
Applaud Jail Program That Operates Special Animal Farm

A detention center farm and animal rescue program allows inmates to contribute to their community, feel pride in their work, and have a better chance of leading successful lives after serving their sentences. Applaud Stock Island Detention Center for doubling as an animal farm and rehabilitation program for inmates.

Success: Greece Accepts Incoming Syrian Refugees

The Greek government has agreed to set up reception centers to host 50,000 refugees and migrants. Sign this petition to applaud the government’s efforts in accepting more refugees and keeping them safe.

Success: New Breakthrough in Cancer Research

A group of doctors has discovered a possible cure for cancer. They have found that they can use a person’s own immune system to kill off cancerous cells at their core and stop them spreading throughout the body. Sign this petition to applaud the efforts of the team.

Success: New Law Prevents Overfishing

Hundreds of dead or dying sea lions have been washing ashore due to starvation. Chile has recently implemented new laws that restrict overfishing practices in its oceans. Sign this petition to thank the government of Chile for protecting the delicate balance of marine life.

Success: Gaza Zoo Selling All Remaining Animals to Save Them

Fifteen starving and at-risk animals will be rescued from a zoo in a war-torn area. Show your support for sending these animals to new homes, and help raise awareness about the need to find them new caretakers.

Success: Officer Who Arrested Woman Who Died in Police Custody Fired

After an allegedly wrongfully arrested woman was found dead in her jail cell, there was outrage all over the country. ForceChange demanded justice for her death, and the first steps have finally been introduced. The arresting officer has been fired and indicted for perjury.

Success: Protections Upheld for Polar Bears

Massive amounts of Arctic land, including polar bear habitat, will remain protected from oil and gas development thanks to a responsible court decision. Thank the court for saving polar bears and fragile habitat from harmful fossil fuel activities.

Success: Sale of Commercially Bred Animals Banned in Local Pet Stores

The sale of animals sourced from puppy mills is now banned in a New York town. Thanks to previous legislation, this local government could enact this new law. Applaud the fact that this town had the power to ban commercially bred animals from their pet stores.

Success: Wildlife Crime Police Unit Receives Funding

An important wildlife crime unit has been saved from closure by government funding that will support its actions for at least four years. Sign this petition to thank the U.K. government for agreeing to fund this valuable police unit and urge them to continue taking steps to fight wildlife crime.

Help Children With Deadly Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease can cut young lives short, but with the right medical treatment children diagnosed with this dangerous illness can still thrive. Support giving sickle cell patients the help they need.

Help Kids Succeed in School

Education and early literacy can break the cycle of poverty, but too many children never get the support they need. Stand up for programs that help kids thrive in school.

Protect Social Security for Retirees

Millions of retirees rely on social security to make ends meet. Make the presidential candidates take a position on protecting social security, by asking how they would defend this important program at the next debate.

Promote Peace, Not War

Years spent waging failed wars have left us no safer than before, and created conditions that give rise to terrorist groups. Support real solutions to global conflict and an end to failed military policies.

Success: Zoo Held Accountable For Animal Abuse

A zoo was recently brought to justice for its horrific conditions and animal abuse. Praise the Animal Legal Defense Fund for bringing a lawsuit against Cricket Hollow Zoo.

Success: President Obama Bans Imported Products Made by Forced or Slave Labor

President Obama signed a law banning the importation of products made by slave or forced labor into the U.S. Applaud President Obama for taking a stand against forced labor and slave labor.

Success: Icelandic Whaling Company Cancels Hunt for Fin Whales

Iceland’s only whaling company just announced that they will not be hunting endangered fin whales this summer. Sign this petition to thank the company for cancelling this season’s hunt and urge them to continue taking steps to protect endangered whales.

Success: USDA Drops Deadly Plan to Speed Up Chicken Processing

A proposal to increase in the speed of chicken processing lines has been dropped, thanks to public outcry. Celebrate community action against this inhumane proposal and the USDA’s abandonment of it.

Success: Fashion Brand Stopped Using Angora Fur

Every three months, angora rabbits on fur farms have their fur plucked or sheared from their bodies in order to be used in clothing. Many retailers have decided to end the use of angora fur. Sign this letter and thank this international fashion brand for ending its use of angora fur.

Success: Florida Panther Remains on Endangered Species List

Florida panthers are remaining on the endangered species list, despite some people arguing that they should lose much needed protections. Applaud efforts to keep these animals on the endangered species list in order to protect this suffering species.

Success: Hundreds of Homes Will be Cleaned of Toxins

After years of waiting, nearly $200 million has been promised for the cleanup of lead contamination in a Los Angeles neighborhood. Thank California’s governor for expediting the cleanup of these toxins.


Success: FDA Will Start Testing for Dangerous Pesticide Residue

The Food and Drug Administration has decided to test foodstuffs for a potentially harmful chemical, glyphosate. Applaud this decision to protect the health and safety of Americans.

Defend Women’s Health and the Right to Choose

The right to choose a safe abortion is coming under attack nationwide. Fight back against politicians who want to control women’s choices about their own bodies and health.

Help Refugees Find Safe Homes

Refugees fleeing war and violence too often end up with no safe place where their families can take shelter. Support giving refugees a chance to find safe homes in a new country.

Help Create Jobs Through Recycling

Countries like India are choking on trash, but recycling programs can clean up the environment while providing good jobs. Support community recycling efforts.

Raise The Minimum Wage This Election Season

American workers deserve higher wages and better working conditions. Pledge to support workers’ rights and a $15 per hour minimum wage during this election cycle.

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