Post Tagged with: "national"

Success: Major Step Taken Towards Curing ALS

The Ice Bucket Challenge was once thought to be a joke and counterproductive to actual medical fundraising. As it turns out, it helped raise the money necessary to figure out the cause for ALS. Thank the team behind Project MinE for its work to figure out the gene responsible for ALS.

Success: Minor League Baseball President Urges End of Monkey Rodeos

The President of Minor League Baseball has spoken out against the use of monkeys and all other animals in MiLB’s events and promotions. Thank him for being a voice of compassion and reason.

Success: EPA to Set Airplane Emission Restrictions

The EPA finally took a step that legally requires them to restrict the amount of emissions allowed from airplanes after years of pressure from environmentalists. Thank them for moving forward and demand that they make the implementation of these rules a priority.

Success: House Passes Major Mental Health Reform Bill

Mental health care will receive a sorely-needed upgrade thanks to a new bill passed by the House. Applaud this progressive legislation for addressing a growing problem in America and providing assistance to thousands of mental health patients.

Success: Styrofoam Banned in Congressional Cafeteria

The House of Representatives has forbidden Styrofoam products in its cafeteria. Styrofoam is carcinogenic and produces toxic waste. Praise the elimination of this harmful product and tell them to continue fighting against it.

Success: Transgender Soldiers Now Allowed to Openly Serve

Thanks to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, transgender people are now allowed to serve openly in the U.S. Armed Forces. Sign this petition to thank him for taking this step toward transgender equality.

Tell Pepsico That Child Labor and Snack Foods Don’t Mix — Stop Child Labor

PepsiCo is profiting off the backs of laboring children and exploited workers for Conflict Palm Oil. This is also a driver of massive destruction of Indonesia’s rainforests — one of the most biodiverse places on Earth and home to orangutans and Sumatran tigers. PepsiCo must ensure workers’ rights are upheld, wildlife is protected and rainforests are kept standing.

Success: Live Animals No Longer Used for Medical Training

The last university in the U.S. to still use live animals for medical training has finally ended the practice. Now, countless animals will be spared from unnecessary pain and death. Sign this petition to thank the university for ending this practice.

Success: Volkswagen to Pay $14.7 Billion in Emissions Cheating Scandal

Volkswagen has agreed to pay more than $14 billion as punishment for an emissions cheating scandal that caused extensive environmental damage. Celebrate this encouraging step toward making amends for such blatant law-breaking.

Success: Net Neutrality Preserved

Net neutrality, the concept of an internet with equal accessibility for everyone, has been upheld in a landmark ruling. Praise this decision, which will preserve an open internet.

Success: Egg Industry to Phase Out Mass Killings of Male Chicks

A major egg production cooperative has vowed to stop the culling of male chicks, a cruel practice in which the young animals are ground up, gassed, or suffocated. Praise this move, which will set a precedent for egg producers all over the world.

Success: U.S. to Enact Near-Total Ivory Ban

A near-total ivory ban will soon be taking effect in the U.S. Sign this petition to applaud the completion of these new laws and thank the U.S. government for fighting against poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

Success: School Board Moves to Correct Racial Disparity in Education

A school district has moved to address minority education gaps and the teacher expectations that cause them. Applaud their efforts to make sure that every child succeeds.

Success: PetSmart Stops Supporting Abusive Animal Mill

Over 100 animal welfare violations were discovered at one of PetSmart’s suppliers. Thankfully, PetSmart decided to end its business relations with the horrific animal mill. Sign this petition and thank PetSmart for making the compassionate choice.

Success: Animal Advocacy Groups Sue for Orca’s Freedom

Advocacy groups are rallying to free an orca held captive for 45 years. The container used to hold her is too small to be legal. Applaud these groups’ efforts to return this suffering animal to the ocean.

Success: Obama Guarantees Overtime Pay To More Workers

Over 12 million workers will now be guaranteed overtime pay, thanks to a new rule crafted by the Obama administration. Sign this petition to thank the president for protecting workers’ rights.

Success: Families of 9/11 Victims Allowed to Sue Saudi Arabian Government

Families of those who died during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks now have the ability to sue the government that is allegedly responsible. Thank the legislators who passed this bill and bravely protected the public interest.

Success: Tighter Regulations for Oil and Gas Emissions Implemented

New rules regulating methane emissions from the oil and gas industry have been announced. Help us applaud the move and call for further regulations to ensure we avoid catastrophic climate change.

Success: Justice Department Says Bathroom Bill Violates Federal Law

The Justice Department has declared North Carolina’s bathroom bill in violation of federal law. Sign the petition to thank the Justice Department for standing up for the rights of gay and transgender people.

Success: LGBT Rights Protest Location Recognized as Historic Site

The site of an important gay rights protest has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. Its addition affirms the significance of our nation’s LGBT history. Thank the National Register of Historic Places and its chief, Paul Loether, for their decision to recognize the site.

Success: Mexican Gray Wolves to be Saved from Extinction

The Mexican gray wolf will now be saved from extinction, thanks to a lawsuit requiring the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a plan. Applaud this win for animal conservation.

Success: House Requires Warrants for E-mail Surveillance

Personal information and private data are now more secure thanks to the passing of legislation that requires authorities to obtain a warrant before accessing any sensitive electronic materials. Thank the U.S. House for passing this progressive and important bill.

Success: Harriet Tubman to Replace Andrew Jackson on $20 Bill

Harriet Tubman will be replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill in a significant victory for gender equality. Applaud the Treasury Department for removing a violent racist from America’s currency in favor of a courageous woman who freed thousands of slaves.

Success: Ortho Will Eliminate Bee-Killing Pesticides From Products

Garden-care giant Ortho brand will eliminate all bee-killing pesticides from its products by next year. Thank the company for making a decision that will protect critical bee populations.

Success: Final State Ban on Same-Sex Adoption Deemed Unconstitutional

Mississippi was the last state to have a ban on same-sex couples adopting children. A federal judge has struck down this law, deeming it an infringement of constitutional rights. Take time to applaud Judge Daniel P. Jordan III for upholding the constitutional rights of gay and lesbian couples in the U.S.

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