Articles written by: Barney Mitchell

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Once an activist, always an activist. If I'm not organizing, you'll find me at home with my dog, a lab-rot mix.

Reports of Puppies Dead From Parvo, Bearded Dragon With Mold, and Feces Covered Rooms Demands Action

Dead puppies, a moldy reptile, and feces covered rooms, are just some of the abuses found inside a home, according to police. Demand authorities seek the maximum penalty in this case.

7 Dogs Found Reportedly Living in Feces and Flea Infested Home Deserve Justice

Seven dogs were reportedly found living in a house filled with feces, fleas, and filth. Demand authorities seek justice for these animals.

Justice for K-9 Apparently Punched 3 Times and Flung in Air by Police Officer

A police officer was apparently caught on video punching and flinging his service dog in the air. Demand this cop face justice.

Animals Apparently Raped and Forced to Eat Each Other in Feces-Filled School Bus Deserve Justice

Dozens of animals were reportedly imprisoned in a feces-filled school bus, where they were forced to eat each other and have sex with their captor. Demand the person accused of this extreme abuse face the most severe punishment.

10 Dogs Apparently Forced Into Overheated Trailer Without Water Deserve Justice

A woman was accused of confining 10 dogs in an overheated trailer with no water. Demand authorities seek serious legal penalties against this woman.

Punish Person Responsible for Decomposed Dog Found Sealed in Carrier and Weighted Down in River

A decomposed dog was found sealed in a carrier and weighted down in the river. Demand swift and severe legal punishment for this horrific act.

Dogs Dead After Reportedly Choking on Vomit and Receiving Blunt-Force Trauma to Head Deserve Justice

A dog trainer reportedly caused the deaths of three dogs through abuse and neglect. Demand severe legal punishment for the accused.

Demand Justice for Dog Reportedly Hanged and Punched

A man reportedly hanged, punched, and slammed a bicycle on his dog. Demand a severe legal punishment for this individual.

Dog Apparently Executed by Police Inside a Private Home Deserves Justice

Cops broke into a home and executed the residents’ dog, according to reports. Demand justice for this innocent victim.

Bulls Apparently Shocked in Face With Cattle Prod at Illegal Rodeo Deserve Justice

Bulls were reportedly shocked in the face with an electric cattle prod at an unlicensed rodeo. Demand the people accused of this cruelty are swiftly prosecuted.

Heroic K9 Sacrifices Life in Line of Duty: Demand Justice in Tragic Armed Robbery Case

A police dog named Kenzo lost his life when attempting to apprehend armed robbery suspects. One of the suspects apparently stabbed Kenzo to death during the chase. Demand justice for Kenzo.

Abandoned Dogs With Bones Showing and Wounds From Snouts Bound Shut Deserve Justice

Four dogs found wandering the streets were so malnourished and dehydrated that their spine and ribs were showing. Their snouts had wounds from being bound shut, they had head wounds, and appeared to have recently given birth. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.

5 Horses Shot and Killed, Along With 3 Injured, Deserve Justice

Shots rang out from the stable, but by the time the owners arrived, five horses lay dead and three more lay injured from gun shot wounds. Demand justice for these horses.

Dogs With Dental Disease, Hernias, Tumors, Eye Infections and Parasites Deserve Justice

Dozens of dogs were apparently found living in “feces-filled crates,” in a raccoon trap, and chained to the yard. The animals reportedly had dental disease, hernias, tumors, skin inflammation, eye infections, and parasites. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.

Bloodied Dog Used For ‘Bait’ in Fights and Found Wandering the Streets Deserves Justice

A bloodied dog named Atlas was found wandering the streets. His face was gashed, bruised, and bleeding. His eyes were nearly swollen shut. Demand justice for Atlas.

Man Accused of Beating 4-Month-Old Puppy Must be Punished

A puppy has been apparently severely beaten by his owner. The puppy, a 4-month-old Siberian Husky had been reportedly abused for so long that X-rays showed numerous prior injuries, as well. Demand justice for this puppy dog.

Dozens of Reportedly Dead, Injured, Freezing and Starved Farm Animals Deserve Justice

Kids in a school bus driving past a farm apparently noticed “multiple deceased and decaying animals.” When this was reported to authorities, police investigated and apparently discovered a horrific scene of abuse and neglect. Demand justice for these animals.

Punish Woman Reportedly Caught on Video Flicking Parrot in Beak and Feeding it Saliva

A parrot is flicked in the beak and fed saliva in a sickening viral video. This assault would be particularly harmful for parrots, since their beaks are extremely sensitive. Additionally, parrot immune systems are dramatically different from humans, so exposing a parrot to human saliva can have deadly consequences. Demand punishment of the woman accused of this assault.

Cat Apparently Sexually Assaulted and Killed by Owner Deserves Justice

A cat was reportedly restrained, sexually assaulted, and then tortured to death by her owner. Demand prosecutors seek the maximum penalty in this case.

Punish Man Apparently Caught on Video Severely Beating Puppy

A video appears to show a man violently hitting a 9-month-old puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate. Demand the maximum punishment in this case.

Catch Cat Killer Who is Leaving Mutilated Body Parts Around City

A dead cat with its paws and head missing was found partially buried in a park. The animal’s guts were later found nearby. Previously, police had discovered a severed cat jaw in a school yard, tied to the playground bars with string. Demand authorities find and punish the person responsible.

Dog Beaten, Abandoned and Tethered to Dumpster With Neck Tie Deserves Justice

A bloody, severely abused dog named Joey was abandoned and tethered to a trash dumpster with a neck tie. Demand justice for Joey.

Punish Zoo Director Accused of Stealing Goats and Cooking Them For Holiday Party

Four pygmy goats were apparently stolen by a zoo director, cooked up, and served to his employees at a holiday party. Demand justice for these innocent zoo creatures.

13 Kittens, Cats and a Hawk Mutilated to Death Deserve Justice

Thirteen dead kittens, cats and a hawk were found in a trash bag. The animals had been mutilated. Demand authorities find the person responsible for this horrific abuse.

Abused Dog Abandoned in Snowy Parking Lot and Hit by Car Deserves Justice

Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car. Demand justice for this animal.

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