Target: Steve Sisolak, Governor of Nevada
Goal: Encourage increased voting rights for disenfranchised groups.
Voter suppression measures continue to crop up across the United States. Only reenfranchising human beings and securing their voting capabilities can reverse this dangerous trend. One state recently took action by providing individuals returning to society an important opportunity to begin rebuilding their lives via participation in the nation’s democratic process.
In a measure he deemed a step to “restore fairness and justice to thousands of Nevadans,” state governor Steve Sisolak put his signature to an expansive criminal justice reform bill that will—among other efforts—give 77,000 ex-felons their voting rights back. Once an individual leaves prison life and finishes any parole requirements, that individual will retain one of the most important yet underappreciated rights in American life.
Although the issue of giving convicted criminals voting rights can be controversial, this particular bill benefited from bipartisan support and had a relatively smooth path to the governor’s desk. The measure is part of an effort to address lingering criminal justice issues that disproportionately affect minorities. Further, the restoration of voting rights represents a critical show of support for individuals who have paid their debt to society and now want to contribute to their society in a more meaningful way.
Sign this petition to support a promising progression on the road to increased voter engagement and criminal justice reform.
Dear Governor Sisolak,
So many men and women throughout history have dedicated their lives to ensuring a human right we often take for granted: the privilege to have a say in a government of and for the people. Voter suppression does not just strike at the heart of true democracy. These reckless actions degrade the dignity and the equality of all human beings. Thank you for standing strongly on the side of adding, not subtracting, individuals from America’s democratic process.
Your signature will assure that as much as three percent of Nevada’s population regains the opportunity to vote and to participate in a fundamental way. Perhaps most importantly, the criminal justice reform bill as a whole represents a needed approach that focuses on reparation rather than retribution. Please continue pushing for the best in us, as manifest in our capacity to grow, to forgive, and to heal.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Dwight Burdette
Everyone with a true Godly desire to be good deserves a second chance, keeping in mind the old saying of: “Fool me once, shame on you,fool me twice, shame on me”