregon lawmakers for pushing to remove federal forces, and encourage them to continue to protect protesters.

Success: International Students Avoid Deportation During Pandemic

International students will be granted visas even if their classes are online, thanks to the efforts of Harvard and MIT lawyers. This decision blocks a recent policy that would deport international students who can no longer attend in-person classes due to the pandemic. Thank those responsible for this remarkable human rights victory.

Success: Abortion Pill to Be Mailed During COVID-19 Pandemic

Women will no longer have to expose themselves to COVID-19 in order to obtain an abortion. Healthcare providers can now mail or deliver abortion-inducing medications to patients at home. Thank those who fought for this reproductive health victory.

Success: Georgia Passes Hate Crime Bill After the Killing of Ahmaud Arbery

In the wake of the murder of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery, Georgia has finally passed a long-delayed hate crimes bill. Thank the governor for signing this important law.

Success: Migrant Children to Be Released From Family Detention Centers

Migrant children who are confined in US detention centers will soon be freed, thanks to the hard work of immigration advocates. This is an important development for human rights and public health in the wake of the devastating coronavirus pandemic. Thank those who fought to free these children.

Success: Restrictive Anti-Abortion Law Struck Down

A restrictive anti-abortion law was recently overturned. This law would have made women’s access to a safe abortion very difficult. Thank activist organization Pro-Choice America for their tireless work fighting for women’s right to their bodies.

Success: Amazon Puts Brakes on Use of Racial Profiling Facial Recognition

Amazon just helped ensure its facial recognition technology is not weaponized for racial profiling and wrongful imprisonment. The influential company will ban use of its often inaccurate tech by law enforcement in most cases. Thank business leaders for this step in the right direction.

Success: Racist Confederate Flag Removed and Retired

The Mississippi state flag, which displays the Confederate symbol, will be removed and retired. This is a huge achievement for the thousands of protesters nationwide who have been fighting to dismantle systemic racism. Applaud Mississippi’s governor for supporting the removal of the state flag.

DACA rally - Pax Ahimsa Gethen

Success: Supreme Court Stops Trump From Deporting “Dreamers”

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Trump’s administration cannot deport young immigrants who are protected by the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is a huge victory for immigrant rights group and activists who have fought Trump’s racist attacks on undocumented families. Commend the Supreme Court for this historic decision.

Success: LGBT Workers Legally Protected From Discrimination

LGBT workers will finally be treated with respect, and employers will not be allowed to fire people or deny them employment based on their sexuality or gender orientation. This decision came down from the Supreme Court and was suggested by House Democrats. Thank Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats for making this possible.

Success: New York Police Department to Disband Violent Anti-Crime Unit

A New York police unit known for its involvement in fatal shootings is being dismantled. This comes after weeks of nationwide protests in the United States calling for defunding the notoriously brutal police force. Applaud the New York City police commissioner for disbanding this unit and working to properly address police brutality.

BLM protest NYC - Anthony Quintano

Success: Louisville Bans No-Knock Warrants That Led to Breonna Taylor’s Death

Louisville, Kentucky has banned the use of no-knock warrants like the one that led to Breonna Taylor being shot by police in her own home. Thank the city council for passing Breonna’s Law and ensuring that no one has to die this way at the hands of police again.

Success: United Nations Calls for Worldwide Ban on Conversion Therapy

The United Nations has recommended a worldwide ban on conversion therapy. Their recent report determined that the scientifically discredited practice of forcing a subject to change their sexual orientation or identity “may amount to torture.” Thank those who took this stand for gay rights.

Success: Racist Confederate Statue Ordered to be Removed

A monument to racism and treason may soon fall in Virginia. The removal of the divisive Robert E. Lee statue, site of many protests against racial injustice, has been ordered by Governor Ralph Northam. Applaud the potential end of this endorsement of America at its worst.

Success: Officers Who Shoved Protester to the Ground Charged

Two officers who reportedly shoved a 75-year-old peaceful protester to the ground were charged with felony assault, thanks to a decision made by district attorney John J. Flynn. Applaud Mr. Flynn for holding police accountable and bringing justice to the man who was reportedly shoved to the ground.

Success: Minneapolis Police Department to be Disbanded

The Minneapolis City Council voted to dismantle their police force which was responsible for the death of George Floyd. This comes after tireless protesting and organizing by Black Visions Collective, the Black Lives Matter movement and thousands of Americans nationwide. Applaud Black Visions Collective for protecting the black community from police brutality and working to dismantle the police department.

Success: Police Department Responsible for Deaths of Breonna Taylor and David McAtee Under Investigation

Two African Americans, Breonna Taylor and David McAtee, died by deadly police force in Louisville in separate incidents. Their controversial killings and the police department responsible for both are now being investigated at the local and federal level. Applaud these needed steps in accountability and ultimate justice.

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