Press Secretary Spicer has apologized for his insensitive and false comment that Hitler did not use chemical weapons during the Holocaust. Support this apology as a first small step toward making things right.
A federal lawsuit demanding information about an anti-Trump Twitter account has been dropped. Applaud Twitter for protecting the privacy and free speech of its users.
White supremacist Steve Bannon has been removed from the National Security Council. Applaud the removal of this unfit adviser.
A home improvement project shouldn’t expose you or your family to dangerous chemicals. But right now you can walk into The Home Depot and buy paint strippers containing chemicals tied to more than 50 deaths nationwide and which are linked to liver and lung cancer. Urge Home Depot to stop selling products containing these deadly chemicals.
The web company Angie’s List has pulled ads from Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News talk show after multiple women accused the television commentator of sexual harassment. Thank the company for putting women’s rights and safety before their own financial bottom line.
Google has added a “fact-check” tag into its search results, a major step in the ongoing process of filtering out fake and misleading news and facts. Support this step and urge that this progress continue moving forward.
President Trump’s second attempt at a travel ban designed to limit the immigration of Muslims has been placed on hold indefinitely. Praise the judge that enforced this hold, which protects innocent immigrants and refugees against the institutionalization of bigotry.
A young immigrant man protected under an Obama-era program granting legal status to children born to illegal immigrants in the United States was freed after 46 days in a detention center. He was kept in jail despite no proven criminal background and a legal status to live in the United States. Praise the decision to release him until next immigration court hearing and get energized to fight for his stay in the country.
LGBT employees are protected from workplace discrimination under the Civil Rights Act after a ruling by a federal appeals court. Support this decision to preserve and respect human rights.
Massive cuts to the education and medical research budgets in favor of the construction of a border wall that Trump requested will not be included in the 2017 spending bill. Support this Congressional action, which is in the best interest of the country.
Paul Ryan and other House Republican leaders decided to pull their proposed health care bill. The replacement proposal would have increased the number of uninsured people and the price of premiums – besides dismantling life-saving health programs. Applaud the decision to pull this bad health care bill.
Uber dismissed the head of its engineering efforts for failing to disclose a sexual harassment claim from his previous job. The dismissal of a top engineer is a solid indication that the company is working to change the systematic problem of sexism and sexual harassment within the organization. Sign the petition to praise the company’s efforts toward a more equal and respectful workplace.
German police are investigating Volkswagen to determine who installed emissions manipulation devices after tens of thousands of VW vehicles were caught cheating on emissions tests, releasing 40 times the allowed amount of toxic emissions into the atmosphere. Support these steps to hold the responsible parties accountable.
Publishing company Simon & Schuster has dropped the controversial Milo Yianopoulos as a client after the editor was captured on video endorsing pedophilic relations between men and young teenage boys. Sign this petition to thank the company for refusing to publish this dangerous man’s work.
Felony rioting charges against four journalists arrested on Inauguration Day have been dropped. The indictment of journalists would be in serious contradiction to the foundations of United States democracy. Express your appreciation that the American Constitution has been held.
CEO Andrew Puzder has withdrawn from consideration for the position of labor secretary. He opposed minimum wage increases and ran restaurants accused of wage theft and systemic sexual abuse. Applaud the end to his nomination.
Trump’s Secretary of Labor nominee, who has a track record for being sexist, anti-choice and anti-labor, has withdrawn his nomination after much concern from citizens and from both Democrats and Republicans. Support this decision that is in line with the wants and needs of the country.
The United States Court of Appeals has officially blocked Donald Trump’s ban on Muslims entering the country. This is a great victory and much needed after the dark first weeks of Trump’s presidency. Sign this petition to thank the honorable judge who refused to allow such an act of xenophobia.
The rusty patched bumblebee has officially become the first bumblebee to be protected under the Endangered Species Act. This move could save the species from the brink of extinction, and is a major victory for pollinators. Sign our petition thanking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Transgender boys will now be accepted into the Boy Scouts of America, thanks to a change in a discriminatory policy. Applaud this win for trans rights.
A rule passed by the Obama administration boosts outdoor space for organic livestock, and bans the cruel practices of tail docking and beak clipping. Sign here to thank our former president for this great advancement.
Grizzly bears may soon be relocated to Washington to revitalize the state’s nearly extinct grizzly population. Currently, there are fewer than 10 grizzly bears in the state. Thank the National Park Service for working to bring grizzly bears back to one of their native territories.
Show horses will be protected from horse soring thanks to a new USDA rule. Horse soring is an extremely cruel practice where horses’ legs are mutilated and burned with caustic chemicals to give them a high-stepping gait. Sign this petition to thank the USDA for helping to end this painful process.
In one of his final acts in office, President Obama commuted Chelsea Manning’s sentence. Manning, who released classified documents exposing Army misconduct in Iraq and Afghanistan, will now be released in 2017, rather than 2048. Applaud this commutation.
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, which has become notorious for the ill-treatment of captive animals, will finally be ending. Praise this decision, which will end the suffering of hundreds of animals.