Giraffes now have one less obstacle in their fight against extinction, thanks to a bold move made at an international convention. Giraffes have been added to a protected list, banning their trade in all but extraordinary circumstances. Thank those involved in protecting this vulnerable species.
Wild otters in Asia have been devastated by the exotic pet market, but a new ban on the cruel trade in these persecuted animals could save them. Thank CITES for finally putting an end to the otter pet trade.
Cuba has drastically improved its fishing law to protect disappearing coral reefs. Reefs have been endangered for the past several years due to many factors, one of which is overfishing; these structures are vital to the survival and well-being of the ocean overall. Thank Cuba’s lawmakers for taking this important step to save these natural wonders.
The use of wild animals in traveling circuses will finally be banned across England. Show your support for animal welfare by thanking the UK Parliament for outlawing the cruel practice.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is meeting to tackle the growing problem of wildlife biodiversity loss. After many years of pollution, agriculture, industry, and hunting destroying many wildlife species and bringing others close to extinction, it is about time this important first step was taken to preserve wildlife and protect biodiversity. Thank CITES for taking this important step.
Saudi Arabian women can now travel freely without male accompaniment or permission. This is an important step forward for a country long-saddled with patriarchal and sexist attitudes. Praise this most recent advancement in women’s rights.
Thousands of species of Australian wildlife as well as many acres of woodland have been granted the legal protection they sorely need. Australia has a staggering record of extinctions and endangerment among many iconic and beloved species, and this bold action is a huge step in preventing more. Praise this important step in animal conservation.
The African elephant population is back on the rise, thanks to national and international conservation efforts. Programs empowering the African people and devaluing poaching have cut elephant deaths in half. Support these efforts and those who back them.
One of the world’s most polluted countries has announced plans to switch to wind energy. Using a highly powered battery, they intend to capture energy from over 200 turbines and harness it to phase out fossil fuels and reduce air pollution. Support this commitment to renewable energy sources.
YouTube is removing and banning all hateful content from its website, heeding consumer concerns about videos denying atrocities such as the Holocaust or issuing violent threats to certain groups. The site has been criticized in the past for turning a blind eye to such things, but now those who court controversy or seek to harm others will be denied such a voice. Thank the platform for taking user safety into consideration and banning hateful content.
Thirty-seven seal pups were saved from unfathomable brutality and inhumane exploitation at the hands of eight accused animal traffickers. They happily returned to their homelands following rehabilitation. Celebrate this success and thank those who fought so valiantly to free these pups.
The near-extinct corroboree frog population may soon be restored, thanks to a bold conservation project. Thousands of corroboree eggs will be chilled and released into safe, disease-free conditions. Thank the Melbourne Zoo for this important step in preserving these amphibians.
Steven Anderson has been prohibited from sharing his anti-LGBTQ+ views in Ireland after they successfully banned him from entering their country. The pastor has been prohibited from entering 29 other European countries as well. Praise the country’s fight against discrimination.
Endangered Insects could be brought back from the brink of extinction, thanks to three dogs and a group of dedicated researchers. The dogs were successfully trained to detect the insects in their natural habitat, garnering data that could effectively save the species. Support this important step towards conservation success.
Often called the “World’s Tallest Trash Heap,” Mt. Everest suffers every year from excessive hiking pollution. This spring, Nepal’s government sent a team of 14 to clean it up. Hauling out three tons of waste (and counting) is no small feat; let them know we value their efforts.
Fracking tsar Natascha Engle has resigned after six months, thanks to the continued protest of fracking by environmental groups and the general public. It is hoped that her resignation will be a major step in the complete shutdown of the fracking industry. Thank the Extinction Rebellion environmental group for their protests, which led to Engle’s resignation.
Nearly 100 whales will be freed from a “whale jail” in Russia, thanks to demands from the Kremlin. The whales were slated to be sold to aquariums or Chinese buyers after having been illegally captured and kept in deplorable conditions. Thank the Kremlin for stepping in to save these creatures.
The state of Bavaria is becoming more bee-friendly, after a circulated petition gained nearly two million signatures. Europe’s bee populations have been declining rapidly over the last few years due to overuse of pesticides and the disappearance of flowering meadows, problems that will soon be addressed. Thank Bavaria for taking a big step in bee preservation.
Adidas is continuing to be a role model in eco-friendly manufacturing. Most recently, they have pledged to reduce their CO2 emissions, eliminated plastic bags in their retail stores, and made plans to utilize recycled polyester. Praise their dedication to a healthier planet.
The EU will officially ban the use of the fungicide chlorothalonil, the most used pesticide in the United Kingdom. The chemical has been linked to various forms of pollution and may be responsible for the decline in the world’s bee population. Praise this important step in cleaning up the UK’s pollution problem.
YouTube has removed thousands of video copies of the New Zealand massacre, as well as the shooter’s manifesto and warning. The rate at which the video spread throughout social media was alarming, horrifying thousands of users and leading to demands for all platforms to remove the videos; the call has finally been answered. Thank YouTube for listening to the demands of the public.
One government is taking immediate action against deforestation and illegal mining in the Amazon. Thank them for their efforts and demand other governments follow their lead.
Harmful chemical pesticides could be a problem of the past, thanks to a recent scientific development. Researchers have discovered a mutant bacteria capable of protecting plants without harming humans, animals, and the environment. Praise those who are making this progress possible.
Lancashire’s unspoiled natural areas are safe from a big energy firm’s fracking plans, thanks to the government rejecting the firm’s bid to open four new wells. Lancashire had previously suffered from earthquakes and tremors due to fracking, and the practice, as a whole, is one of the most dangerous ways of obtaining energy. Sign this petition to thank Lancashire’s government for putting a stop to fracking.
Children and young adults will now have access to a clinical psychologist in a groundbreaking move to combat mental illness. Several of England’s schools and community colleges are recruiting full time psychologists with funding provided by the NHS. Applaud this important and life-saving initiative.