I am a freelance writer living in Tennessee who has a deep passion for animal welfare, environmental, and other progressive causes.
The lives of thousands of people hang in the balance in the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol. They are trapped, starving, desperate, and the targets of possible genocide. Demand international leaders ramp up efforts to save these innocents from annihilation.
Over 100 former students and employees of a high school have developed brain tumors or cancers. As the search for answers continues, urge public health officials to protect current attendees of the school.
Death by assault, kidnapping, blackmail, and slavery: these grave abuses allegedly unfolded over years on Georgia’s onion farms. Guest migrant workers desperate for a better life were the apparent victims of mass exploitation. Demand authorities protect these vulnerable humans.
A pair of defenseless dolphins died in two unrelated acts of animal cruelty. A stranded dolphin took her last breaths as bystanders tried to ride her like a horse, while a nursing mother dolphin was impaled by a spear while begging for food. Demand the most severe punishment for all responsible parties.
Protesters interrupted two basketball games to shine a spotlight on a controversial team owner whose egg farm has been accused of horrendous animal cruelty. If the allegations are true, five million chickens may have been intentionally suffocated to death. Demand justice in this troubling case.
Deforestation is devastating the Amazon when a beneficial alternative exists. Demand investment in insect proteins as an environmentally friendly alternative to soya grown by destroying rainforests.
A supply chain that delivers food and other valuables is being intentionally disrupted by a governor’s politically motivated dictate on immigration. Politics is once again playing havoc with the lives and livelihoods of already-burdened American consumers. Call for an end to the insanity.
The tires on automobiles could be killing fish and other wildlife on a massive scale. Demand federal investment in tools to combat these environmental threats.
Ukrainian farm workers are reportedly being underpaid, overworked, and separated from their families in the United Kingdom. Demand better legal protections and employment options for these war-time refugees.
A cat and a guinea pig both died from apparent acts of animal cruelty. These victims’ lives were then demeaned even further when they were disposed of in trash bags. Demand the perpetrator of these horrific crimes be held fully accountable when identified.
Tsunamis are an under-recognized but deadly threat to coastal communities near and far. Demand more expansive funding for the technologies and warning systems that could stop these disasters from becoming insurmountable crises and tragedies.
Dogs and cats at risk of inhumane experimentation have been granted legal protection in Virginia. Applaud a welcome win for animal welfare.
The supposed defenders of personal liberty and small government are once again trying to assert their control over their constituents’ bodies. Demand Oklahoma’s governor veto a proposed near-total ban on abortion.
An unidentified man was reportedly caught on video beating his dog at a gas station. Help secure justice for this innocent animal.
Seals are being attacked by salmon farmers with explosives, darts, and lead shot. Demand the government stop the attacks on seals by greedy and inhumane farmers.
Tonga’s volcano eruption has endangered food supplies and put the well-being of every citizen at risk. Demand the country’s leadership stop refusing essential aid.
After a century and more, lynching has finally been recognized as a federal hate crime. Applaud the decisive condemnation of these horrific murders and the pursuit of justice for victims taken by prejudice-fueled violence.
The food millions of people eat contains dangerous amounts of disease-causing chemicals. Demand action against this hidden threat to our health.
One of the Senate’s most influential members is once again derailing critical climate action with misleading, ill-informed rhetoric. Urge Senator Joe Manchin to cut his ties with fossil fuel special interests for good.
A teenager lost his life after falling from an amusement park ride, and safety violations could have possibly played a role in the tragedy. Demand accountability in this incident and similar cases where recreation turns deadly.
The European Union is helping pay for the continued slaughter of roughly 250,000 bulls annually. Urge them to cease subsidies of bull-breeding farms immediately.
YouTube has become the last man standing in Russia’s war on media and truth. Demand the influential platform resist calls to sever its availability to the Russian people.
The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was intimately involved in attempts to overthrow the 2020 election. Demand that Justice Thomas recuse himself from hearing cases relating to the insurrection that his wife supported.
A promising tool in the fight against climate change, habitat loss, deforestation, and much more could soon be decommissioned and destroyed. Demand NASA halt its plans to throw away this invaluable environmental aid.
Animals are being cooked and suffocated to death on America’s farms, and these heinous killings are justified as euthanasia. Urge an end to legal torture in the agriculture industry.