New rules regulating methane emissions from the oil and gas industry have been announced. Help us applaud the move and call for further regulations to ensure we avoid catastrophic climate change.
Logging has been completely banned in Myanmar. Praise the Myanmar government for protecting natural resources and wildlife.
The endangered Kakapo parrot’s numbers have increased 30 percent this year under the supervision of the New Zealand Department of Conservation. Applaud this increase in the Kakapo population as a win for animal conservation.
San Francisco is launching a program that will reduce residents’ personal carbon footprint and will reduce the city’s greenhouse gas emissions by providing renewable energy options. Praise this move toward making the city greener.
The Mexican gray wolf will now be saved from extinction, thanks to a lawsuit requiring the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a plan. Applaud this win for animal conservation.
South Africa has decided not to propose an end to the ban on the international rhino horn trade, a move that would have left rhinos even more vulnerable to poachers. Sign this petition to applaud the country’s decision to maintain the ban, and urge further action to protect the rhino from extinction.
Garden-care giant Ortho brand will eliminate all bee-killing pesticides from its products by next year. Thank the company for making a decision that will protect critical bee populations.
The New York City Council could ban fracking byproducts in city limits. The bill will amend legislation in New York to ban the use, sale, distribution and disposal of any and all fracking waste in the city. Applaud the introduction of this bill to protect the health and environment from this dangerous practice.
After extracting California’s limited water under a permit that expired 28 years ago, Nestle’s water bottled water division will be reviewed. Praise the U.S. Forest Service for taking this first step in bringing justice against Nestle.
Offshore oil drilling will be banned off the Atlantic coast, protecting miles of ocean habitat from harm. Praise Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell for supporting this decision and doing what is best for the environment.
The Obama administration has announced that it will withdraw plans to drill for oil and gas in the Atlantic Ocean. The decision comes after years of anxiety over whether Big Oil would be allowed to exploit our Eastern coastline for corporate profit. Show your support by applauding the decision.
Hundreds of dead or dying sea lions have been washing ashore due to starvation. Chile has recently implemented new laws that restrict overfishing practices in its oceans. Sign this petition to thank the government of Chile for protecting the delicate balance of marine life.
Massive amounts of Arctic land, including polar bear habitat, will remain protected from oil and gas development thanks to a responsible court decision. Thank the court for saving polar bears and fragile habitat from harmful fossil fuel activities.
An important wildlife crime unit has been saved from closure by government funding that will support its actions for at least four years. Sign this petition to thank the U.K. government for agreeing to fund this valuable police unit and urge them to continue taking steps to fight wildlife crime.
Iceland’s only whaling company just announced that they will not be hunting endangered fin whales this summer. Sign this petition to thank the company for cancelling this season’s hunt and urge them to continue taking steps to protect endangered whales.
Florida panthers are remaining on the endangered species list, despite some people arguing that they should lose much needed protections. Applaud efforts to keep these animals on the endangered species list in order to protect this suffering species.
Countries like India are choking on trash, but recycling programs can clean up the environment while providing good jobs. Support community recycling efforts.
President Obama has saved 1.8 million acres of California desert. His declaration of three new national monuments has ensured the safety of a sensitive ecosystem. Applaud the President for conserving an important and beautiful American landscape.
Coastal martens are now protected as candidates for the California Endangered Species Act. Help us thank the California Fish and Wildlife Department for taking action to save this species from extinction.
The Washington State Parks Department has dropped plans for a privately owned RV park that would have harmed local wildlife by driving them away from planned animal highway bridges. Applaud the director for choosing to keep animals safe.
Oil baron David Koch has left the board of a natural history museum. As a hugely influential climate denier, he posed a threat to all the evidence of climate change that a natural history museum provides. Applaud the activists who pressured him to step down.
After a hazardous gas leak forced residents from their homes, new legislation will make sure the gas company is held responsible. Let’s show the California Senate we support having the polluters pay for damages, not the people.
The Jersey shore is taking action to prepare for the rapidly rising sea levels caused by global warming. Applaud their decision to better prepare New Jerseyans for the environmental changes to come.
Disastrous floods, droughts, and extreme weather caused by climate change will hit many of the world’s poorest people the hardest. Support giving crucial climate aid to the communities who need it most.
Logging, uranium mining, and other dirty industrial projects threaten waterways that flow into the Grand Canyon. Protect this precious area from pollution before it’s too late.